U.S threatens to veto U.N. anti rape resolution?

i drooled out a bit of my Manhattan on that one. thanks!
Thank you.

The thing about fascism in the 20th century is that it was not confined to one country; it was an inter-related, global phenomenon - just as it is today. The point Tty brings up is obvious as is his overwhelming desire to show his equanimity by hating America in order to feed his own ego and show us how revolutionary and provacative he is.



Hey @ttystikk, why don't you start by admitting what a total idiot you are for repeating Maduro's lies while castigating us on how much effort we put into being "ignorant" when you can't even fact check the most obvious and basic propaganda? Or did you read "an early version" of Carter's website?
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A few year back, I changed into a republican. I did this for two reasons: I was tired of hearing "Here comes the democrat" every time I voted. I thought if I voted for the worst republican candidate in the primary, I could then vote for the best democratic candidate in the general election.
I am not jealous!
I voted for (dump) Trump because I thought he was the worst republican candidate.
Results: I am very sorry. I am still a republican. ( This change will after I vote in the primary!!)
The thing about fascism in the 20th century is that it was not confined to one country; it was an inter-related, global phenomenon - just as it is today

just like all the -ism's : everybody and every gov't is looking for a one size fits' all system . there isn't one. like ours, a healthy mix of capital and social isms works. could it be better? sure.

but you mention the word socialims or dossier to any trump tard and they go full retard about how evil they are.

just like all the -ism's : everybody and every gov't is looking for a one size fits' all system . there isn't one. like ours, a healthy mix of capital and social isms works. could it be better? sure.

but you mention the word socialims or dossier to any trump tard and they go full retard about how evil they are.
Trump supporters are stupid. This will become a tautology.
A few year back, I changed into a republican. I did this for two reasons: I was tired of hearing "Here comes the democrat" every time I voted. I thought if I voted for the worst republican candidate in the primary, I could then vote for the best democratic candidate in the general election.
I am not jealous!
I voted for (dump) Trump because I thought he was the worst republican candidate.
Results: I am very sorry. I am still a republican. ( This change will after I vote in the primary!!)
Why stay Republican during a primary that is all but settled? This upcoming primary will have at least one Democratic candidate for each segment of the party. You name it, we have one running. Super Progressive, Very Progressive, Pragmatic Progressive, Moderate Democrats and Conservative Democrats. (Well maybe we don't have a conservative Democrat running although Biden can attract their vote along with moderates). Democrats could use a thinking person to help them select a good candidate. Wear that "Democrat" label with pride.
On Tuesday, President Trump hosted Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in the Oval Office for a closed-door meeting, during which the leader of the free world spent an inordinate amount of time complaining about lost Twitter followers, according to a source familiar with the conversation.

The Twitter chief, for his part, tried to reassure the president that the company’s staff merely wants his follower count to be as bot-free as possible.

This is what the most powerful person in the world was preoccupied with Tuesday.
I voted for (dump) Trump because I thought he was the worst republican candidate.
Results: I am very sorry. I am still a republican. ( This change will after I vote in the primary!!)

Wow, any party would love to have you! You seem like a concerned citizen that really takes their vote seriously.

Why stay Republican during a primary that is all but settled? This upcoming primary will have at least one Democratic candidate for each segment of the party. You name it, we have one running. Super Progressive, Very Progressive, Pragmatic Progressive, Moderate Democrats and Conservative Democrats. (Well maybe we don't have a conservative Democrat running although Biden can attract their vote along with moderates). Democrats could use a thinking person to help them select a good candidate. Wear that "Democrat" label with pride.
Why try to convince somebody who purposely voted for the "worst Republican candidate" as a Republican?

Let him fucking stay one.
Why try to convince somebody who purposely voted for the "worst Republican candidate" as a Republican?
Because every vote for a Democrat is one against a Republican. It's not uncommon to hear people talk about voting for people they didn't like but liked the other guy even less. That's how I interpreted gearshift's post. Maybe now I'll go back and have to retract what I just said.
On Tuesday, President Trump hosted Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in the Oval Office for a closed-door meeting, during which the leader of the free world spent an inordinate amount of time complaining about lost Twitter followers, according to a source familiar with the conversation.

