Look good for 14 days from seed?

I also forgot to mention that my main stem is doing an amazing job thickening up as i started a little bit of super cropping to support more weight

Lmao! Where’s this “super cropping” you speak of??? Oh! You mean that “knuckle” on the bottom? Lol!!!. It’s a nice looking plant and I can almost guarantee to didn’t create the “knuckle” that’s there.

Stop feeding the trolls guys!!
That’s pretty advanced almost lab grade move if you created that “knuckle”

I grabbed the fucking stem and squeezed it and let it droop over and propped it back up while it healed and didnt touch it for 3 days. You as advanced growers should know that there is more than one way to grow a plant and to give me shit for growing mine how i want is kind of pathetic. Let me ask you what the fuck is the issue with me doing what i want to my plant anyways? I asked for tips on what i can do NOW NOT BEFORE WHAT I HAD ALREADY DONE nobodys trolling except you dumb fucks who have nothing better to do but get on a pot growing forum and piss out opinion all over new growers. Stop it. You aren't the only person to ever grow a plant before and I'm not the first person to make a mistake. Which wasnt even a mistake because i wasn't effected negatively and my plant continues to grow like a beast. Looks way better than fuck faces space cookies seedlings did and that's just facts sorry.
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That’s pretty advanced almost lab grade move if you created that “knuckle”

By the way, heres it before i squeezed the stem. I sincerely hope you realize how dumb you are for acting like what i did was impossible.


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Nobody asked for you to be an asshole, obviously if my plant isnt stunted i didnt do anything wrong. Bunch of crotchety old men on this forum. Grow up.
For future grows, don’t supercrop a baby seedling. You most definitely did something wrong so stop acting like you know more than people who’ve got many grows under their belts. You got lucky your plant didn’t die or stunt severely. You did a silly thing And got away with it. Go ahead and keep doing it if you are so sure you did nothing wrong. Keep it up and we will see how you feel about it. Seems the cannabis isn’t for you. I recommend a proper medication for your personal needs. Halidol or Thorazine
Also, no she isnt stunted :)
Just looking at your picture and you didn’t supercrop anything. It benefitted the plant absolutely zero and with your attitude I’m sure it will die before reaching maturity. I see a big ph swing, a panic and a fail for you. I’d just love to be there to collect your salty tears when it happens.
Just looking at your picture and you didn’t supercrop anything. It benefitted the plant absolutely zero and with your attitude I’m sure it will die before reaching maturity. I see a big ph swing, a panic and a fail for you. I’d just love to be there to collect your salty tears when it happens.

I can tell that you're the type of person who's entire family hates them. You're already halfway through your life so i guess its pointless for me to tell you to learn how to help people without being a smartass because you'd be too fucking stubborn to understand that. Keep your irrelevant ass comments to yourself because nobody else gives a fuck or wants to see you be a dick. If you find it amusing maybe you need to lay off the pot and the internet and go outside and enjoy life a little bit because you're really pathetic.
I can tell that you're the type of person who's entire family hates them. You're already halfway through your life so i guess its pointless for me to tell you to learn how to help people without being a smartass because you'd be too fucking stubborn to understand that. Keep your irrelevant ass comments to yourself because nobody else gives a fuck or wants to see you be a dick. If you find it amusing maybe you need to lay off the pot and the internet and go outside and enjoy life a little bit because you're really pathetic.
“Nobody wants to hear it” says the raging child who’s arguing with everyone on his post. We must let Mr. Know it all go on with his bullshit without question or critique. Don’t bother with using humor cause he will shit his diaper and cry for a titty to suck on. Your mother must be worn out from your antics and seems everyone else is as well. You can’t be civil with anyone because you’re an idiot with deep insecurities. How dare anyone question you. Hell of a shit hole you’ve created to live in. I’ll let you in on a secret. It’s not everyone else. It’s you. Now let me see them tears, boy
“Nobody wants to hear it” says the raging child who’s arguing with everyone on his post. We must let Mr. Know it all go on with his bullshit without question or critique. Don’t bother with using humor cause he will shit his diaper and cry for a titty to suck on. Your mother must be worn out from your antics and seems everyone else is as well. You can’t be civil with anyone because you’re an idiot with deep insecurities. How dare anyone question you. Hell of a shit hole you’ve created to live in. I’ll let you in on a secret. It’s not everyone else. It’s you. Now let me see them tears, boy

You're literally hilarous, get a fucking life old man
You're literally hilarous, get a fucking life old man

Dude, it's obvious you're a new grower, so Ima throw you a lifeline. We get it; you've got 0-1 grows under your belt and you read about super cropping and wanted to give it a try. Your interest is justified; it's a relatively low stress way to encourage bud development and levelize canopy growth without significantly weakening the branch, but you've misinterpreted what you read. Even this line referenced in your own post should give you a clue:

How will you know to identify this stage(sic)? It is when the plant is developing a few vigorous branches but has not yet got into the full flowering stage(sic).​

Written by a high school dropout, but it nevertheless makes the point. I understand how you might have concluded that damaging the stem makes it stronger, but that simply isn't the case. While the healed growth is stronger, where that knuckle connects to normal growth tends to be brittle, and if the stem will break, that is where it will occur. The knuckle is stronger, but the stem as whole is weaker.

