What did you accomplish today?

go with fresh water, so much easier, and cheaper...and there are some very beautiful and entertaining fresh water fish, my friend had an archer fish. he would put a cricket on a stick and hold it over the tank, the archer would spit and knock it off the stick, then swoop in on it...
My buddies brother had something like a 200 gal tank with a 3ft arowana in it. Fed it live mice. He would dangle it over the tank and it would come up out of the water to grab it. He had to get rid of it cause it started jumping out of the tank regularly.

Without a sturdy secure hood an Arowana won't stay in long especially if it is being taught to jump for food, but they are a beautiful/colorful fish.

Dragon fish.jpg
yes they are nocturnal fish and they are typically a schooling + reef fish but anything can be a tank species tbh as long as you have the right food, tank size, parameters, etc.. the way i look at it is salt water aquariums is just like growing cannabis but much harder/time consuming/ and money invested into it. it wasn't my choice to get them though i wanted another puffer but i wasn't buying my parents were so i was like okay you guys choose the fish. i just wanted another puffer but chances are one of um would have died. the puffer i have now has a temper but it wasn't as bad as my trigger fish that thing and my puffer would go at it to the point if they didn't stop i would have ended up rehoming one of them most likely the trigger as well.

been in the hobby since i was 5 years old or younger even and im 26 now so it's been a long time. it's cool but just taking care of the fish alone is hard work. fresh water isn't too bad but once you get into brackish water and salt water tanks thats when the real money sink and time investment begins
Right on, I'm a fish guy too. freshwater mostly African Cichlids but have had planted community tanks, brackish water, south american tanks, since I was a little shaver. I was a little drunk when I typed that response. Have never done a salt tank for multiple reasons, so I know little on that subject
Old tank 90g bowfront, will try and find more pics
Fish n stuff 001.JPG
Right on, I'm a fish guy too. freshwater mostly African Cichlids but have had planted community tanks, brackish water, south american tanks, since I was a little shaver. I was a little drunk when I typed that response. Have never done a salt tank for multiple reasons, so I know little on that subject
Old tank 90g bowfront, will try and find more pics
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You're a total fucking fish nerd.
nice tank. im not a fan or aro's they honestly look cool but just the sheer size they can get plus the cost. i'll probably go with a community tank if i decide to stay in it but honestly i wont likely stay in the hobby. it's either i quit growing or i quit the fish hobby. need space for my tent and my other hobby which is collecting anime figurines but with that it too is pricey and so far i only got one which costed me about $500-600 that one was popular though and been out of stock since it was made in i believe 2013? i bought it last year
The other day I went through the file cabinet with all the house papers, 25 years worth of financial documents, and I collected all the jars of change my mother had left here, all $440 of it, is a start. IDK which did it, but I stirred something up and my sinuses and throat are killing me.

So far today I've washed the truck and started cleaning my garage. When I went to open the hood on the truck, it dropped, I jerked back, catching the bottom edge of the hood and peeled a 1/2 " long piece of skin off the back of my finger. Then I forgot I did it and sprayed it with brake cleaner. My buddy in the house heard me scream.

My body hates me right now. I went from being relatively lazy the last few months, mostly sitting on my ass getting high all day, to getting up at 6 and not stopping till I pass out around 11 for the last week, and I'm not smoking until night time. I forgot how much my knees and back hurt when I don't smoke. The 20 or so pounds I've put on isn't helping, but that'll be gone in a month or so.

my grandpa used to say hair doesn't grow on brains, but really.