The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

I am not a racist, I could be a specieist though.

I am not for forced segregation or forced integration. I am for consensual human interactions, if that isn't possible, I am for neutral coexistence and respect for others rights to self determine.

FDR, your hero, was a racist, and he regularly lied, stole and loved to wash Uncle Joe Stalin's balls with his tongue.
You’re a racist

Never reply to my posts, ever. You fucking pedophile
READ what he said.

In his speech he offered a false choice. Either drop any idea of impeachment or lose to Trump. That's all he's ever done is carp at others without offering a valid alternative. He's a seagull. Flies around, eats other people's lunches and then shits on their heads.

The House is doing neither of his false choices. As you say, they are following a path that keeps the option of impeachment open but won't tie the chamber up and prevent them from getting work done.

He hasn't accomplished anything important in 14 years as a Senator. Why is that? Because he isn't a Democrat, he's an independent. Why is that? Because he doesn't work well with others.

Speaking of getting work done, I'd like to see Sanders accomplish something. His health care bill is embarrassingly light on details. No details on how it will be paid for or how much it will cost. Simple assumptions on how much to pay hospitals. No mention on how to manage the growth in staffing needed to grow Medicare into a healthcare provider for everybody.

Typical of Sanders, in spite of his lack of accomplishment, he tells people who HAVE done great work what THEY should be doing?

Fuck Sanders.
When he takes on a position, as he did earlier about prison inmates voting, it seems he's not really interested in being elected any way
This might be Donald's biggest problem in 2020, if he runs, 18 states are passing laws to require presidential candidates to release their taxes to get on the state ballot!
Illinois joins multiple-state push for Trump's tax returns ahead of 2020 election

(CNN)Illinois Democrats approved a bill that would require presidential candidates to disclose their tax returns if they want their names to appear on the state's ballot.

Senate Bill 145, introduced in January by State Sen. Antonio Muñoz, would require any candidate for president or vice president to release the most recent five years of their tax returns to have their name on the general election ballot.

The push from Illinois Democrats for President Donald Trump's taxes ahead of the 2020 presidential election comes as several other states are pursuing similar legislation -- and congressional Democrats are seeking to gain access to the President's tax returns under a 1924 provision in the Internal Revenue Code.
As a candidate, and now as president, Trump has declined to release his tax returns, claiming he's prevented from doing so because he's under IRS audit. An audit, however, does not legally Trump bar from releasing his tax returns and has not stopped past presidents from doing so.
"Voters have a right to know a presidential candidate's conflicts of interests," Muñoz said in a statement on his website. "They have reasonably expected this disclosure for decades, and if candidates won't release the information willingly, then we need a law in place that requires it."
Since 2017, 18 state legislatures, including those in Illinois and New York, have introduced bills that would require presidential candidates to publicly disclose their tax returns to be on the ballot, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
House Democrats in Washington formally requested the President's tax returns last week from the Internal Revenue Service, but Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin informed them on Wednesday that his department would be unable to comply with their deadline for Trump's tax return.
Under the bill approved Thursday, the Illinois secretary of state would post the tax returns on its website, with the candidate's personal information redacted. The bill would not apply to congressional or statewide candidates.

The measure was approved by the Illinois Democratic-controlled Senate, 36-19. The bill has moved to the Illinois House, where Democrats also hold the majority. CNN has reached out to Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker's office for comment of whether the governor supports the bill.
Republican state Sen. Dale Righter questioned the bill's constitutionality and called it "an embarrassing waste of the Senate's time" on Thursday, the Capitol News Illinois reported.

New York legislators introduced a bill Monday that would authorize the state's tax commissioner to release state tax returns to Congress upon request. The legislation, if passed, would enable the release of Trump's state returns, since he is a New York resident and the state is home to his family business, the Trump Organization.
Yes I would.

But he's a very divisive leader. Would set low expectations. "not as bad as Trump".
Mayor Pete as his VP might round off the rough edges and provide a real contender as his front man. Also because of his age, hinting at one term in office to clean things up and bring some integrity and dignity back to the office would't hurt as well. Like I said, it's early days, Joe or even Mayor Pete could be the front runner in a couple of months, but Mayor Pete would be a good VP pick for Bernie or Joe.
Mayor Pete as his VP might round off the rough edges and provide a real contender as his front man. Also because of his age, hinting at one term in office to clean things up and bring some integrity and dignity back to the office would't hurt as well. Like I said, it's early days, Joe or even Mayor Pete could be the front runner in a couple of months, but Mayor Pete would be a good VP pick for Bernie or Joe.

