Heisenbeans Genetics

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Well-Known Member
Never got the ciggie habit full on. Smoked when I was drunk...and for awhile there that was a constant thing...so much so I gave up drinking in '96. I have re-entered the fold in the last year and have an occasional triple (LOL) but don't drink beer all day like i used to. (can't drink it at all now..yuk) Finally realized it just isn't my drug. Kinda like Valium/benzos. Stay the fuck away. Also kicked a 5+ year long Oxy habit in 2007. I was sourcing pills outside my script at the end and could feel the train starting to tilt as it slowly went off the track....so I got brave one day and dumped my entire bottle into the shitter ....then talked into it for about a week. Thought I was gonna die. Came out the other side feeling like a newborn....everything new and shiny. I'd been numbed for so long everything just went blah.....unless I was munching those O's....not a way to live. Still love em......but realize how many I can eat everytime I step back into the ring and that makes me back off in spite of the love for that high.

Smoking weed has taken it's toll here. I don't smoke flat out bud anymore....it's always super charged with hash/weed so I smoke less tokes. Otherwise.....whooosh.....doobie gone...all me. Had to quit walking around ALL the time with a fatty hanging off my lip. Been smoking rosin through a glass bong and it's far cleaner than joints/etc. My curse is that I can't get fucked up on edibles...so smoking is the only avenue here...so far....really pisses me off cus I have ample product (more than I can humanly use) to play with/decarb/etc. Super frustrating stuff. Like the opiates....my body reacts differently than most folks (Ops make me wanna party all night..like speeders. As long as I'm upright...I'm rockin'.)

Good for you Heisen. Take a few tokes if it gets rough. The brain is used to the mechanism of smoking....so it will take a bit to hit the "fuck that shit is nasty" stage but like others say...Yup. Nasty.


Well-Known Member
With working with dogs and customers cold turkey was never on the table plus I was never one to set myself up for failure, germination day for some NL 1, have some old school stuff to hit veg area real soon to get me over sleeping thru The Ghost bastards
Northern Lights 1? NL is the only strain I've had get Botrytis. I didn't top it like a noob lol


Well-Known Member
I quit cigarettes in 2010 when I found myself standing outside the of the hospital wearing nothing but a gown in the freezing cold after congestive heart failure. I had to disconnect my machines and carry a bunch of stuff out with me to do it. My partner in crime and room mate in the hospital was out there with me in the same attire. He was in for COPD....and it just clicked at that moment. "What the fuck am I doing?" Threw my smoke on the ground and gave dude my pack and said Im done. Havent touched a cigarette since. Quit a 20+ yr habit just like that. Dont quit quitting Heisen. It really does get easier with every day that passes.


Well-Known Member
I quit cigarettes in 2010 when I found myself standing outside the of the hospital wearing nothing but a gown in the freezing cold after congestive heart failure. I had to disconnect my machines and carry a bunch of stuff out with me to do it. My partner in crime and room mate in the hospital was out there with me in the same attire. He was in for COPD....and it just clicked at that moment. "What the fuck am I doing?" Threw my smoke on the ground and gave dude my pack and said Im done. Havent touched a cigarette since. Quit a 20+ yr habit just like that. Dont quit quitting Heisen. It really does get easier with every day that passes.
I quit just over a year ago. Not had one since and not missed it.

When my lung collapsed 15 years ago you would think that would of been enough but when they told me what the problem was and said they needed to operate my first reaction was to say I need to phone my family, what I really did was go outside pre getting my ribs prised apart and tap up an old lady for a smoke, I told her what had happened and she said " here you are dear have 3" so I chain smoked all 3 cigs and went in to have some bong contraption forced through my ribs to drain my lung.. I must of stunk of cigs, god knows what the hospital staff though. :oops:

I still think back and feel embarrassed about that.


Well-Known Member
I've been a smoker all my life. Almost 25 years. Went from Marlboro reds to lights. The past few months I've been having a weird chest pain and trouble breathing. Lost a bunch of weight and shit and went to dr. Gave me an xray and said they needed me to go in for a CT. Took two weeks and I went and got it.
Got my results back today and it was normal. Scarring on my lungs from past pneumonia and collapsed lobes from recent flu.
So yeah I quit smoking a month ago and that's it.
Hopefully I'll be here a while longer to keep bringing you guys the dank. I have little kids that mean the world to me and I'm gonna be real I was worried for them more than myself.
I had 2 aunts die from lung cancer in there 40s and I really dont wanna end up like that.
I really for the first time realized that that shit is real and can happen to anyone. I wish I would have quit 20 years ago but it is what it is.
Just wanted to share that in case someone else was thinking about quitting. Cigarettes are fucked up and I dont wanna go through this shit again.
Didn't know you smoked. I guess everybody knew you dipped from the spit cups and all in the videos. I tried to swap one for another but dipping just didn't satisfy. I saw the burn spot on whatever it was the bowl of 91 chem pollen sac's was sitting on, lol I have them all over the place where I sit em down to do something and dont pick them up in time. I smoke 2 packs a day and recently have been coughing up dark colored phlegm. I've tried to quit several times, was my new yrs resolution so many times. I've about given up but I may try chantix, my uncle and a few others have quit after smoking all their lives with it. I have kids I want to see grow up, graduate and hopefully get married and I'll have to make it in my 60s to see that. It's so true about the ash tray smell, I did a few days in jail one time, didn't smoke the whole time and when I walked in my house it smelled just like an ashtray. Only nonsmokers can smell that nasty ass smell. I hope to quit but its hands down the hardest thing for me, well other than opiates maybe. Kudos for quitting man, I hope you never pick another one up and if you contemplate it just think of the kids.


