I don't know if I'm antisemitic and honestly don't give a fuck if I am.
I mean, I like Hitler. I'm not talking the take over the world Hitler, I'm talking about the guy that took a country from its knees and stopped a country destroying itself through poverty (which the Jews profiteered from in a massive way)
Funny thing about the Jews that's pretty damned true.
Theres a saying across much of Europe but typically Poland
"The jew will strike you and cry out"
How true is it, well let's look at history. I think it's fairly accurate to say that when the Jews attack people they cry victim and funnier still is that if you don't agree youre antisemitic
As far as I'm concerned they're more bigoted than any other example I can think of (and that includes extremist Christians).
Another thing, the Jews have no right to Israel. Come on Jewish folks, you've said yourselves that you won't have a country till you deserve one, ruling countries behind the scenes by filling judges chairs, bankers positions etc doesn't exactly qualify
By their own words Israel shouldn't exist and I totally agree with them