Bernie is not a democrat and his job is to pull votes away from a real democratic candidate so the GOP can win. It's not a coincidence that Bernie has spent a lot of time in Russia going back many years. His voting record shows who's side he is really on.
Bernie is not a democrat and his job is to pull votes away from a real democratic candidate so the GOP can win. It's not a coincidence that Bernie has spent a lot of time in Russia going back many years. His voting record shows who's side he is really on.
Bernie bowed out gracefully in 2016 and supported the democrats, also I believe he has since joined the democrats. If he wins the nomination you will vote for him, but like I said it's early days and Joe is about to jump in. I don't think Bernie is working for the Russians or supports what they have done and believe he has spoken out against it many times. The polls and primaries will decide...
Bernie bowed out gracefully in 2016 and supported the democrats, also I believe he has since joined the democrats. If he wins the nomination you will vote for him, but like I said it's early days and Joe is about to jump in. I don't think Bernie is working for the Russians or supports what they have done and believe he has spoken out against it many times. The pols and primaries will decide...

You don't know what you're talking about. Google Tad Devine who was bernies strategist in 2016, he's connected to Paul Manafort, does that sound like a democrat? Take a look at his recent voting record on Russian sanctions,he always votes against them.
You don't know what you're talking about. Google Tad Devine who was bernies strategist in 2016, he's connected to Paul Manafort, does that sound like a democrat? Take a look at his recent voting record on Russian sanctions,he always votes against them.
I never knew he voted against sanctions... And if Devine was in bed with Manafort he'd be on the FBI list or in Mueller's report. The corporate media doesn't cover Bernie much or like him, you'd think they would be all over any Russian connections...
Mayor Pete as his VP might round off the rough edges and provide a real contender as his front man. Also because of his age, hinting at one term in office to clean things up and bring some integrity and dignity back to the office would't hurt as well. Like I said, it's early days, Joe or even Mayor Pete could be the front runner in a couple of months, but Mayor Pete would be a good VP pick for Bernie or Joe.
Bernie doesn't have it in him to be a good leader. He's had two years to build bridges with the Democratic Party and all he does is tear at the party and its leaders. He may be trying to attract Republicans who won't vote for Trump, IDK. What I can say is that every chance he's had to reach out and make Democrats feel like he's their guy, he did just the opposite.

He's popular with liberal white men and maybe moderate Republicans if there is such a thing. That's about it. I don't see how he can win the nomination with that kind of support.
Bernie doesn't have it in him to be a good leader. He's had two years to build bridges with the Democratic Party and all he does is tear at the party and its leaders. He may be trying to attract Republicans who won't vote for Trump, IDK. What I can say is that every chance he's had to reach out and make Democrats feel like he's their guy, he did just the opposite.

He's popular with liberal white men and maybe moderate Republicans if there is such a thing. That's about it. I don't see how he can win the nomination with that kind of support.
When Joe jumps in we'll see how things pan out, Joe is pretty good a ripping strips off of Donald, he has a real talent for it.

Right now it looks like Donald is pushing down the accelerator on impeachment by ordering non cooperation with congress.
When Joe jumps in we'll see how things pan out, Joe is pretty good a ripping strips off of Donald, he has a real talent for it.

Right now it looks like Donald is pushing down the accelerator on impeachment by ordering non cooperation with congress.
This is where it's clear that I don't know who I want as my candidate. I haven't heard or seen one thing from Joe that I can say I like. Not that there is anything I dislike, he just hasn't made a case for my vote yet. The two I'm most drawn to right now are Harris and Booker. O'Rourke seems too conservative for me but he has my interest too.
Trump is quickly shedding support especially among the legal, law
enforcement communities and true conservatives. The traditional heart is being cut out of the republican party and we see them on TV as many of Trump's most vociferous opponents, many have left the party and some have gone democrat.

The Mueller Report Was My Tipping Point
I was a Trump transition staffer, and I’ve seen enough. It’s time for impeachment.

8:22 AM ET
J. W. Verret
Professor of law at George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School

Let’s start at the end of this story. This weekend, I read Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report twice, and realized that enough was enough—I needed to do something. I’ve worked on every Republican presidential transition team for the past 10 years and recently served as counsel to the Republican-led House Financial Services Committee. My permanent job is as a law professor at the George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School, which is not political, but where my colleagues have held many prime spots in Republican administrations.

If you think calling for the impeachment of a sitting Republican president would constitute career suicide for someone like me, you may end up being right. But I did exactly that this weekend, tweeting that it’s time to begin impeachment proceedings.

Let’s go back to the beginning. In August 2016, I interviewed to join the pre-transition team of Donald Trump. Since 2012, every presidential election stands up a pre-transition team for both candidates, so that the real transition will have had a six-month head start when the election is decided. I participated in a similar effort for Mitt Romney, and despite our defeat, it was a thrilling and rewarding experience. I walked into a conference room at Jones Day that Don McGahn had graciously arranged to lend to the folks interviewing for the transition team.
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This is where it's clear that I don't know who I want as my candidate. I haven't heard or seen one thing from Joe that I can say I like. Not that there is anything I dislike, he just hasn't made a case for my vote yet. The two I'm most drawn to right now are Harris and Booker. O'Rourke seems too conservative for me but he has my interest too.
The main thing is to come together behind whoever wins the democratic nomination and defeat Trump or his GOP replacement. When it comes to Trump, hang together or hang separately as Ben Franklin used to say, cause if Donald is made King there will be trouble.

