What did you accomplish today?

My joints are small, maybe 1/3 of a gram, not like the giant 1 gram cones you see in the dispensaries. We usually smoke one later in the evening. Lately it's been one joint and a hit on the pipe shortly before bed. I've never tried a bong and don't really have a desire to... I assume it would make me cough like mad. At least that's what I see everyone do when they hit them.

I like how discrete joints are, living downtown there's always people mulling about and a big colorful glass bong would just draw too much unwanted attention.
you get used to it....friends come by and hack out a lung, while it barely tickles my throat anymore
Grandkids came over for the afternoon yesterday, daughter needed to use our washer while her bathroom/laundry rooms are being refurbished. The youngest one still likes to snuggle with her Pop Pop, I belong to her, she doesn't belong to me...lol. She has to know what I am up to all the time. The eldest did a good job of wearing out Roxy playing tug of war with her rope back and forth across the back yard, mud pit that it is. Had to sanitize the house and hide my paraphernalia. Didn't get a chance to have chat time with my grandson, he started this years ago out of the blue. He brings up a subject then we talk about it. One time it was boogers, he wanted to know why we have them. I gave my best 6 YO clinical explanation of the purpose.
i got one of these,
but the damn thing is too heavy, and if you try to slide it shut without tamping shit down, the lid pushes it out of the bowl.....
this unit is what i usually pack if i'm going out for a while, don't like that it's aluminum, but it holdsView attachment 4311400 a whole 8th if i wanna pack it that tight, and it's just heavy enough to be able to chuck the fucker a good distance if i ever have to....and i got 6 of them for 15 bucks, including the shipping. only got one left, gave a couple away, lost a couple.....and the guy that runs the store i got them at wised up and they're now ten bucks a piece

mines a cameo still with a cap on it, easy to get rid of if need be.......don't have to worry to much if i'm on a tractor or something or i'm down at the coast fishing....just kinda blends in with everything else i have....
you get used to it....friends come by and hack out a lung, while it barely tickles my throat anymore
You have to use the right liquid in a water pipe, very important.

This is what I use for my bong, it smooth's out the most wicked weed, plus you can do shot's of the juice after

Yummy :)

enjoying my last day off; hopefully before i start work again tomorrow. been out of work for 3 weeks. i went back to work for 1 week in the middle. just patiently waiting for my grow to finish while my seeds come in so i can harvest and get this new grow going. my new grow will be 1 pineapple chunk and about 8 sunflowers. im debating on not running the PC and going straight all sunflowers because i just got so much buds that i haven't really used yet. other then that just sippin on some coffee trying to make the best of life.

i really dont have much to do today i just need to figure the sunflower thing stuff out and thats pretty much most of my day. i also need to start getting on with figuring out what to change careers into. i currently have a degree in science for culinary arts but honestly the amount of money i make, work i put in, and hours demanded for this job just doesn't cut it for my state. i'd literally be homeless on my salary unless i work 2 full time jobs and possibly 1 extra job part time. cost of living in Hawaii with a low salary job is no joke. what is even harder is finding something that has a job market for said job on a small island with lots of competition. we are not known for specific fields like technology related fields which i wanted to get into such as IT/programming as i do that for a hobby currently and fairly decent at computers. what i wanted to do was turn my hobby ( growing cannabis ) into a business as it's still illegal in my state for recreational use. idk though im still trying to decide. only thing that seems to be in really high demand here are medical field stuff that is something im not really interested in though
enjoying my last day off; hopefully before i start work again tomorrow. been out of work for 3 weeks. i went back to work for 1 week in the middle. just patiently waiting for my grow to finish while my seeds come in so i can harvest and get this new grow going. my new grow will be 1 pineapple chunk and about 8 sunflowers. im debating on not running the PC and going straight all sunflowers because i just got so much buds that i haven't really used yet. other then that just sippin on some coffee trying to make the best of life.

i really dont have much to do today i just need to figure the sunflower thing stuff out and thats pretty much most of my day. i also need to start getting on with figuring out what to change careers into. i currently have a degree in science for culinary arts but honestly the amount of money i make, work i put in, and hours demanded for this job just doesn't cut it for my state. i'd literally be homeless on my salary unless i work 2 full time jobs and possibly 1 extra job part time. cost of living in Hawaii with a low salary job is no joke. what is even harder is finding something that has a job market for said job on a small island with lots of competition. we are not known for specific fields like technology related fields which i wanted to get into such as IT/programming as i do that for a hobby currently and fairly decent at computers. what i wanted to do was turn my hobby ( growing cannabis ) into a business as it's still illegal in my state for recreational use. idk though im still trying to decide. only thing that seems to be in really high demand here are medical field stuff that is something im not really interested in though

u need to ck out the Hawaii growers thread if you already haven't, maybe they can give u some pointers and or thoughts
i have checked them out. it looks like most of them don't live on my island though. i live on Oahu i think they live on the big island or maui for the most part.

then you might benefit at looking into the department of health in Hawaii, cking out what they can do, or what you can do for them.....just thinking out load...ok....

last time i was there, sure was nice sitting on the North Beach with a dubbie....:bigjoint:
then you might benefit at looking into the department of health in Hawaii, cking out what they can do, or what you can do for them.....just thinking out load...ok....

last time i was there, sure was nice sitting on the North Beach with a dubbie....:bigjoint:

yea right now im just trying to look into something that i want to do that also pays well. i love to cook but it has so much cons pay and time invested is some of the biggest ones. time not so much but eventually i want kids i don't want to be constantly working odd hours and never really see them or get to spend time with them. my dad was like that always worked never really spent much time with us until we got older and even now when were old all he really does is go shopping/chores with us i guess that is why we never really got close to him compared to our mom.

