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Back around 2000 I was working in a body shop. We were cleaning out an old paint cabinet and the guy I was working with, who regularly huffed, grab this old can and said "hey they banned this stuff, take a whiff" and jammed it under my nose. My whole color pallet shifted, blue turned red, green turned purple, all colors shifted for a few seconds. Then I slugged him in the gut. I kinda wish I kept that shit no one believes me.

This guy regularly passed out from sticking his head in the gun cleaner full of thinner. :dunce:
Thats scary. Is that guy still alive ?
I always wanted a saltwater tank, but the cost of equipment to do it correctly plus the amount of work it takes to maintain it convinced me it wasn't for me. I had an improvised one when we were stationed on Guam that I just swapped the water out with fresh sea water once a week, it kept fish alive for awhile and when one died I just went fishing with really small hooks and brought a new fish home. Best one was a type of wrasse that was psychedelic colored. Had a Picasso and Wedge Tail trigger at one time. I have had freshwater tanks forever, the grandkids like to sit and look at the fish.

i mean i love it but like growing cannabis it is kind of against me not money wise but my grandpa. he is highly against running an RO system and that is a must in the hobby i run a 4 stage rodi i think it is 150gph but it has a shit load of waste water and i try to save it but he keeps yelling at me that im wasting water lol. i was also forced into salt water because when i bought my puffer it was from a fresh water fish store only ( this store only sells fresh water fish ) did the research later and i found out that they can live in fresh water but are more likely to die if not converted into brackish water and at that point i was just fuck i might as well go into salt water.

i like the puffers too much they remind me of dogs great personalities these fish have but mine is kind of shy when it comes to eating live food it won't take anything live tried many times to give it live food but it ignores it. also sucks because i don't want fish only aquariums but in my state it is hard to really find anyone selling inverts and corals are illegal here. the fish alone are over priced.

if i do decide to go back into fresh water though im going to buy a new tank the one im using i bought long time ago when i was in highschool and had no job so it is a 2nd hand tank and has a lot of scratches and dents and stuff. plus it is a glass tank so it's fucking heavy even without anything in it. fresh water fish are cool but imo they tend to be more dull in color compared to salt water fish which are vibrant and super colorful. i might get back into goldfish though that of just have a bunch of smaller fishes and try a planted tank
No idea. He got fired when he got caught hiding booze in the toilet tank and I never heard from him again. I'm pretty sure he smoked crack there too. I'm guessing no seeing how he was in his late 40s back then. Damn good body man though.
i knew 2 brothers, just a year apart, way back when i was a teenager...one of them drank a little, maybe smoked some weed, but that was about it. he was a big boy, around 6 foot in high school, pretty wide across the shoulders, not sure if he was a genius, but he never struck me as an idiot...his brother got hooked on huffing "tulio"...toluene paint thinner....this one, the one that was a year older...was about 5'5'', weighed about 130 lbs, and WAS an idiot...
nothing designed to take paint off of anything is good for your brain...it doesn't seem that hard to figure out.
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which one is your grandpa?
does he pay the water bill?

the water bill is split with everyone in the house hold same with rent and electricity. water and electricity bills are fairly cheap though but that is just how he is i guess because he grew up poor so he is kinda like more conservative. it's ironic because he tells me not to waste water but when he waters his hundreds of plants outside he doesn't even use the rain water he uses the garden hose. he is retired but i think he used majority of his retirement money as well so i understand in a sense. it's a long story but it really has nothing to do with us more so his daughters who abused him for his money to pay off their share of the rent.
I BOUGHT SEKIRO!!! PC MASTER RACE! Sucks because were going to the mall got to pick up my slacks that they would not give to me even though i paid for it until after the 17th due to some pre sale bullshit. then i work tomorrow as well and were likely going to eat dinner at the mall. largest outdoor mall in the US i believe. i personally hate it they shut down most of the good stores so it's all mainly clothing and eateries but lots of people too probably the busiest mall in my state
i mean i love it but like growing cannabis it is kind of against me not money wise but my grandpa. he is highly against running an RO system and that is a must in the hobby i run a 4 stage rodi i think it is 150gph but it has a shit load of waste water and i try to save it but he keeps yelling at me that im wasting water lol. i was also forced into salt water because when i bought my puffer it was from a fresh water fish store only ( this store only sells fresh water fish ) did the research later and i found out that they can live in fresh water but are more likely to die if not converted into brackish water and at that point i was just fuck i might as well go into salt water.

i like the puffers too much they remind me of dogs great personalities these fish have but mine is kind of shy when it comes to eating live food it won't take anything live tried many times to give it live food but it ignores it. also sucks because i don't want fish only aquariums but in my state it is hard to really find anyone selling inverts and corals are illegal here. the fish alone are over priced.

if i do decide to go back into fresh water though im going to buy a new tank the one im using i bought long time ago when i was in highschool and had no job so it is a 2nd hand tank and has a lot of scratches and dents and stuff. plus it is a glass tank so it's fucking heavy even without anything in it. fresh water fish are cool but imo they tend to be more dull in color compared to salt water fish which are vibrant and super colorful. i might get back into goldfish though that of just have a bunch of smaller fishes and try a planted tank
I kept a Salt setup for about 8 years.

