U.S threatens to veto U.N. anti rape resolution?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

"In recent months, the Trump administration has taken a hard line, refusing to agree to any UN documents that refer to sexual or reproductive health, on grounds that such language implies support for abortions. It has also opposed the use of the word “gender”, seeing it as a cover for liberal promotion of transgender rights."

so our president and his administration condones rape as a weapon of war, as long as you don't get an abortion?...
just more of trump's fuckery...
how long will it take to undo everything he's done? how long till we can get started?
I like the part in the piece where the USA aligns itself with Russia and China in opposing any new protections or monitoring of victims of sexual assault during war time.

So, I guess the USA has found a couple of new soul mates under Trump and the GOP, one's that are anathema to what America stands for.

The Republicans in general and Trump in particular (Mr. Morality) are waging all out war on a woman's reproductive rights, and so far their winning.

So, now what to do?

Pray that Trump doesn't get to appoint another Supreme Court Justice, or Roe vs. Wade will be in the dustbin, and also vote those GOP Bible Thumpers out in 2020, and help to save women.
Help empower women to help themselves by encouraging them to get active against this kind of shit. Of course, vote with them as well. If women are educated on this issue it will drive turnout and that is the ultimate solution to Republican sexism.
Pretty sure tRUmp also changed the GOP's platform to say that women are just bitches and to grab them all by the pussy. How is anyone surprised when you look at all the right wingers running things. It's a collection of men that cheat on and beat their wives along with pedophiles,rapists,closeted freaks and religious nuts that believe women belong barefoot and pregnant at home.
First point; keeping women in cages is inconsistent with your posturing as a feminist, adding coprophilia to the mix doesn’t bolster your position.
Second point; nice projection.
And you wonder why you have no credibility.
Pretty sure tRUmp also changed the GOP's platform to say that women are just bitches and to grab them all by the pussy. How is anyone surprised when you look at all the right wingers running things. It's a collection of men that cheat on and beat their wives along with pedophiles,rapists,closeted freaks and religious nuts that believe women belong barefoot and pregnant at home.
Hence, my suggestion that we not only vote against the sexist right wing ourselves, but work to support and encouragement women to do the same. It seems logical as they're the ones being directly disempowered, disrespected and disenfranchised.
It's a collection of men that cheat on and beat their wives along with pedophiles,rapists,closeted freaks and religious nuts that believe women belong barefoot and pregnant at home.
And then to tell them it's just locker room talk, boys will be boys, and men will be men.
Your all tempting sluts the way you dress, don't blame us, blame yourselves.

Fucking animals.
Cormac McCarthy, Stephen King, Margaret Atwood, Neville Shute, Richard Matheson, J.G. Ballard, Ray Bradbury, Andre Norton, Frank Herbert.....
It's to the point where dreaming of a better future is the exception to the rule.

That's too bad, because building a better future is much more fun to both do and to contemplate!
who would have thought the new world order would be a simple race towards the bottom
Initiated by Hitler, Stalin, Mao and now, again, it raises it fucked up head with Trump saying make America Great Again.
It reminds me a lot of Hitler's rise to power in Germany in 1934, speaking of the "Superior Race", that now Trump embraces so readily to sell to his fucked up Nationalistic followers.
Fucking Hitler reincarnate, with his deranged followers.

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Initiated by Hitler, Stalin, Mao and now, again, it raises it fucked up head with Trump saying make America Great Again.
It reminds me a lot of Hitler's rise to power in Germany in 1934, speaking of the "Superior Race", that now Trump embraces so readily to sell to his fucked up Nationalistic followers.
Fucking Hitler reincarnate, with his deranged followers.

Historians generally agree that Hitler took at least some of his political cues from the protofascist movement in America in the 1930s.
It's a collection of men that cheat on and beat their wives along with pedophiles,rapists,closeted freaks and religious nuts that believe women belong barefoot and pregnant at home.

Good enough to be quoted twice.
Sometimes a large collection of men. Our republicans are jealous.

Welcome to the land where a new 'slapping law' means beating your partner is no longer a criminal offense