What did you accomplish today?

I'm suffering from a basketball and weed hangover this afternoon. The Noles had a noon eastern tip, and they didn't start playing until about 1 o'clock. We won, but played from behind the first 3/4 of the game. Too much stress for what should have been an easy game.

I've been smoking Ass Cheese f2 at work for the last 3 weeks or so, and was starting to not get as high off it. Just a couple one hitters of crumbles left, so I broke out some Poly Shunk 1.5 ({triangle kush cookies x nightcap} x sinmint) X shit/skunk to go with my 1/4 slice of canna cranberry orange muffin loaf. Got me pretty high. Of all the Shunks, the PS 1.5 is the strongest.
I woke up after a week of fever dreams.

Now, I'm just congested, sick to my stomach and have a touch of diarrhea, and my entire rib cage feels like I got sacked repeatedly by a bunch of very mean 315 lb. tacklers.

And these antibiotic tablets feel like swallowing a hotdog bun whole. I've just started cutting them in half and taking the 2 pieces.

I'm in no shape for a dix test.
Good afternoon, would boofing recommend itself for those pills, feel better.

I have malaise and a fever; the flu. I see the doctor Tuesday so hopefully I'll be feeling well enough. Funny canceling a doctors appointment because I'm ill o_O I simply wouldn't have the patience for the drivel.
Good afternoon, would boofing recommend itself for those pills, feel better.

I have malaise and a fever; the flu. I see the doctor Tuesday so hopefully I'll be feeling well enough. Funny canceling a doctors appointment because I'm ill o_O I simply wouldn't have the patience for the drivel.

May it pass quickly.

It's nice to be half way through and on the other side.

Of course it would be nicer to not be sick at all, but how else to I test my aging immune system and catch up on 'listening' to Netflix because it's still hard to keep my eyes open more than 30 minutes.
I cleaned and filled the hummingbird feeders, got puppy food and refilled the beer shelf prior to it raining a bit today. Hit and miss showers, so not a washout at least. Thawing some brats to throw on the smoker in a bit, they don't take long. Going to put some "harissa" styled rub on them. Has some good heat to it, never tried it before. @ANC might know what it is.
I cleaned and filled the hummingbird feeders, got puppy food and refilled the beer shelf prior to it raining a bit today. Hit and miss showers, so not a washout at least. Thawing some brats to throw on the smoker in a bit, they don't take long. Going to put some "harissa" styled rub on them. Has some good heat to it, never tried it before. @ANC might know what it is.
It's delicious. Hub introduced me to the stuff back in the 1980s. He got stuck on it during his embassy re-supply runs.
i was always told it was for the farmers...all the farmers i've ever asked hate it too...
i'm with you, get rid of it
The sun comes up and goes down at the same time, no matter what we call it. This is a holdover from The Great War in 1917-18.

I like standard time, but Florida is trying to get locked into daylight savings time year round. Can't get congress to act on it.
My favorite time change story: Two of my buddies worked construction 25-30 years ago. All morning my friend TT had been bitching about the time change, how it had robbed him of an hour's sleep. At lunch him and LC road down a dirt road to burn one and a coon crossed the road in front of them. LC said, "that coon is all screwed up from the time change too."
true. However that's little consolation for the hangover and having to get up that extra hour. early.:finger:
The older I get, the worse lack of sleep is treating me. It seems I have late nights and early mornings every weekend now. Some of the businesses that do what we do was damaged in the hurricane, and we picked up a bunch of new customers. I'm working 6 nights a week most weeks.