Things went to shit real quick when I started overnight travel. My ex could not handle the maintenance.

My fave was the harlequin tuskfish, Choerodon fasciatus, is a species of wrasse

I used to keep the dead fish. Dry them and then hang them in a fishing net in my bathroom.
I had horseshoe crabs, sea horses, starfish, puffer, angle and box fish and sand dollars hanging in that net.

I took the net down to move. After being stored for a few months the box was opened to find that a mouse had gotten
into the box, gnawed a hole into a puffer and made a nest out of everything else in the box.

I was pleased the horseshoe crab was undamaged. But alas it was not to last long.
While moving to a final destination the box it was in blew off of the truck, the top opened
and the crab got airborne in the middle of the freeway. The last I saw it was threw the rearview mirror,
crashing and burning near mile marker 167.:-(

That was the last of my fish as pets adventures.:?

I may do it again but it won't be any time soon.:cool:
I kept a Salt setup for about 8 years.

Things went to shit real quick when I started overnight travel. My ex could not handle the maintenance.

My fave was the harlequin tuskfish, Choerodon fasciatus, is a species of wrasse

I used to keep the dead fish. Dry them and then hang them in a fishing net in my bathroom.
I had horseshoe crabs, sea horses, starfish, puffer, angle and box fish and sand dollars hanging in that net.

I took the net down to move. After being stored for a few months the box was opened to find that a mouse had gotten
into the box, gnawed a hole into a puffer and made a nest out of everything else in the box.

I was pleased the horseshoe crab was undamaged. But alas it was not to last long.
While moving to a final destination the box it was in blew off of the truck, the top opened
and the crab got airborne in the middle of the freeway. The last I saw it was threw the rearview mirror,
crashing and burning near mile marker 167.:-(

That was the last of my fish as pets adventures.:?

I may do it again but it won't be any time soon.:cool:

damn that sucks. yea man shit is real expensive fish here go for maybe double what you pay for yours nothing is caught locally here i think it is actually illegal to do so now but we gets most of our fish from asia. i want a nudibranch but then i might quit growing just to get back into it to cut down some costs. i've kept more basic fish like yellow tangs, blue tangs, oscelarus clowns, trigger, and couple blennies. my dad used to dry up his fish like yours but he caught um and then ants ate them years later.

i kept a lot of different pets growing up. had a mouse, a chicken, a chameleon which was my favorite, birds, cats, dogs, bunch of fish. the store i go to just got seahorses tank bred in but they are $99 each. the same species you can buy online for i think $50-60
I just made corned beef hash out of the last of my corned beef and cabbage and it was fucking delicious. I put parsnips in this year which really added a nice background flavor. I never had a parsnip before I was 30 and it has since become my favorite root vegetable after sweet potato.

My roommate has a 70 gal reef tank. Pair of clowns, yellow tang, and a mandarin dragonet are the main fish, then there's some stupid cheap fish he put in years ago as sacrificial fish when he set the tank up to get the microbiology going and they've survived. He also has a cleaner shrimp and a pom pom crab that we never see. A ton of Zoas, a devils hand or glove, some mushrooms, 2 anemone and a couple other soft corals that look like trees kinda. He's in the process of building a sump to cut down on his maintenance. He has taken a hands off approach, which other than an algae issue, seems to be working well.

Mandarin dragonet, it's a cool fish to watch hunt
I was on the crew that had to clean and paint all the ginny's, switchboards and adjacent catwalks in the Saipan's aft engine room. We used a solvent called Tri-something or the other. Shit would make you see stars.
Hub is currently dealing with neurological deficits related to Trichloroethylene. Then again the base water was contaminated with it so he also drank it for the 16 years he was stationed on that base. Although I seriously doubt his other duty assignments were much cleaner.
I got set up to repot a tray of marigold seedlings & realized that I'm in over my head. :shock:
There are 98 plugs in the tray on the left, which would normally equate to 3 trays of 32 after the repot.
But there are multiple plants per plug and they're separating easily thanks to the clay.
So I'll probably end up with 8 trays of 32.
Gotta run to the store for more little plastic pots...
Finding a small but whole cowry shell on a beach (Sri Lanka, 1983) fulfilled a childhood desire.
We found them all the time on Guam, some were pretty sandblasted but others were perfect. I have a couple mason jars full of assorted shells. I found some glass net floats also, one the size of a volleyball. I have no idea how they made it over the reef without breaking.