Now, you can continue with your tantrum and berate all of us "old men" (sexist much?), or your can acquiesce to experience and gracefully say: "Ah, I see what you mean. Thought I was on to something, but probably not." See how easy that is? Now, you try it.
Dude, it's obvious you're a new grower, so Ima throw you a lifeline. We get it; you've got 0-1 grows under your belt and you read about super cropping and wanted to give it a try. Your interest is justified; it's a relatively low stress way to encourage bud development and levelize canopy growth without significantly weakening the branch, but you've misinterpreted what you read. Even this line referenced in your own post should give you a clue:

How will you know to identify this stage(sic)? It is when the plant is developing a few vigorous branches but has not yet got into the full flowering stage(sic).​

Written by a high school dropout, but it nevertheless makes the point. I understand how you might have concluded that damaging the stem makes it stronger, but that simply isn't the case. While the healed growth is stronger, where that knuckle connects to normal growth tends to be brittle, and if the stem will break, that is where it will occur. The knuckle is stronger, but the stem as whole is weaker.

Now, you can continue with your tantrum and berate all of us "old men" (sexist much?), or your can acquiesce to experience and gracefully say: "Ah, I see what you mean. Thought I was on to something, but probably not." See how easy that is? Now, you try it.

Sorry I dont respect people who decide to make fun of me as a way to tell me i fucked up, in addition like said before fuck all of you i don't need your help obviously. Vigorous means strong healthy and full of energy if i am able to trim the very bottom set of lesves off (which i havent) that means there is enough growth to do whatever THE FUCK i want. If i could top it right now thats means its READY to do whatever the fuck i want to because it is just about vegging and has been going through stressing since 7 days old. If I THINK that what I did benefitted me then im gonna fucking do it, sure the stem may be "weaker" right there but what do you think im doing picking up my plant and swinging it over my fucking head? Its a plant and a few months from now its gonns be in my fucking lungs and it will be gone just like any other pot. You guys take this WAAAAAAAAAY too seriously.
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Sorry I dont respect people who decide to make fun of me as a way to tell me i fucked up, in addition like said before fuck all of you i don't need your help obviously. Vigorous means strong healthy and full of energy if i am able to trim the very bottom set of lesves off (which i havent) that means there is enough growth to do whatever THE FUCK i want. If i could top it right now thats means its READY to do whatever the fuck i want to because it is just about vegging and has been going through stressing since 7 days old. If I THINK that what I did benefitted me then im gonna fucking do it, sure the stem may be "weaker" right there but what do you think im doing picking up my plant and swinging it over my fucking head? Its a plant and a few months from now its gonns be in my fucking lungs and it will be gone just like any other pot. You guys take this WAAAAAAAAAY too seriously.
For one, a tiny seedling is never vigorous, but you wouldn’t know that because you’ve never taken anything past seedling. No big deal to you though. You’ll still sit on here pretending that you’re Remo and Jorge Cervantes rolled up into one. “If I’m able to trim the very bottom set of leaves off that means there is enough growth to do whatever the fuck I want”. Lol. Nice quote of you. It doesn’t make sense but I’m sure you think it does cause you’re 12 and an idiot. Here’s another gem. “If I THINK that what I did benefitted me then I’m gonna fuckin do it, sure my stem may be weaker now”. It may be weaker because of what you did but somehow it benefits you. Lol. Screw the facts, shit your diaper and go with what you wish to be true. Just another day in the life. In a few months you won’t be smoking anything from that seedling. Your total lack of experience, a brain and competence is a set guarantee for failure. You won’t see a harvest.
For one, a tiny seedling is never vigorous, but you wouldn’t know that because you’ve never taken anything past seedling. No big deal to you though. You’ll still sit on here pretending that you’re Remo and Jorge Cervantes rolled up into one. “If I’m able to trim the very bottom set of leaves off that means there is enough growth to do whatever the fuck I want”. Lol. Nice quote of you. It doesn’t make sense but I’m sure you think it does cause you’re 12 and an idiot. Here’s another gem. “If I THINK that what I did benefitted me then I’m gonna fuckin do it, sure my stem may be weaker now”. It may be weaker because of what you did but somehow it benefits you. Lol. Screw the facts, shit your diaper and go with what you wish to be true. Just another day in the life. In a few months you won’t be smoking anything from that seedling. Your total lack of experience, a brain and competence is a set guarantee for failure. You won’t see a harvest.

you do know that my profile picture is my plants right? :sleep: that is just letting the shits grow how I WANT. You can keep commenting as if you saying something is gonna fuck up my grow, when in all actuality probably looks better then 99% of the shit that you've grown your entire life.

yes bitch, im also gonna take cuttings and clone it, yes bitch they're all getting there own pots and will each be grown differently. yes i've done my research, yes i have 50 deathstar seeds and will keep doing it as much as i want to. yes you're a pathetic 36 year old arguing with somebody over their plant because you have nothing better to do.

