Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.


when paul manafort shared internal polling data with konstant kilimnik and then lied about it, was that collusion?
Why don't you like metal shop in schools?

trumps factories now cost twice as much to build and can only be built with outsourced labor.

So much winning.
that's true, but its not like globalization is something new to this country. Try to buy any iphone or technology produced in USA, you won't be able to even at all

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that's true, but its not like globalization is something new to this country. Try to buy any iphone or technology produced in USA, you won't be able to even at all
While they are somewhat related and outsourcing can contribute to globalization, this isn’t about globalization at all. :-?

What you are saying is that it’s ok for Trump to make matters worse by being an incompetent fool, while he ran on the promise of improving matters. Sure, make China a little more rich instead of living in a country with affordable healthcare, so communist China can continue to finance your debt and allow Trump to give billions to farmers like a failing socialist. It would be best if you’d refrain from voting entirely, instead of voting against your own best interest.