Strawberry cough


Well-Known Member
where did you get your strawberry cough. I read the other day, that CBF is the king of the strawberry cough cuts from Matt Riot, think he's trying to get one. or has one. Just curious thanks
i get all my seeds from GYO seed bank. the strawberry cough's i believe are from Dutch Passion. the other seeds are freebies so idk which company they came from. I am pretty sure the pineapple chunk is from Barney's though


Well-Known Member
March 20

temp - 81.1F RH- 62%

still waiting on the damn tent/lights. i can smell the plants as i walk into my house and something i noticed about these plants is it's taking forever to bulk up. usually from my last 2 grows the buds were already fat at this point im guessing this is the sativa aspect of the pheno's? they look more like indica's but it is supposed to be an 8-9 week strain with sativa dominant gene's.

not worried just gives me more time for my equipment to get here


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Well-Known Member
Did the tent come from china if so has to clear customs 1st
i bought from growers says they are located in texas as i was trying to see how long it might take to get to me usually if they are far away it takes longer cause they drive it up to cali then ship it via plane there. idk wtf they are tbh might be from china shit this been taking so long they said "lights will ship early this week" it's already wednesday no updates on the lights or the tent yet.

i bought anime figurines via Japan on ebay before it didn't take as long as this. took about 2-3 days for the money to go through via paypal then took the guy about 3-5 days to ship it and after that only about 2-3 days to recieve the item. what i am also thinking which i see happens sometimes is they will sell items despite it is out of stock thus why it takes so long cause it's probably on back order or something. i've dealt with a few companies like this before pisses me off especially when i ask if the item is in stock and they say yes but when i purchase it they then tell me it is out of stock


Well-Known Member
March 21

temp- 81.1F RH- 55%

pots are pretty much dry they can go easily until tomorrow afternoon though which i plan. i've literally just been giving them PH'd water for the past 3 waterings and will do it again to kind of leech out all the shit in my soil.

no news on the tent/lights think it is safe to say next week it will ship out it's been really long wait. today is the last day of week 5 since flip so tomorrow will be day 1 of week 6


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Well-Known Member
March 22

temp- 80.9F RH- 58%

plants look like they are starting to bulk up now. watered them 1gal nutes, 2 gal reg water. split both the 1gal to all 3 and the 2gal to all 3 i cut out the rhino skin as well as sensi bloom A since it only contains nitrogen

no update on the tent or lights i think it is safe to say i am going to be waiting a month for it to get here. so far i think i've waited 2 full weeks and im on the 3rd week now. give or take i ordered it but i usually give them a few days extra just so the money goes through and they start working on the order.


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Well-Known Member
March 23

temp- 79.9F RH- 59%

MY TENT FINALLY CAME IN; tracking number is off. no news on the lights yet expecting it to come in next week probably.

buds are starting to pack on serious weight you can just see how pheno 3 is starting to fall over.

i found some weird looking rust water mark looking stains on the top of pheno 3. only about 3 set of the top leaves have it i am guessing that is from too much light? but hard to tell what exactly causing it.



Well-Known Member
March 24

Last minute upload thought i did my update for today but i didn't. lights went off so i just used my flash show the natural colors. buds really starting to weigh in now. i was going to set up my tent today but ended up running a lot of errands going to try set it up on thursday probably that is my next day off.

@diggs99 you finally get to see them in their natural colors :P



Well-Known Member
March 25

not much new really; pots are dry they need to be watered but im going to let them go until tomorrow and just add water tomorrow. tried setting my tent up today but it's a bitch to do when you literally have no space. i think my sisters bf is off this friday so i am going to try and ask him to help me move my aquarium


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Well-Known Member
March 26

nothing new really just watered the plants and im going to start backing off on all nutrients and stick with straight water. doing an experiment to see how it will affect my flavor and smell of the buds. last time my buds didn't look or taste too well and i think that has to do a lot with feeding too much in general. i expect plants have about 2-3 more weeks to go before i decide to chop but too early to say.

will be updating logs less often now because not much is really going on anymore they are just slowly bulking up in size so maybe every 2-3 day updates. the only major difference i see is the plants are all kind of leaning over due to weight one of the plants is popping out of the closet doors because of this. i am still debating on feeding specific nutrients mostly just nirvana, overdrive at the end, and maybe big bud but thats about it. probably won't though trying to make the plants yellow out naturally.

UPDATE- set up my tent; got the plants in with all my current equipment. temps will likely be rising due to enclosed space and 1 fan with no exhaust/intake yet. will be purchasing an exhaust/intake shortly in 1-2 weeks. by then the plants should already be close to finishing though. 1 plant has fallen over think it is too leggy im just going to leave it how it is because i don't have any stakes to pull it up and i really don't care to buy a trellis this late into flowering

after i get my exhaust going i will be updating my fan to an actual fan that oscilates temps right now are in the mid 80's though
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Well-Known Member
March 27

plants are doing okay in the tent. temps are fairly high idk if that is because of the lack of air flow but they are around 84-85F RH is 64% ( lower then it was compared to the closet ). i bought a fan i am going to run for intake should come in tomorrow so it says but no update on that yet. it is getting to be a LOT hotter here as well closer to summer we are getting very little wind i believe thus why it is so damn hot.

the tent is doing wonders otherwise my plants are getting more light i can actually see the light hitting the damn base of the plants so they should dry out quicker as well. in the closet the base was mostly dark you could rarely see any light if any. plants are not showing signs of heat stress but temps are way too high for what i am comfortable with. when my new lights come in and the fan comes in i expect the temps to drop more. the lights i run now do kind of run hot in general. will be watering tomorrow most likely and also updating pics.

