• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Do we really want decriminalization??


Well-Known Member
But why is there nonviolent drug offenders in jail? Lets think real hard on this one. Oh I got it. MONEY. Especially now that jails and state/federal prisons are becoming privitized industries. Just like the fucking war profiteers.

So I say to you, If you took out 30% of the people in this "industry" (prisons) there would be a huge lose in profits for those people that own and run these prisons. And they definintly dont want that.

I support decriminalization also. But not legalization. If it is legalized it will turn into a privitized industry like everything else in this nation and a few people will get extremely rich, instead having a good balance.
sidenote: 90% of americas wealth is owned by 10% of the population. And they dont fucking share as much as they should.
just my 2cents


Well-Known Member
I live in one of the most conservitive states in the nation. And there is rarely any significant jail time for possession. A friend of mine got busted with a pound of MJ while he was driving drunk. And after he was sober they let him out on bail. He got probabtion but never went back to jail. Im just using real things that have happend to real people. There is really no substitution for real cases.

Those movies are just as biased as the gov't, democrats, republicans. You can massage the data for ostentatious results of anything guys. It is a good documentary but only tells one side of the story.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
I can go buy a cheap hamburger at McDonalds for $.99 and eat it and not be hungry, but oooooh if I stay home and make my own bacon cheeseburger with lettuce and pickles and ketchup and mustard on a nice soft fluffy roll..... Mmmmm just the way I want it. You can't beat that. That's why the government will never strangle the market. They won't take the time and effort needed to produce a good/excellent product trying to maximize profits. Sure some kids will just buy the "Lucky Blunt" brand of weed at the store but, plenty of folks will still buy the "dank" you grow. Hell go to the liquor stores homeless men buy store brand vodka for $6.99 a litre and well off folks are buying Grey Goose and Belvedere for 5 times that. Always gonna be like dat! :)


Well-Known Member
Compare it to beer if you will. Sure, you have the big corporations that hold down most of the market, Budweiser, Miller and so on... But, there's also Sam Adams and a whole slew of higher quality micros out there. Personal growers would already have a leg up on everyone else in that Sam Adams kind of grouping. I think that existing tobacco companies would churn out the Budweiser and Miller versions. Whether I sold it after it was legal or not isn't so much the point for me. I'd still grow it for personal consumption and being able to do that without having to look over my shoulder each and every day would be a huge plus in my book.

The existing market for pot has already chosen quality over quantity. Just look at the number of seed banks out there with all the different kinds of seeds. If we wanted quantity, we would have used a fist full of the bag seeds that everyone of us have. Not to mention, there are several people on R.U.I. that ONLY use bag seeds and do it so well, they get wonderful results every time.

And about the tobacco companies... I'm shocked that they haven't already jumped on the bandwagon with us... Hell, it's more accepted and less dangerous than their current product, plus they're already set up to grow, harvest, cure, package and sell plant matter for smoking... Why not just switch from brown to green? That should come as a simple act of survival for R.J. Reynolds and the rest of the gang.

As for who would be left out in the cold if it happened, the hard core drug dealers that give what we do a bad name... The ones that perform drive-byes that kill 3rd graders! I would have no problem whatsoever knowing that they are out of business! I'd like nothing more than to know what we all here on R.U.I. discuss everyday has been distanced from gangs and street-thugs in the eyes of those that currently look down on us.

Well, that's my 2 cents worth... Who wants the soapbox next? :weed:


Well-Known Member
I live in one of the most conservitive states in the nation. And there is rarely any significant jail time for possession. A friend of mine got busted with a pound of MJ while he was driving drunk. And after he was sober they let him out on bail. He got probabtion but never went back to jail. Im just using real things that have happend to real people. There is really no substitution for real cases.

Those movies are just as biased as the gov't, democrats, republicans. You can massage the data for ostentatious results of anything guys. It is a good documentary but only tells one side of the story.
Good point. But what about where I'm at, another VERY conservative state, where one guy got caught growing three plants, and they threw his ass in jail for 11 months. Seem reasonable? Not really.

Real cases, different states. I'm sure there are alot of cases in one way and in the other.


Well-Known Member
specialkayme: Really good point man. But was it the mans first arrest? What did his previous record look like. Those are the variables for sentencing criminals. I doubt that a person on his/her first arrest with 3 plants would go to jail for 11 months. I could be wrong, wont be the first time.


