Strawberry cough


Well-Known Member
April 5

on week 8 day 1 not much really going on though. plants are slowly finishing up i need to water them tomorrow. still learning so im not entirely sure when to harvest and all that because clear looks cloudy to me sometimes but i will be checking trichomes more often now starting tomorrow and i'll try to upload pics daily with the trichomes. i personally think they got about a week left to go at least 1 of the plants looks close to being ready the other too can probably push into 2 more weeks but i will be harvesting all at once

UPDATE- trichomes today

looks close to harvest time imo not really sure though.
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Well-Known Member
Stop looking at the leaves man. You can only go off the trichomes on the bracts(calyxs). Also lets see a picture of the whole buds.
you mean pistils? im not really looking at the leaves lol just the pistils/trichomes. i only look at the leaves to see what is going on i think the plants got rust from lack of air movement prior to moving them into my tent i'll take some photo's soon i need to feed/water and update this log today with some photo's just got home though so kind lazy and tired as shit right now


Well-Known Member
No I mean that last picture you posted of the trichomes was of the leaves. The trichomes on the leaves will mature faster then on the buds because they are exposted to more damaging eliments. WHen you do look at trichomes it needs to be on the actual buds.

Also from looking at the pictures you posted the last couple days you should stop looking at the trichomes and stop messing with the plant, it needs 2-4 more weeks easily and absolutely. Its got tons of fresh new growth and hasn't started to mature at all.


Well-Known Member
No I mean that last picture you posted of the trichomes was of the leaves. The trichomes on the leaves will mature faster then on the buds because they are exposted to more damaging eliments. WHen you do look at trichomes it needs to be on the actual buds.

Also from looking at the pictures you posted the last couple days you should stop looking at the trichomes and stop messing with the plant, it needs 2-4 more weeks easily and absolutely. Its got tons of fresh new growth and hasn't started to mature at all.
ahh yea that last pic i fucked up i was toying with the microscope but ty i didn't know that. my microscope is iffy sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt but i think i found out why which is just because i have to turn on the app and wifi at specific times otherwise it won't work properly.

I had a question because i fed constantly would you suggest flushing at all? or just tappering my nutrients and if flushing/leeching when should i start? i was planning to feed today but i don't want my buds to taste like shit. my last batch tastes horrible and i think besides the drying process it was because i feed way too much towards the end. someone told me it was due to feeding too much nitrogen


Well-Known Member
I feed full strength right till harvest and my buds always taste amazing for 2 reasons. I don't harvest them early, and I know how to dry slowly.

Flushing is totally unscientific and does nothing for your plant that people claim. YOU CAN NOT REMOVE "nutrients" from your buds.

Harvesting plants early is a huge reason new growers have bad tasting and smelling crops. Then you combine that with not drying it all slow enough and bang your weed tastes like grass.


Well-Known Member
I feed full strength right till harvest and my buds always taste amazing for 2 reasons. I don't harvest them early, and I know how to dry slowly.

Flushing is totally unscientific and does nothing for your plant that people claim. YOU CAN NOT REMOVE "nutrients" from your buds.

Harvesting plants early is a huge reason new growers have bad tasting and smelling crops. Then you combine that with not drying it all slow enough and bang your weed tastes like grass.
thanks yea i read on another persons thread you commented on about this. i guess imma feed full strength but year it tastes pretty bad i mean it is manageable but the smell is mostly gone already after a month i think i dried it too fast


Well-Known Member
You need to really let them properly mature to maximize the terps, and let them dry slowly to get the best flavor. I typically hang dry for about 10 days until slightly crispy on the outside and then break the buds down individually and put the buds in a paper bag for another 3-5 days to balance out the moisture content. I don't ever jar up buds that seem moist at all. Then finally I trim them up and put them in jars or bags for storage and smoking. They keep that yummy taste they start with every time.


