College Admissions Scandal

Born in Cerritos, California.

Looks pretty fucking white to me.

Problem is with racists like you . It's only black or white.
Odd, because this IS about race. It's called "white privilege".

You don't. Anybody that can read does. It's actually very simple: Rich, upper classed white people were paying 10's of thousands, 100's of thousands, and even millions of dollars to a white man who arranged to rig tests, replace actual test scores with bogus test scores, and even secure athletic scholarships for kids that never even played the sport in order to get them into the college they wanted to attend that otherwise would not have accepted them.

Just because you're too ignorant to read a few articles doesn't mean everybody else is.

That was not spam. That was history.

Tell you what: Stop making threads. You seem to want to make a thread on a topic you know nothing about, then ask people for their opinions, then attack the people you asked to give their opinion.

White priveldge? thats most universities on the east coast! I also have noticed if ur poor and any color.....if u don't kiss a whole lot of ass, have a family friend who knows the buis owner etc etc etc.. U won't be given an oppurtunity lime the owner of the buis kids will get! In all fairness the biggest issue I have seen most recently is American criminal justice system that's bases culpability on income. Not real justice. Justice that keeps lawyers, judges, court clerks, and bailiffs wi ther cousins who work the correctional facility in a 60k a yr plus job security ......they don't care if your innocent or guilty...once they get they class into you better have at least 5 k on hand to pay your way out of going to jail!
Believe it or not Bernie sanders was kicked off a hippie commune up in Vermont baca use he was too lazy to clean up after himself! My mom was their and saw it live!
White priveldge? thats most universities on the east coast! I also have noticed if ur poor and any color.....if u don't kiss a whole lot of ass, have a family friend who knows the buis owner etc etc etc.. U won't be given an oppurtunity lime the owner of the buis kids will get! In all fairness the biggest issue I have seen most recently is American criminal justice system that's bases culpability on income. Not real justice. Justice that keeps lawyers, judges, court clerks, and bailiffs wi ther cousins who work the correctional facility in a 60k a yr plus job security ......they don't care if your innocent or guilty...once they get they class into you better have at least 5 k on hand to pay your way out of going to jail!
Believe it or not Bernie sanders was kicked off a hippie commune up in Vermont baca use he was too lazy to clean up after himself! My mom was their and saw it live!

rich black football players are profiled and pulled over at a rate much higher than any poor white

it's not just income level. it's mostly race.
White priveldge? thats most universities on the east coast! I also have noticed if ur poor and any color.....if u don't kiss a whole lot of ass, have a family friend who knows the buis owner etc etc etc.. U won't be given an oppurtunity lime the owner of the buis kids will get! In all fairness the biggest issue I have seen most recently is American criminal justice system that's bases culpability on income. Not real justice. Justice that keeps lawyers, judges, court clerks, and bailiffs wi ther cousins who work the correctional facility in a 60k a yr plus job security ......they don't care if your innocent or guilty...once they get they class into you better have at least 5 k on hand to pay your way out of going to jail!
Believe it or not Bernie sanders was kicked off a hippie commune up in Vermont baca use he was too lazy to clean up after himself! My mom was their and saw it live!
Careful a couple a kids on here think dirty Bernie is a savior
I like the fact that those arrogant rich assholes spent more money on bribes than it would have cost them to pay tuition
Also, did you hear that Jared Kushner is now being scrutinized for why such an incompetent asshole like him made it into Harvard.
Apparently his convicted felon father, that was sentenced to 2 years for tax violations (but only served 14 months) and for witness tampering and illegal political contributions (guess to who) was a big donor to Harvard.
Go figure, money and family connections mean more than competence in America, hard work and the simple fact that they were better students means shit.
While we're at it, how the fuck did Trump get into Wharton, one of the most, if not the most prestigious business schools in the country?

I want to see his fucking grades.
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his daddy paid them off


Holy Fuck!!!!!

I was dropping acid regularly then, smoking dope, skipping classes and I maintained a higher GPA
Man, now I understand why he had Cohan squash his grades.
He's a fucking idiot. (and THE leader of the free World)

What the fuck have we done?
The sad thing is that diversity is what drives genetic growth and advancement. The Mongolian army kicked the Chinese butts because they were able to digest milk. The Chinese at the time couldn't. Whites hate diversity. The very thing they hate will doom them no matter how much money they have. The Earth doesn't care.