Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Hey...I'm a newb to hydro and I just have a quick question for StinkBud about maintaining the nutrient solution.

Let's say you fill the res with PH balanced water..then you add your nutrient solution (pre-mixed in the gallon jug) until the PPM meter reads 2000 PPM - this is for flower.

Now here's the question: Is the idea to keep it at 2000 PPM every day, or do you fill it once and just top it off with regular water until the PPM gets to a certain level? So for example..just check the solution every couple days with the meter and pour in a small amount of the nutrient solution until it brings the PPM back up...or is the original 2000 PPM good for the whole cycle?
Hey...I'm a newb to hydro and I just have a quick question for StinkBud about maintaining the nutrient solution.

Let's say you fill the res with PH balanced water..then you add your nutrient solution (pre-mixed in the gallon jug) until the PPM meter reads 2000 PPM - this is for flower.

Now here's the question: Is the idea to keep it at 2000 PPM every day, or do you fill it once and just top it off with regular water until the PPM gets to a certain level? So for example..just check the solution every couple days with the meter and pour in a small amount of the nutrient solution until it brings the PPM back up...or is the original 2000 PPM good for the whole cycle?

You do your adjust PH last though. First add water, then add nutes and adjust PPM. Then adjust your PH last. The reason you do this is because the nutes will change your PH.

After that you just keep the water topped off and check your PPM and PH every couple of days.

The plants will use nutes causing the PPM to drop. Add a splash or two of the mix to bring the PPM back up to 2000 PPM.

PH should also climb. I keep it close to 5.8 but if it's 6.0 I won't mess with it.

You actually have a lot of leeway in regards to your PPM. It is mostly strain related. Some strains can handle well over 2900 PPM without burning. Some will show tip burn at 1500 PPM. It's weird.
StinkBud, great information you got going here! I really like you K.I.S.S (keep it simple, stupid) approach! I do have a quick question. Have you ever tried doing a SOG style grow with your setup? I was thinking that could cut some time off by going from cloner and straight to flower. Would keep your plants shorter too. Just looking for some feedback. Thanks again for all the info.
stinkbud im gona try this out.. how would i do this if i have 3 mothers dwc buckets.. then i veg and flower in your system with 16 growing and 10 budding. Im legally able to have 3lbs dried and im beginning my first medical grow and im inspired to grow Aero now. thanks, im currently a delivery driver for med call and im going to start going to oaksterdam university and start my own club soon the strains im starting with are Grape ape, GDP, and Purple Catpiss
StinkBud, great information you got going here! I really like you K.I.S.S (keep it simple, stupid) approach! I do have a quick question. Have you ever tried doing a SOG style grow with your setup? I was thinking that could cut some time off by going from cloner and straight to flower. Would keep your plants shorter too. Just looking for some feedback. Thanks again for all the info.

That's how I started my first system. I didn't want to wait for harvest so I put my clones right into flower as soon as they rooted.

I harvested about 8oz. with this method. Small harvest but I had my medicine 3 weeks sooner and that outweighed everything else in my eyes.

Follow my instructions exactly and you won't be disappointed. But if you need medicine, put them into flower.
stinkbud im gona try this out.. how would i do this if i have 3 mothers dwc buckets.. then i veg and flower in your system with 16 growing and 10 budding. Im legally able to have 3lbs dried and im beginning my first medical grow and im inspired to grow Aero now. thanks, im currently a delivery driver for med call and im going to start going to oaksterdam university and start my own club soon the strains im starting with are Grape ape, GDP, and Purple Catpiss

I have my hands full just explaining how my system works.

As soon as you start adding in every variable someone can think of then the thread gets polluted and off point.

If you want to change it then go ahead but then it is not my system and I have no idea how it will work.

One of the main advantages of my system is not having to deal with mother plants.
Very Nice Stink bud, I like your style. My set up is a tad more stealth than that, infact almost undetectable I'll get some pics up soon. I have a 6 plant lowrider soil garden lit buy (get this) 60watts yes 60watts of LEDS and Ive been getting about 3 ounces evry 6-7 weeks now for 2 1/2 years. Outdoor is where the big games at for me. But its not al about the cash. Growing the gear is just as pleasing as smoking the end product.
Peace Stink Bud.
this thread made me join this site, any news on the PDF SB?

i just got thru 26 pages and i am going to sleep now high off my lowryder2 lol

a stupid question but i have to ask how much space do u have it total for all your grow rooms?



my lr2
Sup Stinkbud!!

Hope all is good with you and ur patients!! Keep it up they need you!

I do have a question for ya, Why dont you use the recomended PBP soil formula after the 3rd week? Do you ever notice a loss in smell in ur ripening plants?
a stupid question but i have to ask how much space do u have it total for all your grow rooms?

My flower room is 7x8 ft. My cloner is in a 3x4 ft bathroom closet and my veg unit is hanging out next to my bathtub in the same bathroom.

Everything is in my spare bedroom office
Sup Stinkbud!!

Hope all is good with you and ur patients!! Keep it up they need you!

