Just came indoors from working on the snow blower... wasn't the drive shaft. It was a fuckin cotterpin ...
The headgear makes you look like you just returned from a secret defoliation mission ...

I will, but your man will tell you I don’t drink that stuffs. Not that’s it tastes bad, all my family drinks nothing but bud light. It’s just that, it doesn’t get me drunk. I could drink a whole case of it and nothing.

Oh don’t make me add you to the racist thread lol. Every Mexican I know drinks bud light around here. But not me. And they think I’m the weirdo for drinking shiner or fat tire or any ipa. But for $$ reasons I drink bud ice. I know, I know, it’s not good beer. But it gets me drunk for $3.30 for 2 24’s. So I go that route when I’m broke. But when I’m feeling frisky I go for an ipa. Right now deep ellum ipa is 7% and only 10$ a sixer. So that’s been my go to lately.
Ive seen you drink gin and apple juice