Don't forget your dealing with a dangerous and desperate sociopath who is capable of any depravity, it's most important that he be dealt with, either by impeachment or the ballot box, perhaps both.
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Iowa's longest-serving GOP lawmaker joins the Democrats because of Trump
By Jamie Ehrlich, CNN
Updated 11:35 PM ET, Tue April 23, 2019

Washington (CNN)The Iowa Legislature's longest-serving Republican announced Tuesday that because of President Donald Trump, he will be joining the Democratic Party, calling Trump "a poor example for the nation and particularly for our children."

State Rep. Andy McKean, who has served in both Iowa's Senate and House chambers, identified with the Republican Party for 35 years before Tuesday's announcement and is the longest-serving Republican in the state's Legislature today, according to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee.
"With the 2020 president election looming on the horizon, I feel as a Republican that I need to be able to support the standard bearer of our party. Unfortunately, that is not something I am able to do," McKean said at a news conference.
What Donald Trump's unsettlingly erratic 24 hours on Twitter tell us
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 3:15 PM ET, Tue April 23, 2019

(CNN)It's hard to even imagine President Donald Trump's Twitter addiction getting worse, but we may be living through just that right now.

Consider that over the past 24 hours, Trump has tweeted (and retweeted) 52 things. In a 30-minute span on Monday night, he retweeted 24 items -- about nine different topics and from 15 people.

It's been a torrent of Twitter. A spasm of social media. A ... well, you get the idea. It was, uh, a lot. And it's indicative of Trump's current state of mind: jubilant that neither he nor any of his family members were charged in the Mueller report while also retaining much of the anger, resentment and conspiracy-theorizing that have fueled his time in the White House.
Remember, always, that Twitter is the best window into a president's mind we have ever had. It is a real-time reflection of what Trump not only is thinking about but what he cares about.

So what's been on his mind?
* He tweeted that "Fox & Friends," the unapologetically pro-Trump morning show on Fox News, is "by far the best of the morning political shows on television."
* He tweeted that "In the 'old days' if you were President and you had a good economy, you were basically immune from criticism."
* He tweeted about how The New York Times "will have to get down on their knees & beg for forgiveness-they are truly the Enemy of the People!"
* He tweeted a favorite conservative conspiracy theory that Twitter has a liberal bias and does everything it can to make it harder for conservatives to use the platform. (He offered no specific, fact-based examples.)
And then there were the retweets.

Most -- 10 -- were focused on discrediting the Mueller investigation and were sent by a who's who of Trump acolytes: Reps. Jim Jordan (Ohio) and Mark Meadows (N.C), Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, etc.
Another six retweets dealt with Trump's still-false accusations that he had been the subject of a spying campaign directed out of the Justice Department (3 RTs) or allegations dealing with the attempts to discredit the dossier of anti-Trump research collected by former British spy Christopher Steele.

As a peek into the mind of the President, it was -- even by the abnormal standards by which Trump gets judged -- somewhat breathtaking. There was a manic-ness in the tweets -- a sense of lording a victory over your foes while fuming at your current situation -- that was the sort of thing that we just shouldn't ignore.

As a thought experiment, ask yourself what the reaction would be -- among politicians, among the media -- if George W. Bush or Barack Obama had tweeted ANYTHING even close to this:

"Morning Psycho (Joe), who helped get me elected in 2016 by having me on (free) all the time, has nosedived, too Angry Dumb and Sick."
I get that Trump is a "different" kind of politician who doesn't play by "the rules" or whatever. But -- and this is a serious question here -- is anyone, no matter your level of support for or opposition to Trump, super comfortable with what the last 24 hours on Twitter have shown us about the President?
If so, how? Because what it looks like to me is a series of erratic half-baked theories, rants and touting of "yes" men and women. Which, last time I checked, isn't what being president means.
This expert makes it clear that Trump fits the description of someone the founding fathers would have impeached, a disloyal POTUS under foreign influence is top of their list of impeachable offenses. Colluding with the Russians might not be illegal (yet), but conspiring with them is impeachable, so are other crimes and abuse of power.

Harvard Impeachment Expert: Trump Impeachable For Mueller Report | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
The Mueller report included substantial evidence that Trump committed the crime of obstruction. Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe, who warned earlier in 2019 that impeachment proceedings ahead of the 2020 election would be “pointless” tells MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber that the conduct evidenced in Mueller’s report, is “impeachable if anything is”.
Ya can't make this shit up, here's the latest from the other moral moron and Donald's soul mate. I wonder if he knows he'd be declaring war on NATO as well...
Duterte threatens 'war' against Canada over trash shipped to Philippines

(CNN)Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to "go to war" with Canada if the country doesn't take back tons of trash a Canada-based company had shipped to Manila several years ago.

"I'll give a warning to Canada maybe next week that they better pull that (trash) out," he said Tuesday, according to CNN Philippines. "We'll declare war against them, we can handle them anyway."