Well-Known Member
I stand with those who want Legalization. I wonder just how much of our budget is spent every year on marijuana related drama? keeping people in jail, the manpower to arrest/investigate those people, rehab centers, court sentencing, all the taxes that those people will not be paying. if an educated and successful person is arrested after attempting a small grow, he could very easily loose his job! think about all the stresses that could put on him and his family, and like i said, thats a loss of taxes right there. if it was legalized, you could grow as many plants as you wanted without fear of handcuffs. thats a big plus in my book.


Well-Known Member
I think it's a horrible notion to suggest that we keep it illegal so you can pay your rent. No offense, but fuck you, freedom is much more important than your illegal enterprise.
I'd still grow it for personal consumption and being able to do that without having to look over my shoulder each and every day would be a huge plus in my book.


As for who would be left out in the cold if it happened, the hard core drug dealers that give what we do a bad name... The ones that perform drive-byes that kill 3rd graders! I would have no problem whatsoever knowing that they are out of business! I'd like nothing more than to know what we all here on R.U.I. discuss everyday has been distanced from gangs and street-thugs in the eyes of those that currently look down on us.
one guy got caught growing three plants, and they threw his ass in jail for 11 months. Seem reasonable? Not really.
I had a friend fined $1000, sat in jail for almost a year and was put on parol for almost nothing. Don't forget the car being impounded (another 3 grand) and your license being insantly void.

So far, no one has said anything about the people who use it medically. While I'm somewhat impartial on the subject I do believe throwing SICK people in jail for simply trying to feel better is complete and utter bullshit.

Who cares if people are suffering from chronic pain (and other debilitating ailments) as long as you make your money right? The whole notion of fixing the "serious" issues and simply shrugging off another is your typical american attitude. Just because YOU grow to get high doesnt mean everyone else does.

I don't mean to seem like a dick but we need to consider everyone before making a desicion.


Rebel From The North
Interesting King, I think that's the most sense you have made yet (at least in this post, in nearly all of the others your opinions seem to be on point).

But wouldn't the total decriminalization inevitably lead to legalization? If not only theoretically, but by definition of the term?

Where would be a middle ground then?

Personally I like where Colorado and Alaska have gone with their laws. Colorado has it legal that you can carry up to (not too sure about this) 2 oz. Alaskan courts have confirmed that growing up to 25 plants in your own home is protected as privacy under their constitution.
well I live in alaska and your rong about that three plants in flower 3 in veg no more than a ounce of dry pot in your house any more is a fellony
and trust me they will hang you by the balls if they get you with it, becouse those are medical amounts and theres only 40 people here that
have cards there strick and ive searched for month for a doctor with
no luck plus you must have aids or canser or a major live threating
disease so dont think for a moment alaska is cool with the system we have.


Well-Known Member
Yo fellas, i think you are all missing the point. No offense. But if the USA legalized weed it would be the greatest thing ever! I seriously doubt your business would be effected at all. Most people dont have the time, energy, or interest to grow their own. And yes some big commercial players will try to step in, shit who knows you might become on of them. But the market is so wide open if it was legal because of its millions of uses. Did you know back when the USA was "Born" it was against the law to NOT grow weed in a couple of the states? You literally had a to have a section of your farm by law dedicated to the cultivation of hemp or you could go to jail! Commercial players would step up in every aspect, consumption sales one of them. But really that is best handled in localized manner. There would be starbucks of the weed selling world probably, but more profit could be made in its other area's of use. housing, foods, medicine, oils, clothing, farming, manufacturing, distrubution. It would literally change the world. It is the single most useful thing in this world. It's potential value is up there almost with water and air!! Because the human race has evolved its civilization to consume and create. The needs we have can all be answered by weed. It takes 1 acre of hemp to produce the same amount of usuable wood than 4 acres of trees. Plus it grows so damn fast unlike the rainforests we are destroying. Unfortunately, the biggest enemy of the legalization movement of weed is the oil industry and the health industry. I think most people will recognize that the health industry is evil, but damn that industry in the states has gotten so greedy and so morally twisted that its become its own uncurable disease. Medicinal weed literally can cure or help with countless medical conditions, and not have any side effects other than having a more open mind and getting hungry. But then maybe we would all be high, realize how much food we waste, realize 11 million children under the age of five die yearly from illnesses resulting from malnutrition, and smack ourselves for being so blind for so long! I can't imagine it being any other way, the Indians smoked this man! You know they were deep!! So with the health industry against it, and the oil industry against it (you can run cars off a weed even!), it will be revolutionary type battle. Hopefully one day we get there.


Well-Known Member
trimmed to save space
Agreed. I still dont understand how something good is illegal and the things that kill hundreds of thousands (tabacco, liqour) arent. I mean I know that the corporations will do everything in their power to prevent it but how can people be so damned blind?

