Aussie Growers Thread

Yep, i got it from a diff website from someone. I belive it was sent via a PM from someone else. Guess it was from you (they have your turn of phase and dry sarcasm (which I like) or one of your stalkers.
Really? I pm’d you on another website to talk smack about myself? Jesus Christ this is getting better by the minute.
I’ve noticed u also like to imply I have a number of stalkers. I don’t. Just the one delusional character since 2017. I’m glad u also find it amusing. Unfortunately I can’t share the same sentiment.
Really? I pm’d you on another website to talk smack about myself? Jesus Christ this is getting better by the minute.
I’ve noticed u also like to imply I have a number of stalkers. I don’t. Just the one delusional character since 2017. I’m glad u also find it amusing. Unfortunately I can’t share the same sentiment.
Hence why i said "You couldn't make this shit up" earlier.
Ok ur not making an ounce of sense. The fact is u believed what an utter and complete stranger stalked u to tell you and then u brought the garbage back here with intent to embarrass, humiliate, degrade and defame me. Why u felt I deserved that is still unclear. But what is clear is if there was a comp for back-pedalling you’d be in the lead.
It’s not nice to have a group of people on top of u is it? Take that into consideration next time you feel the need to gang up with your sock pals on someone else and undeservedly so.
Ok ur not making an ounce of sense. The fact is u believed what an utter and complete stranger stalked u to tell you and then u brought the garbage back here with intent to embarrass, humiliate, degrade and defame me. Why u felt I deserved that is still unclear. But what is clear is if f there was a comp for back-pedalling you’d be in the lead.
It’s not nice to have a group of people on top of u is it? Take that into consideration next time you feel the need to gang up with your socks on someone else and undeservedly so.
Firstly I don't have any socks. I can say what i want to say on this account.
Im not saying I believe one over the other. Nothing would surprise me with you. There both fkn strange eh?
I'd be careful with yantra. Order from overseas next time so you don't get your beans from a compromised source. The owner seems a right cunt as well
Yeah I got that vibe after a few emails I’ve received lately. Shit attitude for a business to have. I have a stocked cupboard now so I’m sweet for a fair while. Next time I’ll try somewhere new who do you go threw?
I don’t get all this shit anyway all the ppl that left where arguing amongst them selfs now there on another forum an coming back to bully the ones that where not even involved in there petty shit to start with.
It all started on this page mate #79592 , read back one page for clarity.

Couple of us were questioning some claims, they were evaded and links they supplied didn't surport what he was saying, you jump in on me and then Venus does the same a few posts later.

Naa man they not arguing they are talkin confusing chit and i quote -
Legumes are just a host for Rhizobactor sp. Which can absorb nitrogen from the air and convert it into plant available ammonium nitrate
Azospirillium are another nitrogen fixer but they fix it without the need of a host"

