U.S threatens to veto U.N. anti rape resolution?

So if my wife, let's call her Ivanna to protect the innocent , was to make fun of my hair, and I was in a bad mood, would it be wrong to rip out clumps of her hair and then rape her?

Asking for a friend.
that would be considered a typical physical marital relationship in these parts, except the provocation for that violent reaction would occur if she drank the last mountain dew he was savin for the honey boo boo show.
so if your friends from the rural south...it's all good...perfectly acceptable & justifiable behavior.
I can only vote for a republican (in a primary) when I am registered as a republican. DUH!

Let me? I do what I f*cking want to.

Come visit me and I will gladly show you beautiful sights in the 500,000 acre forest behind my house!
Should something happen to you, like a heart attack, your body will never be found and the unregistered weapon, I may or may not have on me at the time won't be found either. Is that f*cking republican enough for you!!! Bra ha ha! (Edit) WTF
That was some hillbilly truth!!!

Edit again: I can remember, back when Washington was President, there was no republican or democrat hillbillies. Those bad asses went to war with the United States over taxing corn.

You are a fool if you say the things in your replies, to an average (democrat or republican) hillbilly's face and stick around long enough.
That was more hillbilly truth!
Bra ha ha!!!
Hey, you're the one who registered as a Republican, not me. Generally you can change your registration up to 30 days before a primary (it depends on what redneck, backwoods state you live in.)

And why did you register as a Republican? Because you got tired of people saying "here comes the Democrat!". Yeah, you are a real gem.

So you have nobody to blame but yourself, DUH. But instead of looking at your choices and voting for the best candidate for the country, you voted for the worst. How's that working out for you?

I live among rednecks. I work with them too. I tell them what I think of them with unsparing frankness. So go threaten someone else or PM me your address.

just like all the -ism's : everybody and every gov't is looking for a one size fits' all system . there isn't one. like ours, a healthy mix of capital and social isms works. could it be better? sure.

but you mention the word socialims or dossier to any trump tard and they go full retard about how evil they are.

You have the situation inside out. Rather than determine which top down form of controlling people
or mix of forms "works best" , wouldn't it be better if individual people decided those matters for themselves?


Hey, you're the one who registered as a Republican, not me. Generally you can change your registration up to 30 days before a primary (it depends on what redneck, backwoods state you live in.)

And why did you register as a Republican?

unsparinthreaten someone else or PM me your address.
even Robert Heinlein, who wrote several youth science fiction stories...had crimes, kidnapping, extortion, genocide (of an imaginary alien species of criminals...but still genocide...) as central themes for most of his stories...
A few year back, I changed into a republican. I did this for two reasons: I was tired of hearing "Here comes the democrat" every time I voted. I thought if I voted for the worst republican candidate in the primary, I could then vote for the best democratic candidate in the general election.
I am not jealous!
I voted for (dump) Trump because I thought he was the worst republican candidate.
Results: I am very sorry. I am still a republican. ( This change will after I vote in the primary!!)
so...your avatar is an actual picture of you?...
why was anyone saying anything to you when you voted? why do you tell anyone your political affiliation? why don't you tell whoever is saying it to shut the fuck up, or they can see you in court for trying to suppress your right to vote?
terrible reasons to vote, terrible reasons to change party affiliation, terrible party to change to, horrible candidate to vote for, for terrrible reasons....quit participating in the process...do everyone a favor
@Unclebaldrick and @Fogdog ,
I knew my honest reply would bite my butt. Ha ha!
The first time I voted as a republican, I voted for(edit before it bites my butt, Ford in the primary and in the general) Carter, then Regan.
Then, because of where Newt Gingrich was taking the party, I registered as a Democratic.
My first vote was for Dukakis (H. Bush won), then Clinton (my best vote so far), then al Gore who got ripped off by W Bush, then Kerry (I am a Vietnam era vet), then in the primary I voted for Hillary Clinton and in the general I voted for Obama (my second best vote so far) then I vote for Obama again, then I registered as a republican for local reasons in the primary and voted for (dump) Trump and voted for Hillary Clinton in the general (I am so sorry). I am staying registered as a republican for the next primary for local reasons (it worked last time and local is where I live).
Unclebaldrick, thanks for assuming that I am a thinker. I am a thinker, but not a very smart one.
Fogdog, do you f*cking know me now!!!
you can vote for anyone you want to, in any election, no matter which party you register with....and you never ever have to tell anyone what party you're a part of...ever...
if you don't understand that, you may need to do some serious reading...


start here.....
quit participating in the process...do everyone a favor


Next you'll be showing us a video of you waiting all day for the clock to be right.

Low turnout and lack of active participation in the political process is a fundamental cause of our current situation, genius. Even more self suppression won't fix it.
Next you'll be showing us a video of you waiting all day for the clock to be right.

Low turnout and lack of active participation in the political process is a fundamental cause of our current situation, genius. Even more self suppression won't fix it.

I would agree with you if you were right, unfortunately you are not.

The fundamental problem with politics is, people imagine that a group of people who are falsely given rights no individual possesses (nonexistent rights cannot be delegated) will somehow use this imagined, yet legalized right / power, to act benevolently.

Politics rest on the idea that nonexistent individual rights can be aggregated somehow to create a collective right. In fantasy alchemy maybe, but that's not how reality works, yet it's the foundation of politics.

Your claim that more people participating in a nonsensical thing will somehow improve it, is, well, a little silly.

Often I do not use a clock...I watch the sun, son.
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So, you are saying that a thing wrong can become right by virtue of popular opinion or superstitious legal rituals ?

"Well that sure is handy", said the voting gang rapists.
speaking of things that are wrong, tell me again about how you want to stop black people from shopping at any store they wish because they have the wrong skin color

you racist pedophile
speaking of things that are wrong, tell me again about how you want to stop black people from shopping at any store they wish because they have the wrong skin color

you racist pedophile

I want black people not to be forced to serve other people against their will.

I wish you felt the same way, you gang rapist tactic wielding NincomPOOP.
I want black people not to be forced to serve other people against their will.

I wish you felt the same way, you gang rapist tactic wielding NincomPOOP.
You support black people being force out a public restaurant due to skin color.
You also have debated that a child of 12 can consent to sex with an adult based on maturity level.
You suck