Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

I did 10 years ago with Garden Tone! Bought 66% off end of season. That was it with Promix and Mushroom Compost!
Norton products are available down the hill and they tend to grind some of their stuff extremely fine which we like.
NITRON PRODUCTS —-Automatic writing aginn
Anyone have any ideas for re-amending year old unused "coots mix". It's your basic base with 1/3 of each Sphagnum/Castings/Scoria & Rice Hull. Original amendments were;

4/5th cup Kelp, Neem, Gypsum, Oyster Shell, 8 Cup Basalt, 9 3/5 cup Bio-Char and 1 3/5 cup MBP.

It's only had one cycle through it and was left for a year while I was away. Is there a way start some life in the pot (15 gallon) in time for next spring (6 months time). Was thinking of running a neem/kelp/casting top dress, watering that in and then throwing down a green manure crop over the winter. Anything else I should consider?
GMM reammended his soil with approximately 10% compost and 5% ewc.

Anyone have any ideas for re-amending year old unused "coots mix". It's your basic base with 1/3 of each Sphagnum/Castings/Scoria & Rice Hull. Original amendments were;

4/5th cup Kelp, Neem, Gypsum, Oyster Shell, 8 Cup Basalt, 9 3/5 cup Bio-Char and 1 3/5 cup MBP.

It's only had one cycle through it and was left for a year while I was away. Is there a way start some life in the pot (15 gallon) in time for next spring (6 months time). Was thinking of running a neem/kelp/casting top dress, watering that in and then throwing down a green manure crop over the winter. Anything else I should consider?
Hey guys I figure I may get a decent reply here. Has anyone used clay pebbles for aeiration In a coot style mix (same base) was going to try this and I know some have done it with success but I want to set it and forget it and reuse it in same bed ammending between cycles etc. From what I gather from the company that makes it it would work just fine. Also any recommendation on breaking some up to smaller pieces and leaving more pores exposed for the life to dwell in my soil? Anything regarding this is appreciated. Happy growing!
Hey guys, i just start my living organics grow after few years of korean natural farming. I have one question about cover cropp/live mulch. Do you think that alfafla is good idea as cover crop/mulch or better go with clover?
hey this may be slightly off topic for this thread but i think it fits so here we go.
a good while ago i accumulated a nice compost pile of scraps, leaves and woody substances and at this point it isnt cooking or anything been super dark compost for at least a year just in a pile. actually grass is even growing over it like a mound this spring but it's all loose like a pile still mainly.
anyway i never used this as i had a mite infestation last summer that i have erradicated and been smooth sailing for cpl runs but i kep thinking how can i use this outdoor compost indoors without introducing pests big time. i don't wanna patuerize it really and i don't realy know of any other ways other than a cpl spinosad soks maybe on the screened patio before bringing it in or something like that
any really experienced soil guys have an opinion on whethr attempting this is even worth it. if so what method or precations would you suggest. i'm even afraid to make teas with it tbh as i know ;larvae and eggs won't die off and i'd be pouring bug sauce on my plants. i also considered buying predatory insects and introducing them to the pile while it sits on a screend patio, but while that has some merit it won't totally erradicate them.
things i don't really want to do
1. use DE as a top dress
2. have to incorporate some serious IPM regimine beyond what i alread do which is really not mush other than foliar spray in veg and put neem meal in my top dressings. i don't want to use DE because i recycle my soil and if i keep top dressing it will eventually throw off my mix, make it like clay
I wouldn’t even think about using it inside, find something else to use it for and start a worm farm if you don’t have one. Please consider the possible outcomes in a cost, benefit and risk basis. Seems the risk factor is the heavyweight here. Go find some high quality compost wi5h known results.
The worry alone would be a buzzkill.
I wouldn’t even think about using it inside, find something else to use it for and start a worm farm if you don’t have one. Please consider the possible outcomes in a cost, benefit and risk basis. Seems the risk factor is the heavyweight here. Go find some high quality compost wi5h known results.
The worry alone would be a buzzkill.
you are basically saying what i already was saying i felt. i posted this to see if i was wrong. i literally had subcool tell me "not to fear nature but understand it" when i said i was too scared to use outdoor soil indoor. while i realize he is a polarizing figure i figured i would see if maybe my fear was unfounded, thus i made this post. according to you tho we are on the same page.