I do have a question for ya, Why dont you use the recomended PBP soil formula after the 3rd week? Do you ever notice a loss in smell in ur ripening plants?

I try to keep things somewhat simple with just a veg and flower formula.

The results speak for themselves.

When I was a kid my grandma always joked about my aftershave "you sure do stink pretty" she would say.

My buds stink pretty....

Pretty fuckin dank!:mrgreen:


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I have a question for ya Mr. Stinkbud...What is the size of your res? And when you fill it for flushing do you use straight tap water? Do you treat the water in any way? Whats the ph of your tap water before you treat it?
Thanks for the info
I have a question for ya Mr. Stinkbud...What is the size of your res? And when you fill it for flushing do you use straight tap water? Do you treat the water in any way? Whats the ph of your tap water before you treat it?
Thanks for the info

Rubbermaid Ruffneck 18 gal.

I use straight tap water without any RO. My tap water is 180-200 PPM and the PH is usually around 7.0.

If my tap water was over 200 PPM I would use a Reverse Osmosis machine first.

I'm thinking about getting a RO machine just for flushing.
stinkbud I built an areo cloner, 25 gal ruffneck, 45 clonesites, pics will be posted after I get it all working rite! and I have it in a 3x4 closet right now with a 3' dual t5 strip, the temp is ok round 78, but the humidity is low at 40% the clones arent looking so good, going to get a dome today to see if that helps, how can I get the humidity up? and everything about the build went great, 2 fubars tho, used the wrong type of bit for the holes, I used a forsner bit and it skipped, had to go buy a hole bit and another lid, and the freaking timer i got doesn't really do 1 min on and 5 off, it comes on at a specific time ie at 4:20pm and cuts off at a time 4:21 but not repeatedly on and off at 1 an 5 min. so for now the cloner is running 24/7 is that ok for a few days? and I thought I saw a post here about someone finding pre programmed timers that went 1on 4 off, but I cant find that post now, anyone else remember that post?
Aerocloner Assembly Instructions vers 1.1
By Stinkbud

Step 1 – Cutting the ½” PVC Pipe
1) Cut eight 7” lengths .
2) Cut two 1½” lengths.
3) Cut one 2¼” length.

Step 2 – Preassemble Your Sprayer Frame
1) Start with the top “H”. It’s made from the 3 – Tees & two 1½” pipes.
2) Add the elbows to the tips of the “H”.
3) Add the 7” legs and end caps.
4) Attach the 2¼” pump connecting pipe to bottom of the “H”.

Step 3 – Drilling the Sprayer Holes
1) Measure and mark the sprayer holes according to the plans.
2) Use the 11/64” drill bit for the eight holes.

Step 4 – Drilling the Lid
1) Measure out 23 holes as shown in the plans.
2) Use the 2” hole saw to cut the holes.
3) Use the Exacto Knife to clean up the holes.
4) Cut a small hole with the Exacto knife just big enough for the cord to fit through.

Step 5 – Final Assembly
1) Place the pump and sprayer unit into the container and check to make sure everything fits well.
2) Take apart the sprayer unit and paint primer on the ends of the pipes and inside the fittings.
3) Start the final assembly on the sprayer unit. Be careful because the glue dries fast! Do only one
part at a time until the unit is completely assembled.
4) Screw in the sprayers. You may need to use a pair of pliers to get them in.
5) Cut down a neoprene collar to the size of the cord hole you cut in the lid.
6) Run the cord through the lid and neoprene collar. Don’t put the lid on yet.

Step 6 – Setup and Conclusion
1) Add enough water to cover the pump but don’t fill it over half way. We don’t want the roots to
hang in the water.
2) Add 150ml of Clonex solution to the water (optional) and adjust the PH to 5.8
3) Set your cycle timer to one minute on and five minutes off.
4) Put the lid on the container.
5) Fill the cloner with your favorite strains. Don’t spray the cuttings.
6) Enjoy your new cloner!!!! You should see roots within a week.
7) Don’t forget to pass the love on…

I included the instructions and plans in an easy to print PDF format.

Stay tuned for the Veg system tutorial next...


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I have a question below in red.

Here is the formula for my flower room:

Botanicare Nutrients:
126ml Cal-Mag Plus
150ml Sweet
180ml Liquid Karma
540mlL Pure Bend Pro Bloom

Mix all the nutrients in a spare gallon milk container. Add water and shake well. The whole mix will take an 18 gal rez to 2900 PPM.

I thought mixing nutrients together before adding them to the water can cause a lock out. Evidently this is not the case with these? If this has already been answered, never mind, I will find it. I am not done reading as yet.
Thank you :peace:

You need a PPM meter that goes to at least 2000 PPM.

Add about half of the mix and check your PPM. It will be low so you will have to keep adding nutrients until you get it to 2000 PPM.

It is easy to add more nutes but hard to take them out:mrgreen: If you go over you have to drain some nute/water from the rez and add more plain water.

That's why you want take it slow at first.

Always adjust your PH after you set your nutrients PPM.