What did you accomplish today?

Got the tiller running, however by the time it finally decided to run my back was finished for the day. Perhaps the tincture I made will make it better, or at least make it to where I don't care anymore...
Sister and I worked on clearing trees off the gate to the creek land this morning. Me on the saw and her on her new tractor with grapple. I was good for 2 hours before my back gave out.

Sister did not stay on the farm and operate equipment all her life. I was saying a lot of "your other up." But I will find out when I borrow it that I'm not as good as I used to be.
Went and picked up an avocado tree from a friend, it was a volunteer in his yard. Not sure if it is root stock or one grown from seed. Gave it to my daughter because it is warmer at her house and there is probably other avocado trees near there that will pollinate it. Picked up the grandkids from school and hung out with them for a bit while their mom took the little one to the Dr to get her twisted ankle checked out. It is really bruised but they didn't find a break. If one of them will get a broken bone it will be her...lol
Just thought of a pretty big accomplishment. Today marks 28 years at my job. The wife always reminds me, as it is also my ex-husband in law's birthday.

That's kinda confusing?

I did 24 years at my first job & almost 20 at this one so far, but I like it so it's not really like work.
I rebuilt a pump on Sunday in about 30 minutes for $4,500 bux.
That's kinda confusing?

I did 24 years at my first job & almost 20 at this one so far, but I like it so it's not really like work.
I rebuilt a pump on Sunday in about 30 minutes for $4,500 bux.
The wife's ex. Just what I've always called him.

Yea, I love my job. I plan on staying here as long as they will have me.

The wife has been retired 2 years, and she is lobbying hard for me to quit working. We could get by on her retirement. {she makes roughly twice as much in retirement as I do working} But I'm only 58. I need to keep paying into SS for the next few years. Although the wife has a golden retirement paid through her old job, it will end when she dies. I have no plan at my work. {only two things scare me. Being old and poor and a woman with a gun} (and I'm only joking about one of those)

Nice on the rebuild.
I was in the wrong freakin business...

Being intimately familiar with the equipment, having a very motivated customer, parts on hand & not being too inebriated (only two Gin & tonics [+ a bit of GG#4]) on Sunday afternoon to accomplish the work - that's the key.

I had all the necessary tools & parts laid out on my bench even before the pump showed up.
Piece of cake!
yeah...but then you've disabled their vehicle while they're still close by...better to just shoot em at that point
I figured a claymore would be too noisy...
This is down at Mamma's old house. I'm by there maybe 10 minutes a week. There is a leaning tree that could maybe have some barbed wire tangled in the top, and wrapped around a light pole across the driveway. With a nice sturdy prop and some judicial sawing on the off-side of the tree. . . . .

But my cousins do go in there once in awhile. Would hate to crush them on their little golfcart.
Got my biweekly trip to town behind me. Picked up an autumn camo Dickey's backpack. {It was 5 bucks and I talked her down to 3} A poly fleece base layer with hood and a Weather Proof flannel shirt. Also 3 of the 4 pairs of socks in the Columbia {mostly} wool sock pack for 50 cent a pair. {Sister bought me a pack last year. $22 on Amazon} A few more odds and ends.
Ran to the commissary today. Freezer is happy again. BX still hasn't gotten any more 190 proof Everclear in, guess I'll decarb the buds I have and do some cannabutter with some of them instead. Roxy has decided I no longer need the 1/4 inch irrigation pipes to the roses and everything else in veggie garden #1. Guess I need to tack up some more fence boards to try to keep her out.
Ran to the commissary today. Freezer is happy again. BX still hasn't gotten any more 190 proof Everclear in, guess I'll decarb the buds I have and do some cannabutter with some of them instead. Roxy has decided I no longer need the 1/4 inch irrigation pipes to the roses and everything else in veggie garden #1. Guess I need to tack up some more fence boards to try to keep her out.
Mocha our now deceased Chocolate Lab chewed the wiring harnesses on the car and truck. Ate completely through several of the uprights on the deck bench, and chewed up every single one of them. She was three years old before she got out of the chewing stage.
Mocha our now deceased Chocolate Lab chewed the wiring harnesses on the car and truck. Ate completely through several of the uprights on the deck bench, and chewed up every single one of them. She was three years old before she got out of the chewing stage.
When our last dog was a pup we had an older dog with her that kind of kept her occupied and out of some trouble. It has been 14 years since she was a pup so I'm out of practice also. I put bunches of things out in the yard to try to keep her occupied, she prefers being outside.
Being intimately familiar with the equipment, having a very motivated customer, parts on hand & not being too inebriated (only two Gin & tonics [+ a bit of GG#4]) on Sunday afternoon to accomplish the work - that's the key.

I had all the necessary tools & parts laid out on my bench even before the pump showed up.
Piece of cake!
I remember when I used to be like that.
No idea what happened, it is just a fog now