i'm trying to walk down the middle of the road...there are people who can own and use guns responsibly...and there are criminal fucks who will use them to commit more crimes...the easiest way to make sure the criminal fucks don't have access to weapons, is to get rid of all of the weapons...except the criminal fucks, the very people we don't want to have weapons, are the least likely to voluntarily give up their weapons...the most likely to hide them, to hide reloading equipment, and sell the stuff to each other on the black market...so it'll take years to get it all out of circulation.
meanwhile, the millions of responsible former gun owners are denied access to guns, while the criminals are still armed, for the most part. i can see people getting shot in robberies, home invasions, and knee jerk responses...which will cause a huge amount of unrest, and possibly cause the whole process to crash to the ground, as people seek guns, any way they can get them, to protect themselves from the still armed criminals....
none of this is easy...you don't wade into the middle of the biggest wallow on the pig farm without getting muddy.
Why don’t you feel safe in this capitalist paradise? because a lot of people would kill me if they could, because i come from this country, because i don't believe the same religious dogma they do, because i sometimes wipe my ass with my right hand instead of the left......
Instead of arming ourselves why don’t we try to eradicate injustice in the world? good idea, i'll just hang onto my guns till everyone else gets rid of theirs first....send me an agenda on that whole eradicating injustice thing, let me know what to bring for lunch
sorry, don't want to sound like i'm not taking you seriously, i am, and just don't have any answers for you...like i told hydronozzle...this shit ain't easy, and glib answers don't mean shit