I'm not pretending like I know everything about growing, you are.

as just said i dont plan on using the plant to swing the whole pot its attached to above my head
it sits in one fucking spot and doesn't move as any other plant would.
For one, a tiny seedling is never vigorous, but you wouldn’t know that because you’ve never taken anything past seedling. No big deal to you though. You’ll still sit on here pretending that you’re Remo and Jorge Cervantes rolled up into one. “If I’m able to trim the very bottom set of leaves off that means there is enough growth to do whatever the fuck I want”. Lol. Nice quote of you. It doesn’t make sense but I’m sure you think it does cause you’re 12 and an idiot. Here’s another gem. “If I THINK that what I did benefitted me then I’m gonna fuckin do it, sure my stem may be weaker now”. It may be weaker because of what you did but somehow it benefits you. Lol. Screw the facts, shit your diaper and go with what you wish to be true. Just another day in the life. In a few months you won’t be smoking anything from that seedling. Your total lack of experience, a brain and competence is a set guarantee for failure. You won’t see a harvest.

This shit has gotta be the only thing you look forward to in life because either you aren't good enough for anything else or are just that much of a waste of a human being.
you do know that my profile picture is my plants right? :sleep: that is just letting the shits grow how I WANT. You can keep commenting as if you saying something is gonna fuck up my grow, when in all actuality probably looks better then 99% of the shit that you've grown your entire life.

yes bitch, im also gonna take cuttings and clone it, yes bitch they're all getting there own pots and will each be grown differently. yes i've done my research, yes i have 50 deathstar seeds and will keep doing it as much as i want to. yes you're a pathetic 36 year old arguing with somebody over their plant because you have nothing better to do.

I'm not pretending like I know everything about growing, you are.

as just said i dont plan on using the plant to swing the whole pot its attached to above my head
it sits in one fucking spot and doesn't move as any other plant would.
,..You’re god and everyone who doesn’t agree is a loser with crappy plants. You tried to supercrop a seedling that had absolutely no shoots. Lmao. Way to go dummy. Instead of throwing the tantrum, why don’t you just take a walk over to the shame corner and see how long you can stand? You’ve been a bad boy. I think this is just you taking out frustration online. Some beta male who’s lived his life in the shadow of real men..waiting patiently for leftover scraps. Probably cried when Trump was elected. You admit that your “supercropping” probably created a weak spot without any benefit of enhanced branching or any type of positive growth, but you’ll continue to do it because that’s just the type of stubborn retard you are. Incapable of learning and willing to take unnecessary negative risks just to spite people online who youve never even met. That’s you. Child.
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,..You’re god and everyone who doesn’t agree is a loser with crappy plants. You tried to supercrop a seedling that had absolutely no shoots. Way to go dummy. Instead of throwing the tantrum, why don’t you just take a walk over to the shame corner and see how long you can stand? You’ve been a bad boy. I think this is just you taking out frustration online. Some beta male (Canadian cuck?) who’s lived his life in the shadow of real men...waiting patiently for leftover scraps. You admit that your “supercropping” probably created a weak spot without any benefit of enhanced branching or any type of positive growth but you’ll continue to do it because that’s just the type of stubborn retard you are. Incapable of learning and willing to take unnecessary negative risks just to spite people online who he’s never even met. That’s you. Child.

I'm so hurt Dan, you are so good at hurting feelings :clap: you must have a grip on my balls or something because i feel so compelled to listen to the bullshit you're spewing out.

First off I'm American and it's funny that you try to hurt me by saying I'm a "Canadian Cuck", it's even more funny that you think I care that I possibly left a weak spot as I've said 3 times..

i dont plan on using the plant to swing the whole pot its attached to above my head it sits in one fucking spot and doesn't move as any other plant would.

do you think im jumping up and down on my plants? honestly what do you think im doing to them that this so called weak spot will be an issue? if i top my plant and bury it up to that notch in dirt it will have WAY more support than if i haven't done that anyways.
not that it matters because im not trying to grow pounds on one plant because this isnt my life unlike you and you have all the freetime in the world to roll around in your garden.

your asshole is really that hurt that i super cropped a seedling


you're literally crying to a 19 year old right now

on a weed growing forum

because you're 36 and have more experience

what a life