What did you accomplish today?

First day of yard work for me. Spread some cal/mag around the veggie beds. I've had issues with blossom end rot and it seemed to help after I applied it last year, so I'm getting it in early. Threw some leftover ferts on some of the ornamental stuff that's been here for years some irises, roses and something that gets about 4 ft tall with huge flowers IDK what they are. Cleaned all the crap I stored in the shed over winter out, dug my workhorse ride on mower out, lubed it all up and got it running. Then I topped the flowers, along with my blueberries, blackberries and fig, with compost and wood chip mulch. Tomorrow I'm hoping to get the garden beds and my mound gardens covered in compost and mulch so I can get my squashes and melons going in the next couple weeks. I'll probably throw some lettuce, broccoli and Brussel sprout seeds around if I have time.
It’s in the UK. The NHS didn’t give him chemo either. Due to his age, they are useless because he EVEN HAD THE SAME CANCER 7 years ago! Fucking useless .

i feel you i am pretty sure my mom would still be alive today if the hospital admitted her when we took her in the first place. she had a bone marrow donor 100% and everything but kept telling her she can't go for about a month because she has some weird thing on her xrays and when the results came in NOTHING. pretty sure the doctor knew she fucked up and if we could sue we would have. we called the social worker and the social worker didn't even know my mom passed away a day after so it was like wtf are you people doing? do you not communicate with your own fucking employees?
i feel you i am pretty sure my mom would still be alive today if the hospital admitted her when we took her in the first place. she had a bone marrow donor 100% and everything but kept telling her she can't go for about a month because she has some weird thing on her xrays and when the results came in NOTHING. pretty sure the doctor knew she fucked up and if we could sue we would have. we called the social worker and the social worker didn't even know my mom passed away a day after so it was like wtf are you people doing? do you not communicate with your own fucking employees?
That’s just awful. I’m so sorry. Another misdiagnosis and misadventure by the sound of it. Happened to me for 25 years and I not only diagnosed myself and made them do MRI scans etc but I also fixed myself too. I have little faith left in the the medical profession after what I’ve seen.
That’s just awful. I’m so sorry. Another misdiagnosis and misadventure by the sound of it. Happened to me for 25 years and I not only diagnosed myself and made them do MRI scans etc but I also fixed myself too. I have little faith left in the the medical profession after what I’ve seen.

honestly me too i've heard a LOT of bad stories about the medical field and how lack of a good job they are doing yet we are paying them fairly big bucks just to pretty much playing guinea pig on us. my sister works are a care giver as well so yea and my aunty too but i think she is like a RN or something but she is a pretty horrible RN.
I accomplished folding and looking up my 401k. (Every time I do it I swear it's the last time I look).

I'm always hesitant to do it as typically it's a disappointment.
Today I was pleasantly surprised - not bad for 90 days.

  • Beginning Balance: $380,398.65
    as of 01/15/2019

  • Ending Balance*: $421,554.19
    as of 04/15/2019

  • Net Change: $41,155.54
looking up my 401k.

I did also.
I accomplished folding and looking up my 401k. (Every time I do it I swear it's the last time I look).

I'm always hesitant to do it as typically it's a disappointment.
Today I was pleasantly surprised - not bad for 90 days.

  • Beginning Balance: $380,398.65
    as of 01/15/2019

  • Ending Balance*: $421,554.19
    as of 04/15/2019

  • Net Change: $41,155.54
Will you be my sugar saddy?