so im over here..
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You are still going on about something on page 7959, who gives a fuck? You are completely drug fucked if you think what ever happened that long ago has any relevance to today. People who can never move on end up completely stuck in life and fucking loosers not only in a forum but also in real life. If you feel the need to bring up the past then go smoke a bong, if you then still feel the need to bring up the past then go smoke another, continue doing this until you pass out from too many bongs then turn green and shit your pants. Do this every time you think of bringing up the past that doesn't matter. I like to look at the future not the past as the past just doesn't matter, what makes me make a decision about what I do today is what matters.
You are still going on about something on page 7959, who gives a fuck? You are completely drug fucked if you think what ever happened that long ago has any relevance to today. People who can never move on end up completely stuck in life and fucking loosers not only in a forum but also in real life. If you feel the need to bring up the past then go smoke a bong, if you then still feel the need to bring up the past then go smoke another, continue doing this until you pass out from too many bongs then turn green and shit your pants. Do this every time you think of bringing up the past that doesn't matter. I like to look at the future not the past as the past just doesn't matter, what makes me make a decision about what I do today is what matters.
did i quote you? NO
And you got the Page Number wrong..Nice rant though but u might want to check that.
Just in case ur confused its this one. #79584 You just have to click that number.
Bet you feel silly now.
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Stop playing the victim now. Jz told u to shut the fuck up and I said listen to yourself and proceeded in a very civil manner. You then chose to bring up every inflammatory piece of information u could think of and now ur making out like u had nothing to do with any of it.
We don’t need policing. This thread doesn’t need someone around watching and waiting to correct anyone who slips up. If u challenge someone then do it in a respectful manner and don’t bring past bs into it.
I don’t see why ur finding it so hard to relax and let people be. This isn’t a classroom ur not a teacher. And u make out like this “was” the only informative thread on an entire grow site. This is the AUSSIE thread and all that live here are welcome.
Stop playing the victim now. Jz told u to shut the fuck up and I said listen to yourself and proceeded in a very civil manner. You then chose to bring up every inflammatory piece of information u could think of and now ur making out like u had nothing to do with any of it.
We don’t need policing. This thread doesn’t need someone around watching and waiting to correct anyone who slips up. If u challenge someone then do it in a respectful manner and don’t bring past bs into it.
I don’t see why ur finding it so hard to relax and let people be. This isn’t a classroom ur not a teacher. And u make out like this “was” the only informative thread on an entire grow site. This is the AUSSIE thread and all that live here are welcome.
right so its OK for him to insult me and gang up on me when im questioning what i consider to be bad and flippnat info and the person is evading simple questions..
Of playing victum… JZS didn't even know why he called me it back. You and I were being civil and then u join in.

Now u can spin it anyway u like but its right there for all to see.

I wasn't policing..seems to be the buzzword. I was questioning what some one was saying as fact. And I wasn't the only one.
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You'd have had plenty of experience in having a group of people on top of you I bet
Hey venus another sock, should we burn it or ignore it? I say let it die like the others.oh look theres a label it says made by a group of retarded inbreds that were so stupid they got kicked off a weed thread. I say burn it!!! Seriously how bad do you have to behave to get kicked off one of the most liberal threads on the internet? The mind boggles
Hey venus another sock, should we burn it or ignore it? I say let it die like the others.oh look theres a label it says made by a group of retarded inbreds that were so stupid they got kicked off a weed thread. I say burn it!!! Seriously how bad do you have to behave to get kicked off one of the most liberal threads on the internet? The mind boggles
See you at south pacific hydro sometime arsehat. I remember you posting your face so I'm sure I'll recognise you. Again, take a step back and realise your vulnerability. Put a big enough target on yourself and it'll get hit one of these days. If I play my cards wrong then maybe you can counsel me in jail wink, wink
Hey venus another sock, should we burn it or ignore it? I say let it die like the others.oh look theres a label it says made by a group of retarded inbreds that were so stupid they got kicked off a weed thread. I say burn it!!! Seriously how bad do you have to behave to get kicked off one of the most liberal threads on the internet? The mind boggles
I say ignore. Ultimately we don’t want this sort of shit here this thread has had an overdose of self righteous socks. It’s a case of no feeding the trolls. It’s like feeding a pigeon, they’ll come back more and more leaving a pile of shit in their wake. Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against pigeons personally but they do leave an awful mess.
Ignore and move on.
See you at south pacific hydro sometime arsehat. I remember you posting your face so I'm sure I'll recognise you. Again, take a step back and realise your vulnerability. Put a big enough target on yourself and it'll get hit one of these days. If I play my cards wrong then maybe you can counsel me in jail wink, wink
Mate I look forward to that, seriously please please try it! If your game pm me and I can organise a meeting no problem, if you have the balls. I doubt you do man, but ill wait for the pm.
View attachment 4321041 Look mum, no flash!!
Reckon I could be a contender in the frost department?? No of course I couldn’t I’m just some chick part of the “can’t grow for shit” club. You can’t create trichs that aren’t there, but if screaming photoshop is what’s gonna help u sleep at nite then hey I’m not here to judge.
Ur delusional that’s for sure
Wasn't i just saying how you have to be careful of what u post and house of cards etc... Yes, yes i was...Lovely argument that was...hahaha