UPDATE: lights finally got shipped will take maybe 3 days i believe as it should be priority mail so maybe i will get them on friday-sunday. i am hoping i don't get it on saturday though because nobody will be home to recieve the package that is the day of the funeral
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Well-Known Member
March 24

Last minute upload thought i did my update for today but i didn't. lights went off so i just used my flash show the natural colors. buds really starting to weigh in now. i was going to set up my tent today but ended up running a lot of errands going to try set it up on thursday probably that is my next day off.

@diggs99 you finally get to see them in their natural colors :P


they look sooooo much better under normal light, as I expected they would.

They are looking good man, glad your tent finally got there and is all setup.

Best of luck the rest of the way


Well-Known Member

they look sooooo much better under normal light, as I expected they would.

They are looking good man, glad your tent finally got there and is all setup.

Best of luck the rest of the way
thanks. yea my dad is pissed about the tent as expected but honestly why stop me from doing something that makes me happy especially when it helps me to cope with my mothers loss recently. idk though i know he is happy but at the same time concerned that maybe im going to start abusing it or selling it. still waiting for the lights to come in but the fan i checked up on and they are all coming in tomorrow. i love this tent though. not too small not too big for my needs. lots of room for me to work with if growing just 3 plants max.


Well-Known Member
March 28

the 1 plant looks like that because i guess it stretched too much and the weight is overkill so they can't support themselves. that is pheno 3. i should support it with something but i want to run an experiment and see what would happen to it as is.

temps been running higher since in the tent but RH fairly lower due to the high temps. i got my fan coming in today will be setting that up as an intake and hopefully it will drop temps. i got my lights coming in on Monday.

today is the end of week 6 since flip. im expecting about 2-4 more weeks left to go. i will be checking on trichomes starting next week but im pretty sure it's still too early



Well-Known Member
March 29

been trying to fuck around with the fan using it as an exhaust now instead of an intake. tried to drop temps down using an AC did it the wrong way but i don't think even with an AC i can drop it down to 70's going to rely on the lights otherwise i need to probably invest into Co2. plants are doing better imo soil is drying out quicker after just 1 day they can be watered already. instead of the usualy 3 days. pheno 3 is starting to yellow off ( i think it's due to nitrogen defiencies ) because the entire leaves are just turning yellow. the other 2 phenos are still a dark green. i am going to feed the plants 1 last time before i call it quits on majority of the nutrients and then start to just leech it out. this time im going to push the plants into an 8 week flower period so i basically got this week ( starting week 7 today ) all the way until april 12. then im going to see how the plants are doing then and call to harvest. with my blue widows i harvested at week 7. lower buds are still looking small i want to try and get the entire kola's bulked up all 1 time


Well-Known Member
March 31

plants are doing okay just running water under them no nutrients besides Over Drive. some of the plants are starting to drain out now i water 1gal and they can't even hold it not sure if it's because CEC is fucked up from pots being too dry or simply because im just watering too often.

haven't updated yesterday cause of mothers funeral but nothing different really. plants are just bulking up more/ripening. going to try run them a whole 9 weeks to really pack on the kolas the tops are looking filled out more and more each day but the bottoms are all still popcorn. some of the kola's if filled out should literally be as long as my arm but they are not too big

lights are coming in tomorrow


Well-Known Member
April 1

HLG QB's came in. got them on blast right now. hoping my temps drop a little more. idk how i feel about the color of my buds though think they would of looked better if temps were lower but so far quantity wise it's looking better.

plants are just getting water and over drive from now on. trying to personally make them use up all nutrients and leeching out the medium. almost the end of week 7 i got 3 more days into the week. running these plants into the end of week 8/week 9 before i decide to pull. still haven't checked on trichomes yet but a lot of um are still white.


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Well-Known Member
April 2

pruned a little bit of the leaves mostly the ones that look diseased/dying off or shadowing bud sites. fed plants everything except overdrive.

couldn't upload trichome pics idk why but here are the links if interested.

looks mostly clear to me some turning amber already but im still letting them ride until end of week 8



Well-Known Member
April 4

pots were dry so i just watered 2gals of straight non ph'd water split amongst the 3 plants. didn't want to give um a full gal each but 2 of them are leaking when i give um 1gal each. not leaking but they get some slight run off which really isn't bad but i don't dump the run off i just let it sit in the tray but the pots are raised so it doesn't soak it up and the water dries out within a day.

the pic is of one of the plants tops that is furthest in the flowering stage compared to the other 2 plants. today is the end of week 7 going to feed 1 last time next and then just start leeching the pots.

