Heisenbeans Genetics

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I've been a smoker all my life. Almost 25 years. Went from Marlboro reds to lights. The past few months I've been having a weird chest pain and trouble breathing. Lost a bunch of weight and shit and went to dr. Gave me an xray and said they needed me to go in for a CT. Took two weeks and I went and got it.
Got my results back today and it was normal. Scarring on my lungs from past pneumonia and collapsed lobes from recent flu.
So yeah I quit smoking a month ago and that's it.
Hopefully I'll be here a while longer to keep bringing you guys the dank. I have little kids that mean the world to me and I'm gonna be real I was worried for them more than myself.
I had 2 aunts die from lung cancer in there 40s and I really dont wanna end up like that.
I really for the first time realized that that shit is real and can happen to anyone. I wish I would have quit 20 years ago but it is what it is.
Just wanted to share that in case someone else was thinking about quitting. Cigarettes are fucked up and I dont wanna go through this shit again.
I've been a "smoker" for 25 years. I have always managed to stay healthy, but in the last year or so, been wanting to quit, but they are still in control of me.
try vaping and gradually cut the nicotine level , I promise You it's both cheaper and You will feel better , food tastes better and so many great flavors
I tried the vaping thing, it's just not the same. I think its gonna take a dr telling me if I dont quit I'm gonna die. Which I already know, but when the doc tells you that it really puts it into perspective.
Glad to hear your results were negative. Scary shit. I managed to ditch the cigs for Cope pouches, can't seem to nix the nicotine entirely. I turn into an irrational rage filled asshole.
Yeah I started the pouches on and off a year ago so I wouldn't smoke so much. Pouches all day and only smoked 1 when I woke up and smoked a couple at night. Than started back smoking full time for 3 Months and started to have issues.
I'm giving the pouches up completely in a couple weeks. Going from 2 packs a day to pouches was hard as quitting but I haven't smoked in a month and dont ever plan on again.
Yeah I started the pouches on and off a year ago so I wouldn't smoke so much. Pouches all day and only smoked 1 when I woke up and smoked a couple at night. Than started back smoking full time for 3 Months and started to have issues.
I'm giving the pouches up completely in a couple weeks. Going from 2 packs a day to pouches was hard as quitting but I haven't smoked in a month and dont ever plan on again.
Badass man. I have not been able to take that last step, but I can breath again so I'll take it.
Need to try to play Edward 40s hand. Duct tape a 40oz beer to each hand. And drink both without pissing. It's harder than you think. And its extremely difficult to chug 80oz of beer.
Was our typical Th-Sun routine at UND. No surprise I only stayed a year and also no longer drink.

Kids that didn’t have 40s had to tape 4 cans instead...think it was keystone or natty ice.
I quit for 9 years, then started back over a woman. Couldn't stand kissing an "ashtray" so I took it back up. After she was out of the picture, there I was with the habit again.
I would lol, but it's not a laughing subject.

oh damn thats a bitch man. i had stopped for a couple months at one stage but when i got with my now fiance at first, she smoked so i started smoking again. then we both quit.

she kicked it before me , took me a couple of times lol
I quit smoking ~12 years ago. When I quit I was truly ready. I was starting to notice it affecting my breathing/ endurance. I used nicotine gum to help satiate the urge to smoke. The thing I liked about the gum was you got a certain amount of instant gratification. It wasn’t like having a smoke, but it was enough to keep me from killing anyone. I used the gum for ~6 weeks.
I think the bigggest thing for me was the fact that I was ready to quit. I smoked for a little over 20 years.
Took me a few tries to quit cigs properly but haven't smoked in about 6 or 7 years now after a 20+ year habit. Also grew up smoking blended bowls and spliffs so first switched to herb only spliffs then on to dry herb vapes. Love my vapes.

Quitting cigs is definitely not fucken easy lol
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