The Twitter chief, for his part, tried to reassure the president that the company’s staff merely wants his follower count to be as bot-free as possible.

This is what the most powerful person in the world was preoccupied with Tuesday.
Maybe if he stopped tweeting stupid shit, but that's not really within his character
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@Unclebaldrick and @Fogdog ,
I knew my honest reply would bite my butt. Ha ha!
The first time I voted as a republican, I voted for(edit before it bites my butt, Ford in the primary and in the general) Carter, then Regan.
Then, because of where Newt Gingrich was taking the party, I registered as a Democratic.
My first vote was for Dukakis (H. Bush won), then Clinton (my best vote so far), then al Gore who got ripped off by W Bush, then Kerry (I am a Vietnam era vet), then in the primary I voted for Hillary Clinton and in the general I voted for Obama (my second best vote so far) then I vote for Obama again, then I registered as a republican for local reasons in the primary and voted for (dump) Trump and voted for Hillary Clinton in the general (I am so sorry). I am staying registered as a republican for the next primary for local reasons (it worked last time and local is where I live).
Unclebaldrick, thanks for assuming that I am a thinker. I am a thinker, but not a very smart one.
Fogdog, do you f*cking know me now!!!
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Why try to convince somebody who purposely voted for the "worst Republican candidate" as a Republican?

Let him fucking stay one.

I can only vote for a republican (in a primary) when I am registered as a republican. DUH!

Let me? I do what I f*cking want to.

Come visit me and I will gladly show you beautiful sights in the 500,000 acre forest behind my house!
Should something happen to you, like a heart attack, your body will never be found and the unregistered weapon, I may or may not have on me at the time won't be found either. Is that f*cking republican enough for you!!! Bra ha ha! (Edit) WTF
That was some hillbilly truth!!!

Edit again: I can remember, back when Washington was President, there was no republican or democrat hillbillies. Those bad asses went to war with the United States over taxing corn.

You are a fool if you say the things in your replies, to an average (democrat or republican) hillbilly's face and stick around long enough.
That was more hillbilly truth!
Bra ha ha!!!
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I can only vote for a republican (in a primary) when I am registered as a republican. DUH!

Let me? I do what I f*cking want to.

Come visit me and I will gladly show you beautiful sights in the 500,000 acre forest behind my house!
Should something happen to you, like a heart attack, your body will never be found and the unregistered weapon, I may or may not have on me at the time won't be found either. Is that f*cking republican enough for you!!! Bra ha ha! (Edit) WTF
That was some hillbilly truth!!!

Edit again: I can remember, back when Washington was President, there was no republican or democrat hillbillies. Those bad asses went to war with the United States over taxing corn.

You are a fool if you say the things in your replies, to an average (democrat or republican) hillbilly's face and stick around long enough.
That was more hillbilly truth!
Bra ha ha!!!
Hillbilly meth-head
Of course it did, but he took ideas from all over, including here, on how to implement his agenda.
Yeah, so what? What is your point exactly?

Nothing develops in a vacuum. Is your point that America is bad... a failed state, and always had been?

Gee that means a lot coming from a guy who parrots propaganda about Jimmy Carter's foundation certifying Maduro's "election" but who cannot be bothered to even look at the front fucking page of the foundation's website where it explicitly denies this and exposes it as a lie. You see what you want in everything, facts never enter into it. In this way you are just as bad (or worse, because at least Trumpers are fucking morons - you have a shred of intelligence which is utterly wasted) as the Republicans who hear AG Barr "summarize" the Mueller Report and say "this exonerates Trump."

You are a victim of the propaganda meant to undermine our belief in democratic systems. You could not be more a part of the attack on our institutions if you put on a MAGA hat and started to attend Trump rallies. You are a symptom.

But keep fooling yourself that you are some type of relevant critique or edgy provacateur. You are fooling nobody but yourself and a couple of similarly weak-minded egotists. You are a pawn.
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