Dude, it's obvious you're a new grower, so Ima throw you a lifeline. We get it; you've got 0-1 grows under your belt and you read about super cropping and wanted to give it a try. Your interest is justified; it's a relatively low stress way to encourage bud development and levelize canopy growth without significantly weakening the branch, but you've misinterpreted what you read. Even this line referenced in your own post should give you a clue:
How will you know to identify this stage(sic)? It is when the plant is developing a few vigorous branches but has not yet got into the full flowering stage(sic).
Written by a high school dropout, but it nevertheless makes the point. I understand how you might have concluded that damaging the stem makes it stronger, but that simply isn't the case. While the healed growth is stronger, where that knuckle connects to normal growth tends to be brittle, and if the stem will break, that is where it will occur. The knuckle is stronger, but the stem as whole is weaker.
Now, you can continue with your tantrum and berate all of us "old men" (sexist much?), or your can acquiesce to experience and gracefully say: "Ah, I see what you mean. Thought I was on to something, but probably not." See how easy that is? Now, you try it.