Well-Known Member
Didn't know you smoked. I guess everybody knew you dipped from the spit cups and all in the videos. I tried to swap one for another but dipping just didn't satisfy. I saw the burn spot on whatever it was the bowl of 91 chem pollen sac's was sitting on, lol I have them all over the place where I sit em down to do something and dont pick them up in time. I smoke 2 packs a day and recently have been coughing up dark colored phlegm. I've tried to quit several times, was my new yrs resolution so many times. I've about given up but I may try chantix, my uncle and a few others have quit after smoking all their lives with it. I have kids I want to see grow up, graduate and hopefully get married and I'll have to make it in my 60s to see that. It's so true about the ash tray smell, I did a few days in jail one time, didn't smoke the whole time and when I walked in my house it smelled just like an ashtray. Only nonsmokers can smell that nasty ass smell. I hope to quit but its hands down the hardest thing for me, well other than opiates maybe. Kudos for quitting man, I hope you never pick another one up and if you contemplate it just think of the kids.
Look into chantix.It is known to fuck with ppls heads(just listen or read about the side effects) I was friends with an old timer that tried quitting a 40+ smoking habit with chantix.He shot himself in the head one morning while on it.I know you never know what's going on inside someone's head but he just wasnt the type.He would've missed drinking too much lol.Maybe the chantix pushed him over,I dunno.
I quit over 15 years ago using the patch.each month the nicotine levels are reduced.i think it's a 3 month run but I was good to go after 2.GL to all of you trying to quit.

Heathen Raider

Well-Known Member
Didn't know you smoked. I guess everybody knew you dipped from the spit cups and all in the videos. I tried to swap one for another but dipping just didn't satisfy. I saw the burn spot on whatever it was the bowl of 91 chem pollen sac's was sitting on, lol I have them all over the place where I sit em down to do something and dont pick them up in time. I smoke 2 packs a day and recently have been coughing up dark colored phlegm. I've tried to quit several times, was my new yrs resolution so many times. I've about given up but I may try chantix, my uncle and a few others have quit after smoking all their lives with it. I have kids I want to see grow up, graduate and hopefully get married and I'll have to make it in my 60s to see that. It's so true about the ash tray smell, I did a few days in jail one time, didn't smoke the whole time and when I walked in my house it smelled just like an ashtray. Only nonsmokers can smell that nasty ass smell. I hope to quit but its hands down the hardest thing for me, well other than opiates maybe. Kudos for quitting man, I hope you never pick another one up and if you contemplate it just think of the kids.
Had a buddy who's wife wanted Him to quit She told Him every day He didn't smoke he would wake up to and go to bed to a blow job but if He smoked at all no lovin for a month. He quit and got a baby out of the deal. I asked if she had a Sister of course .

Heathen Raider

Well-Known Member
Didn't know you smoked. I guess everybody knew you dipped from the spit cups and all in the videos. I tried to swap one for another but dipping just didn't satisfy. I saw the burn spot on whatever it was the bowl of 91 chem pollen sac's was sitting on, lol I have them all over the place where I sit em down to do something and dont pick them up in time. I smoke 2 packs a day and recently have been coughing up dark colored phlegm. I've tried to quit several times, was my new yrs resolution so many times. I've about given up but I may try chantix, my uncle and a few others have quit after smoking all their lives with it. I have kids I want to see grow up, graduate and hopefully get married and I'll have to make it in my 60s to see that. It's so true about the ash tray smell, I did a few days in jail one time, didn't smoke the whole time and when I walked in my house it smelled just like an ashtray. Only nonsmokers can smell that nasty ass smell. I hope to quit but its hands down the hardest thing for me, well other than opiates maybe. Kudos for quitting man, I hope you never pick another one up and if you contemplate it just think of the kids.
Had a buddy who's wife wanted Him to quit She told Him every day He didn't smoke he would wake up to and go to bed to a blow job but if He smoked at all no lovin for a month. He quit and got a baby out of the deal. I asked if she had a Sister of course .


Well-Known Member
Look into chantix.It is known to fuck with ppls heads(just listen or read about the side effects) I was friends with an old timer that tried quitting a 40+ smoking habit with chantix.He shot himself in the head one morning while on it.I know you never know what's going on inside someone's head but he just wasnt the type.He would've missed drinking too much lol.Maybe the chantix pushed him over,I dunno.
I quit over 15 years ago using the patch.each month the nicotine levels are reduced.i think it's a 3 month run but I was good to go after 2.GL to all of you trying to quit.
Yeah I agree chantix has some bad effects on some people and I've heard a lot of folks just cant handle it. But the ones that can end up quitting with no side effects. Everybody that I know that has used it have successfully quit. Those side effects is the only thing that has kept me from trying it already.
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