What did you accomplish today?

Pulled my mother 93 chevy pu out of winter dormancy, charged the battery, replaced a plug for the A C compressor someone cut off, tried fixing the radio and figured out the speakers are dead.. Fuck it I'm not replacing them . Chased down a constant power draw that was killing the battery, just a trailer brake controller wired incorrectly :cuss:. The oil is draining now as I have lunch. Gonna vacuum and wash it, then down front for sale. Then I gotta pull out her 73 chevelle and do the same shit. I'm selling all her things that are here to, hopefully, fix the mortgage situation. I'm still waiting on documents from the bank to see what options we have. Either way, this shit needs to go.
Finally got around to tacking up the last piece of mylar in the grow room. Took all of 15 minutes at the most. The hardboard I put up for that wall is definitely hard. Had to put some extra umph in the staple gun. Sure is warm and humid in there after walking in from some scattered showers. Even got a nap in this afternoon.
Oil changed, kinda straightened the bent front bumper, changed a few bulbs, had to fix a broken bulb socket, vacuumed and wiped down the interior. Just need to wash it in the morning. I tried figuring out why there's no dash lights, but there's a huge birds nest of wires from whoever did the trailer brake and radio install. When I tried to look into it I, somehow, triggered the horn and had to shake the harness to get it to stop. :wall:. Someone else can deal with it.
today my last menpachi looks like it is going to die. looks like it has swim bladder issues so it can't swim straight. more then likely it will die. in a sense it is awful but at the same time im going to be down to 3 fish only. 1 less fish closer to removing my tank or converting it back to fresh water.
today my last menpachi looks like it is going to die. looks like it has swim bladder issues so it can't swim straight. more then likely it will die. in a sense it is awful but at the same time im going to be down to 3 fish only. 1 less fish closer to removing my tank or converting it back to fresh water.
They are found in tropical parts of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, with the greatest species richness near reefs in the Indo-Pacific. Most are found at depths from the shoreline to 100 m (330 ft), but some, notably the members of the genus Ostichthys, are generally found far deeper. Being largely or entirely nocturnal, they have relatively large eyes. During the day, they typically remain hidden in crevices, caves, or under ledges

If I'm reading this right, not a tank species.
They are found in tropical parts of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, with the greatest species richness near reefs in the Indo-Pacific. Most are found at depths from the shoreline to 100 m (330 ft), but some, notably the members of the genus Ostichthys, are generally found far deeper. Being largely or entirely nocturnal, they have relatively large eyes. During the day, they typically remain hidden in crevices, caves, or under ledges

If I'm reading this right, not a tank species.

yes they are nocturnal fish and they are typically a schooling + reef fish but anything can be a tank species tbh as long as you have the right food, tank size, parameters, etc.. the way i look at it is salt water aquariums is just like growing cannabis but much harder/time consuming/ and money invested into it. it wasn't my choice to get them though i wanted another puffer but i wasn't buying my parents were so i was like okay you guys choose the fish. i just wanted another puffer but chances are one of um would have died. the puffer i have now has a temper but it wasn't as bad as my trigger fish that thing and my puffer would go at it to the point if they didn't stop i would have ended up rehoming one of them most likely the trigger as well.

been in the hobby since i was 5 years old or younger even and im 26 now so it's been a long time. it's cool but just taking care of the fish alone is hard work. fresh water isn't too bad but once you get into brackish water and salt water tanks thats when the real money sink and time investment begins