im just kind of like looking at the current job market and have some fields i am interested in so i get an idea of what to pursue. IT/Programming or anything to deal with computers is my go to then only other things im interested outside of that are like agricultural stuff/wild life things and then probably mechanic related stuff. lots of mechanic jobs here
enjoying my last day off; hopefully before i start work again tomorrow. been out of work for 3 weeks. i went back to work for 1 week in the middle. just patiently waiting for my grow to finish while my seeds come in so i can harvest and get this new grow going. my new grow will be 1 pineapple chunk and about 8 sunflowers. im debating on not running the PC and going straight all sunflowers because i just got so much buds that i haven't really used yet. other then that just sippin on some coffee trying to make the best of life.

i really dont have much to do today i just need to figure the sunflower thing stuff out and thats pretty much most of my day. i also need to start getting on with figuring out what to change careers into. i currently have a degree in science for culinary arts but honestly the amount of money i make, work i put in, and hours demanded for this job just doesn't cut it for my state. i'd literally be homeless on my salary unless i work 2 full time jobs and possibly 1 extra job part time. cost of living in Hawaii with a low salary job is no joke. what is even harder is finding something that has a job market for said job on a small island with lots of competition. we are not known for specific fields like technology related fields which i wanted to get into such as IT/programming as i do that for a hobby currently and fairly decent at computers. what i wanted to do was turn my hobby ( growing cannabis ) into a business as it's still illegal in my state for recreational use. idk though im still trying to decide. only thing that seems to be in really high demand here are medical field stuff that is something im not really interested in though
I was a commercial electrician for around 35 years, but as I got older and was tired of working in the field at 10 degrees in the winter and over 90 in the summer, I said fuck this shit and went indoors to my basement and turned my hobby into an occupation.
Been sitting on my ass basically for the last 8 years growing full time in CT, making enough to pay the bills and go to the Caribbean once a year.(my wife is a teacher so that helps a lot)
I live in a relatively well off area where I can sell at $15 per gram, so I don't know if that would work in Hawaii, but if I was you, I'd do the math and if you have enough contacts to buy your supply, I'd say fuck the kitchen (been there/too damn hot), fuck IT, it's overloaded and very competitive and do what you like before you die. (Black Irish humor), which is growing herb.
So, if you don't have qualms about breaking the law and can sell your product, I'd know what I would do, which is what I did, and that's sit back and watch my plants grow :)
Damn, one bowl, one joint. I feel like a stoner.....
Yea, their a bunch of lightweights smoking a joint/bowl a day.
I don't really consider myself a stoner (more like a drunk) and I smoke at least 3 joints a day (along with a half dozen Fosters).
Must be nice to be in such control.
I gave up
This song is for all you old hippies out there, anyone remember it?

Yea, their a bunch of lightweights smoking a joint/bowl a day.
I don't really consider myself a stoner (more like a drunk) and I smoke at least 3 joints a day (along with a half dozen Fosters).
Must be nice to be in such control.
I gave up
This song is for all you old hippies out there, anyone remember it?


lol I'm barely a functioning member of society when I'm sober. If I were to smoke up during the day I'd never get dressed or leave the house.
Yea, their a bunch of lightweights smoking a joint/bowl a day.
I don't really consider myself a stoner (more like a drunk) and I smoke at least 3 joints a day (along with a half dozen Fosters).
Must be nice to be in such control.
I gave up
This song is for all you old hippies out there, anyone remember it?

hey, i said i could stay high half the day on one bowl...that i can stick my thumb in....IMG_20190403_145840.jpg it would go in up to the knuckle, if it wasn't full of weed and hash already....
I was a commercial electrician for around 35 years, but as I got older and was tired of working in the field at 10 degrees in the winter and over 90 in the summer, I said fuck this shit and went indoors to my basement and turned my hobby into an occupation.
Been sitting on my ass basically for the last 8 years growing full time in CT, making enough to pay the bills and go to the Caribbean once a year.(my wife is a teacher so that helps a lot)
I live in a relatively well off area where I can sell at $15 per gram, so I don't know if that would work in Hawaii, but if I was you, I'd do the math and if you have enough contacts to buy your supply, I'd say fuck the kitchen (been there/too damn hot), fuck IT, it's overloaded and very competitive and do what you like before you die. (Black Irish humor), which is growing herb.
So, if you don't have qualms about breaking the law and can sell your product, I'd know what I would do, which is what I did, and that's sit back and watch my plants grow :)

yea that was what i was planning to do but on a legal scale. i live on an island if i get caught it's over nowhere to run and hide. lots of competition as well but the problem is nobody here seems to really grow and sell it and the stuff i buy it's over priced and shit quality. lots of plugs here but they are all moving zips. when i buy i buy half a pound at a time and people think im crazy lol. not to mention i had a similiar incident happen to drug trafficking but not me but with my cousin. he lives about 5-10minute drive from my house swat raided their entire house found a shit load of drugs. the dad went to prison shit was blasted all over the news..

thats why i like to keep it legal if i go down that route. i was trying to start my own business but idk any locals here that grow and would be open to co owning with me
I grow and sell about 2 lbs a month, which last year netted me around $70000 from 14 plants in a perpetual.
Of course if I get popped I'm fucked, but what the hell, life is a crap shoot anyway, right?
We are all fucked, life is just preparation for the ultimate trauma.

The older I am the more vices I have given up on.... wish I had this much common sense when I was younger.... at least where it concerns my health.