Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

Unnamed sources. Shrug. We've seen a lot of bad reporting based on unnamed sources. I think Barr would be insane to scrub the conclusions of Mueller's report. We shall see.
i think he commented before he had a chance to do more than skim the summaries...which was a damn irresponsible thing to do, and i'm sure trump pushing him to make some kind of statement had something to do with that. he saw what he wanted to see, and ran his mouth before he read it thoroughly...and now he has to back pedal and try to explain....while many of the people who worked on the report sit in the wings, fuming in righteous anger at how their hard work has been not only misrepresented, but misread, misconstrued, and used to misdirect...
Yes, the NYTimes makes it clear that the Oct. FISA warrant was not up to standard. Steele is described as credible and the Hillary investment in the dossier is mysteriously left out in the application. That is worthy of investigation. Otherwise what is to stop Trump from doing the same damn thing in the 2020 election? Establish stooges and play the game to get inside scoop on what you political foes are doing? Sounds crooked as hell to me and I don't want either party doing that shit. YMMV.
i think he commented before he had a chance to do more than skim the summaries...which was a damn irresponsible thing to do, and i'm sure trump pushing him to make some kind of statement had something to do with that. he saw what he wanted to see, and ran his mouth before he read it thoroughly...and now he has to back pedal and try to explain....while many of the people who worked on the report sit in the wings, fuming in righteous anger at how their hard work has been not only misrepresented, but misread, misconstrued, and used to misdirect...
If so, he made a terrible mistake and is not worthy of his position.
Yes, the NYTimes makes it clear that the Oct. FISA warrant was not up to standard. Steele is described as credible and the Hillary investment in the dossier is mysteriously left out in the application. That is worthy of investigation. Otherwise what is to stop Trump from doing the same damn thing in the 2020 election? Establish stooges and play the game to get inside scoop on what you political foes are doing? Sounds crooked as hell to me and I don't want either party doing that shit. YMMV.
"The FBI disclosed to the court that Steele was paid by people seeking to discredit Trump."

You should go to your neighbors and borrow their google machine thingy
Yes, the NYTimes makes it clear that the Oct. FISA warrant was not up to standard. Steele is described as credible and the Hillary investment in the dossier is mysteriously left out in the application. That is worthy of investigation. Otherwise what is to stop Trump from doing the same damn thing in the 2020 election? Establish stooges and play the game to get inside scoop on what you political foes are doing? Sounds crooked as hell to me and I don't want either party doing that shit. YMMV.
my mileage varies a lot...we can read the same shit and take away very different things...i take away that trump is thrashing wildly to scare away the sharks...because he's a criminal fuck, who unwisely stepped into the spotlight, and now he's desperately trying to use misdirection to avoid punishment for his heinous behavior....while you apparently see Hillary Clinton giving you the bird while laughing wildly....
DOJ and FBI should never be allowed to act as a hit squad for a political party, I hope the individuals that fouled these agencies are fully prosecuted.
You honestly think that all the Law Enforcement Agencies in the USA were all aligned to defeat Trump?
Go seek medical help, because your fucked in the head.if you believe that shite being spewed by Trump.
I want to see the FULL Mueller report, fuck redaction.
Why can't the American people, whom they all serve, see the report?
Is it that bad?
Knowing Trump, yea, it is probably that bad.
You honestly think that all the Law Enforcement Agencies in the USA were all aligned to defeat Trump?
Go seek medical help, because your fucked in the head.if you believe that shite being spewed by Trump.
I want to see the FULL Mueller report, fuck redaction.
Why can't the American people, whom they all serve, see the report?
Is it that bad?
Knowing Trump, yea, it is probably that bad.
Where did I say that ALL law agencies were involved?
my mileage varies a lot...we can read the same shit and take away very different things...i take away that trump is thrashing wildly to scare away the sharks...because he's a criminal fuck, who unwisely stepped into the spotlight, and now he's desperately trying to use misdirection to avoid punishment for his heinous behavior....while you apparently see Hillary Clinton giving you the bird while laughing wildly....
No, I think it is clear that Hillary got off because a dem executive was in charge and dem stooges in DOJ and FBI expected her to win the election. I think Trump is getting off because there was no merit to the Russia collusion story that the dems manufactured to spy on his campaign. I have zero doubt Trump is guilty of crimes and it is too bad dems did not pursue actual crimes but it probably won't matter until he is out of office anyway. Sad that our justice departments seem to protect their own but it has always been that way.
You honestly think that all the Law Enforcement Agencies in the USA were all aligned to defeat Trump?
Go seek medical help, because your fucked in the head.if you believe that shite being spewed by Trump.
I want to see the FULL Mueller report, fuck redaction.
Why can't the American people, whom they all serve, see the report?
Is it that bad?
Knowing Trump, yea, it is probably that bad.
Really! Bring the report out. I'm tired of this bullshit, it reeks of a cover-up.