Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

Great question buck.

It's stupid because everyone involved is long dead. It's stupid because it is impossible to say who owes who. It is stupid because white folks also fought to free the slaves. It is stupid because it will only reinforce the false victim narrative. It's stupid because a hand-out won't help. They need to take responsibility for themselves.
Who the fuck gets to keep monies received from a criminal enterprise. What law is that?
From your answer, I see you saying it is because of circumstances and not the color of their skin.

I asked you if simply because of skin color, do black people experience more hardship than white people in the US? A simple yes or no. No need to explain.
I guess the color of their skin might make them get hot in the sun. It isn't the blackness that is hurting the black individual.
no, what you said is white supremacist propaganda. It's not what he said at all. Not one bit.
"FBI crime statistics are hate facts"