How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Well-Known Member
My offer stands. You need weed hit me up other then that fuck off because you're pretty annoying.

PS. Sorry ya'll. This douche just irritates me when I'm sober. I'm not gonna give him the attention he so desperately craves any more.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ if your growing it it is... so i guess it is free.... except the bag bought the weed in...... oh shit i just figured out how louis isnt lieing.... lol he bought a 40$ 8th sack then grew his own weed from the seeds so now he got an ounce of weed for 40$ hahah classic pot head phalosophy right there... i love thinking while high its awesome

P.S. i dont think anyone was on your side on that one mate sorry. We just all know ur not:bigjoint: an ounce for 40$ and if your i guess your not getting to :eyesmoke:<"high"


Well-Known Member
... this kids prolly a cop... hes like meat me man ill give you some weed for only 40$ an ounce hes prolly thinkin "i know this pothead will fall for this one" fuckin cop get outof here btw im in Virginia now cuz Florida weed sucks


Well-Known Member
u just said u pay 33$ for dank and 75$ for the good stuff... im guessing u dont no much about weed in the first place cuz dank is the good stuff... y do these people feel the need to lie... i dont get it... even in amsterdam u aint coppin an 8th for less than 30$... its fuckin amdam kids


Well-Known Member
Well,,lets,see,,guess I lied before when I said I paid about 2-240 an ounce,,cuz since I came here and learned how to grow,,I paid,,hmmmm,,lets see,,light ,,free,,couple odds and ends and nutes,,plus hydro,,ok,,gimme a sec,,18 oz,s into about 5 hundred,,add,,carry,,hmmm,,I think about 27.777777777 dollars an oz,,omg,,,and I'm still smokin it:bigjoint:,,thxs RIU

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
who gives a fuc what ppl get there shit for, yall is a bunch of kids, this thread was chill untill you idiots started fighting


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";1473741]who gives a fuc what ppl get there shit for, yall is a bunch of kids, this thread was chill untill you idiots started fighting[/QUOTE]

the first half of this thread has enough info.

the rest is just redundant.


Well-Known Member
Barcelona, Spain. A gram is usually around 5, and up to 10 euros. Depending on the type and the time of the year. I found a good 3€/gram AK47 gig. Good shit! Hash is way cheaper.

1oz = 28 grams
do the math!


Well-Known Member
I just got some of this from my friend in grass valley, some stone henge, 2k for a P!!!! :clap: I was very pleased to say the least, the club will pay at least 3200 and then sell it off to patients at 350 an O.:shock:


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
I just got some of this from my friend in grass valley, some stone henge, 2k for a P!!!! :clap: I was very pleased to say the least, the club will pay at least 3200 and then sell it off to patients at 350 an O.:shock:
Why would you care? You don't grow dope. You're a buyer. Yet you criticise growing techniques all the time.

You have accused me of being a paedophile and even threatened to shoot me for not growing my buds the way you want me to.

Actually it doesn't matter to me, unlike you I have a life outside of an internet forum, by the way, anyone of worth knows your a complete jackass and nothing you say will help produce quality cannabis, go back to twiddling your thumbs and hitting on underaged girls, your much better at it.:mrgreen:

You were proven wrong and can't admit it, but I'm used to internet trolls, your not even the best I've seen as far annoying interwebz personalities go.

Anyone who doesn't think curing your bud matters is just a greedy dealer.
Your era is over son, step to the side for the quality growers.

edit: Furthermore anyone who doesn't flush a hyrdro grow should be promptly taken into the street and shot. (b fuct) I'm lookin at you scumbag.
Why do you dis things of which you have absolutely no knowledge?

How many times have your violent tendencies put you in the arms of the coppers?

How many deals have you done to avoid going to jail?

How many growers have you helped send to prison?


Well-Known Member
Damn ya'll fighting over prices? Come the fuck on people.
Personally why does anyone truly give a fuck what each other is paying?

This thread was just to see the price variations in different places.

Alot of ya'll whaling anyway on the prices to look special on the internet, but who gives a fuck.

Those GA prices at wholesale;
80 a OZ for regular mids
90 for the fire mids
310-340 for the kush
400 n up for other exotics

Retail or street prices;
90-100 for regular mids
110-125 for fire mids
360 n up for kush
420+ for other exotics and no name danks

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
I'm not fighting over prices- I'm giving the RIU community a warning about a security hazard.

If he'll threaten to shoot me and accuse me of paedophilia, what will he do to you?