as for worm bin this is what i am starting already indoors using my soil mix in a tote and i throw food scraps like egg shells and banana peels in there as well as cannabis leaves and root balls.
A year and a half with one and they make a lot of vermicompost once they get going, and don’t forget to add grit. I give it away and use it outdoors also in my containers. Great stuff! I was also surprised how easy harvest has been using light to chase them down.
A year and a half with one and they make a lot of vermicompost once they get going, and don’t forget to add grit. I give it away and use it outdoors also in my containers. Great stuff! I was also surprised how easy harvest has been using light to chase them down.
yea i watched an incredible video, it was not red wrigglers he was an earth worm farmer but this guys feed explainations were epic. and yes he emphasised grit. i think the crushed eggsshells help but also i use my soil mix from pots as i said and i have azomite and stuff like that in there to. he used some type of meal i think
i eat allot of eggs. like allot. same with bananas
you are basically saying what i already was saying i felt. i posted this to see if i was wrong. i literally had subcool tell me "not to fear nature but understand it" when i said i was too scared to use outdoor soil indoor. while i realize he is a polarizing figure i figured i would see if maybe my fear was unfounded, thus i made this post. according to you tho we are on the same page.

as for worm bin this is what i am starting already indoors using my soil mix in a tote and i throw food scraps like egg shells and banana peels in there as well as cannabis leaves and root balls.

What pests are you scared of bringing inside from your compost? Most pests need live plants to be a pest to cannabis, and a compost pile (minus grass growing in it) isnt going to be holding much in the way of pests such as thrips, spider mites, etc. Soil pests are not a real problem in compost unless it's not healthy compost (anaerobic etc.)

I have used compost from outside in my tent plenty of times, never found an increase in pests. The ROLS in general helps to control pests and healthy compost isnt going to be holding terribly many. IMO (dont blame me if you do it and find you introduced a pest lol it is possible) but I found that bringing actual plants indoors is way way worse than bringing compost indoors. I never spray anything on the compost prior to bringing it inside either. The compost has an ecosystem going on as well (good bugs/microbes vs bad bugs/microbes)
What pests are you scared of bringing inside from your compost? Most pests need live plants to be a pest to cannabis, and a compost pile (minus grass growing in it) isnt going to be holding much in the way of pests such as thrips, spider mites, etc. Soil pests are not a real problem in compost unless it's not healthy compost (anaerobic etc.)

I have used compost from outside in my tent plenty of times, never found an increase in pests. The ROLS in general helps to control pests and healthy compost isnt going to be holding terribly many. IMO (dont blame me if you do it and find you introduced a pest lol it is possible) but I found that bringing actual plants indoors is way way worse than bringing compost indoors. I never spray anything on the compost prior to bringing it inside either. The compost has an ecosystem going on as well (good bugs/microbes vs bad bugs/microbes)
well mainly mites as i lost everyuthing i had including moms to an ongoing fight with them a year ago. i never had pests in my life, i think i got those because i started a garden outdoors again and would often work out there then come in and tend my cannabis in th ebasement. i am pretty sure i carried the mites on my clothes etc... the compost pile is near this garden area so i am concerned about mites namley as they are super hard to eradicate once you see webs. spotting it late was on me as i saw the signs but kept looking under leaves and misidentifying the black dots as dirt splatter due to the not moving at all. not as woreed about pests who complete their life cycle underground as i am mites
hey this may be slightly off topic for this thread but i think it fits so here we go.
a good while ago i accumulated a nice compost pile of scraps, leaves and woody substances and at this point it isnt cooking or anything been super dark compost for at least a year just in a pile. actually grass is even growing over it like a mound this spring but it's all loose like a pile still mainly.
anyway i never used this as i had a mite infestation last summer that i have erradicated and been smooth sailing for cpl runs but i kep thinking how can i use this outdoor compost indoors without introducing pests big time. i don't wanna patuerize it really and i don't realy know of any other ways other than a cpl spinosad soks maybe on the screened patio before bringing it in or something like that
any really experienced soil guys have an opinion on whethr attempting this is even worth it. if so what method or precations would you suggest. i'm even afraid to make teas with it tbh as i know ;larvae and eggs won't die off and i'd be pouring bug sauce on my plants. i also considered buying predatory insects and introducing them to the pile while it sits on a screend patio, but while that has some merit it won't totally erradicate them.
things i don't really want to do
1. use DE as a top dress
2. have to incorporate some serious IPM regimine beyond what i alread do which is really not mush other than foliar spray in veg and put neem meal in my top dressings. i don't want to use DE because i recycle my soil and if i keep top dressing it will eventually throw off my mix, make it like clay

i've used cold compost in my grown a bunch of times with no issues. i personally don't really see what the big deal is. as hillbill said, you can use your compost to start a worm bin and they will further process it and take care of any issues that may be there... but if nothing has been growing in the pile I wouldn't really worry about pests. plant pests live on plants outdoors... that's how they make their living. Decomposers will reside in your compost pile.