Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

I can't dumb myself down enough ...to waste my life hanging out on Radical Right wing Conspiracy sites like this
Your parents failed miserably , if you knew them
i love seeing how scared you guys are of her

can you name a policy she has that is stupider than the current republican policy of borrowing money from china to pay farmers not to sell to china so we can ll pay more for goods from china?

I just like listening to her talk.

It's always pure gold.:bigjoint:
Buck, you should move to the twin cities. You would love this place! It's as blue as can be!
I just like listening to her talk.

It's always pure gold.:bigjoint:
so i guess you can't name a single policy proposal of hers that is anywhere near as stupid as the actual republican policy of borrowing money from china to pay farmers not to sell to china so we can pay more for the goods we get from china

can't say i blame you. you are really fucking dumb, and it is impossible to top an actual republican policy that is so ruthlessly dumb