The indians still smoke it. They can do virtually anything on their land.

chronic vegan

Active Member
Well most of you know that t marijuana used to be legal and a very viable commodity. Paper, clothes, rope etc were made from marijuana. It had municipal uses, and was a common product in homes. But due to climate in society and the ability of lobbyist, of the alcohol industry and tobacco industry, with the support of our government was able to "demonize" marijuana and then outlaw it. So until someone is able to breakdown the "demonic" stereotype of marijuana and crush the alcohol and tobacco lobbyists , marijuana will stay illegal in the USA. So my friend, sitback and enjoy your homegrown. (and just between you and me, our government and big bussiness is making big money off of marijuana. Think about it!! Think of who is making money or has a job because of us small homegrowers. Fox Farm is in business and I am a customer of Fox Farm. Really, THINK ABOUT IT! Also think about the huge amount of money our courts and jails make off marijuana. Think about all the Drug Rehabs making money from marijuana. Think of all the fast food resturants and junk food companies whom make money from your "MUnChies"). LOL

So my advice is "Dont Sell, Dont Tell and Dont get Greedy". My second advice is "be vEGAn"


Active Member
But if the USA legalized weed it would be the greatest thing ever! I seriously doubt your business would be effected at all. Most people dont have the time, energy, or interest to grow their own. And yes some big commercial players will try to step in, shit who knows you might become on of them. But the market is so wide open if it was legal because of its millions of uses. Did you know back when the USA was "Born" it was against the law to NOT grow weed in a couple of the states? You literally had a to have a section of your farm by law dedicated to the cultivation of hemp or you could go to jail! Commercial players would step up in every aspect, consumption sales one of them. But really that is best handled in localized manner. There would be starbucks of the weed selling world probably, but more profit could be made in its other area's of use. housing, foods, medicine, oils, clothing, farming, manufacturing, distrubution. It would literally change the world. It is the single most useful thing in this world. It's potential value is up there almost with water and air!! Because the human race has evolved its civilization to consume and create. The needs we have can all be answered by weed. It takes 1 acre of hemp to produce the same amount of usuable wood than 4 acres of trees. Plus it grows so damn fast unlike the rainforests we are destroying. Unfortunately, the biggest enemy of the legalization movement of weed is the oil industry and the health industry. I think most people will recognize that the health industry is evil, but damn that industry in the states has gotten so greedy and so morally twisted that its become its own uncurable disease. Medicinal weed literally can cure or help with countless medical conditions, and not have any side effects other than having a more open mind and getting hungry.
So true. Marijuana could be the single best thing in the world. It could be used to make everything for everyone. If only the world wasn't full of rich gov't scumbags and evil big businesses. Give the people what they want, what is it now? more then 50 percent of the USA has smoked marijuana at least once. It wont happen for another 20 years anyways, not until my generation grows up while all the hippy haters and all the baby boomers that are in congress get old and die.

Until then.... Happy Growing!:weed:


Active Member
So true. Marijuana could be the single best thing in the world. It could be used to make everything for everyone.
looking forward to owning that computer made out of cannabis.


Well-Known Member
If mj is legalized how do ya'll know you'll be able to grow like you are now?
Who knows what the gov't will do and what kind of restrictions they will put on it.

I'm for decriminalization not legalization.

K1; I doubt you,me,or anyone else got anything to worry about it being legalized cause it won't happen in the USA. Cops would be out of jobs etc. so the gov't won't do it. Then the fucking corporate businessmen come in and make bank off weed? Fuck that...It'll be just like cigarettes kids getting adults to go buy them weed.

I see what you saying though K1, if it were ever legalized sure it'll be great but, it'll be a day in hell for many.

We've been talking about this legalization shit alot now too bruh, and no-one I know wants it legal.

Yea people say if it was legal that will cut out the dboys, but no it won't they just move on up to the crack,white,hero and flip that. Which means more violence(you can't sling crack and not run into shit).

The government is looking at this both ways the pro's and con's and the con's outweigh the pro's.

I feel if you not smart enough to not get caught smoking-and that's why you want it legalized fuck you.

PS; K1 commercial growing is fucking stressful.

Good point. But what about where I'm at, another VERY conservative state, where one guy got caught growing three plants, and they threw his ass in jail for 11 months. Seem reasonable? Not really.

Real cases, different states. I'm sure there are alot of cases in one way and in the other.
only 11months? Very lucky 4-9yrs here.