Trump just cant stand not being horrible.


Well-Known Member
That's insane. It's almost like he hates all of you :( Sorry man... can't imagine going broke for healthcare. I get MRI's and spine-shots for free - don't spend a dime. Nobody does. In fact, since I have to travel so far, the expenses are tax deductible. It's not perfect up here, but at least we don't lose the house over having babies or needing emergency care.
it's all about the rhetoric..well at least here in southeastern kentucky anyways...where people of color outside of the small african american population are virtually nonexistent.
most here are a bunch of disability check drawin, pain pill snortin, obama hatin ACA lovin, minority hatin trailer trash that would disgust trump in private... even when he's tryin to strip all of those deadbeats of their cherished benefits they are still totally infatuated by trump.
much of his rural support are the piss poorest ignorant herd of deadbeat rabble in the country.
i see em all of the time in grocery stores wearing their stained smelly maga caps while payin for their chips an mountain dew with government snap cards.


Well-Known Member
I’m hesitant to ask but how’s that last pic relevant? o_O Can you add captions for clarity please?
why the hesitation?

trump has stopped all relationship and aid to Palestine..just google trump palestine news.

Jarvanka's idea which he got approval from the saudis..part of the peace process.
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Well-Known Member
it's all about the rhetoric..well at least here in southeastern kentucky anyways...where people of color outside of the small african american population are virtually nonexistent.
most here are a bunch of disability check drawin, pain pill snortin, obama hatin ACA lovin, minority hatin trailer trash that would disgust trump in private... even when he's tryin to strip all of those deadbeats of their cherished benefits they are still totally infatuated by trump.
much of his rural support are the piss poorest ignorant herd of deadbeat rabble in the country.
i see em all of the time in grocery stores wearing their stained smelly maga caps while payin for their chips an mountain dew with government snap cards.
how do they not understand he's talking about does trump not understand- or does he?


Well-Known Member
From an unrelated thread, but sums it up nicely:

Social Darwinism, that’s what drives Trump and the GOP. It fits his policies and rethoric perfectly. In their eyes, the blind, autistic, disabled, sick, poor and refugees are just weak sinners who shouldn’t drag the rest down. While I’m all for carrying your own weight, Social Darwinism is an opposing force of compassion and solidarity for fellow Americans and humans in need. It’s the same poison that fooled so many regular Germans into believing they were ubermensch and should kill ‘subhumans’.
What drives the GOP (Trump is a sideshow that will be dead in 10 years) and the Conservatives is true fucking greed, to maintain what they have stolen so far and to acquire as much more as possible for themselves.
Maybe they have it right?
It seems to work because income inequality and poverty increases seem to be working to their advantage, with the support of the American voter apparently
Maybe the poor deserve to be eaten, Right?