Well-Known Member
April 7

slightly cooler today Temp 81-82F RH - 58% i think that is with tent open with it closed it is 63% last i checked.

checked out the trichomes on the actual buds but yea they look to be turning cloudy but are like half clear half cloudy. some of the buds are looking pretty massive compared to before. im pretty sure i am not looking into it but they actually got bigger because i don't recall one of the kola's on pheno 1/2 being so big just a few days ago

if i did my math correctly looking back im actually on week 7 of flowering ( if i timed it right ) not considering the flip/stretch phase so that would mean i got 1-3 more weeks to go at least ( taking into account this week ). the older fan leaves are starting to yellow off as well. i was thinking it could be a PH issue but makes no sense to me because it is noticeable the plants used to be very dark green and now they are like am emerald green with the middles/outside edges turning yellow gradually over time. some leaves near the bottom have already begun to actually turn yellow in the back of the tent.

some of the fan leaves are also feeling crispy as if there is very little moisture in them. i was thinking it was due to heat but honestly i've dealt with heat issues all my grows and really they don't feel like this during the veg or early flowering stages. i water pretty often as well every 4 days. usually by then the middle is still moist but the tops are dried out already. i try to go every 3 days but depending on weather and all that sometimes they are not dry enough to need watering. i am just going to let them go as is run them 2-3 more weeks and check trichomes after the 2nd week ( april 18 )

i work tomorrow night but after that excluding wednesdays my logs will be updated later on in the day. i'll try to post pics along with them as usual


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Well-Known Member
You are very welcome man. Way back when I was new around here there was some really great growers that helped lots of us learn the ropes, so now that I'm in a position of more experience I try to do the same and share what I"ve learned. I really try to help the newer guys weed through all the BS that is on line both here and other places.


Well-Known Member
You are very welcome man. Way back when I was new around here there was some really great growers that helped lots of us learn the ropes, so now that I'm in a position of more experience I try to do the same and share what I"ve learned. I really try to help the newer guys weed through all the BS that is on line both here and other places.
yea that is what im trying to do cause when i first started off not many people are willing to actually invest into teaching or properly educating newer growers like myself. im not as experienced as others but i give my 2cents with my own experience and this is why i also created this journal to begin with to show people my personal growing experiences/failures and to learn/educate themselves as well as myself to be better growers overall.


Well-Known Member
April 8

plants are smelling insane compared to yesterday. i could get a whiff of it yesterday now it's like i just walk into the house and already smell it. temps and RH about the same 82F and 64%. i watered only 1gal split no PH water.

i think i am going to try and experiment by not feeding now until finish to force the plants to use up all nutrients. i think it will be safe to say that summer for us has already started doesn't seem like the weather is going to get any better just hot and humid all day and night. tomorrow im going to be watering 1gal split again


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Well-Known Member
April 9

watered 1gal each just used water from our sink ( tap ) our tap water is fairly clean. didn't PH it though did this because it's hot outside so the water temp outside is likely around 84-86F.

plants are looking okay buds seem to be fatter but i think they are fox tailing im not worried i mean i kind of expected it to happen. doesn't seem too bad though. it could be nothing too but it's hard to tell im just going to wait until harvest and see how they look

slowly just waiting to pass the days week 8 of flip is almost done ( thursday ) going to check trichomes on Sunday when im off but running them another week at the least. started to just use water. next week im probably going to run over drive

leaves are looking weird as well lots of clawing looks like nitrogen toxicity imo but leaves are not dark. they are all twisted as well no idea why this is only on pheno 3 that they are twisted i think it's because i had to bunch the kolas up and tie them to the stake.

UPDATE- added an oscilating fan into the room. using the spare one we have figured they would want to use it but nobody is using it. removed the air purifier and put the fan in it's place now we got actual air movement and plants swaying. kept it on low for now don't know exactly if they will be okay on medium setting as this fan pushes a shit load of air just like the air purifier on medium and high setting.

UPDATE #2- checked trichomes most seem cloudy but still a few clear ones will check again on sunday and continue with just plain non PH'd water


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Well-Known Member
April 10

nothing new today just killing the days. i am close to harvesting though i think they should be done by week 9. im experimenting with flushing not really cause of the benefits more so because i feed a lot if you read my journal you would know so im just trying to cut down the nutrients in the soil might reuse it in the future thats why idk yet


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Well-Known Member
Looking pretty good but I would say at least a week more or two.
That wild pistil action going on shows it’s still growing.

You will regret it if you chop too soon .... forget the flushing ( it just strips medium ).
Start a “ wind down “ in feed ( less ) so plant can pull from itself and exhaust what it has stored. Forget the triches on fans and trim .... just the bud.

Let it ride.