The 'humanitarian crisis' in Venezuela... or not

Dude, I have a lot of respect for you. So I'll just say again. The colonies were hardly a modern police state. Something in the past hundred years would do. Would the uprising in Egypt a few years ago be a good example? Or perhaps Tunisia? I think those might be examples of how it can be done.
Right never aces might. Wealth = Power. When the wealthy of Venezuela have had enough what little support h ed has left will begin to erode. Someone is helping pay the military.

BTW the Russians and the Chinese have apparently voiced strong support for the "Mind Your Own Business" approach as well.
You know - I'm old and I've been awake a long time. I remember the Green Beret advisors to South Vietnam. Not to fight but to support the SV military. Yeah uh huh. I also remember cheering Richard Nixon ending it. Many years and lives later.

Vietnam is now Vietnam. How horrible did it turn out? A friend went over "for a short visit". 6 weeks ago. He has to come back but obviously he's in no hurry. What about the 58K Americans who died there? The billions we spent?

Venezuela is not our problem any more than Vietnam was.
Remember the Boston Massacre?

Yes, I do. It wasn't the British' fault. It was ours. That is why all of the British soldiers, notably Mr. Preston, their captain, except two were found not guilty by a jury of Americans. The two were found guilty of manslaughter.

Of note: they (the British) were defended by future president of the United States, John Adams.’-hand-undermining-democracy-venezuela

this is the most damning article i could find...and it basically blames u.s. sanctions for all of Venezuala's problems...
if a country is dependent upon good relations with the United States for it's continued existence, then perhaps it has deep, fundamental problems that it ought to deal can a country call itself anything but a vassal state if it relies upon us to provide it it's basic needs? if it does not require our aid to survive, how can we be responsible for it's downfall, when we quit providing that aid?
IS Venezuela an independent country? if so, how can we be responsible for it's fate? there should be no country on the planet that will wither and die if we stop doing business with it...and any that will, deserve it, in my opinion.
according to the same sites that you got your 6,000 step military protocols from, your false flag sarin attack, and your false flag russian attacks in london?

you are nothing but a joke anymore, flaming tty.
You are nothing but a clown. You repeat the propaganda fed you by MSNBC, CNN and the rest and then try to pass yourself off as informed, like you "know stuff".

You're a Trumpist, just shilling for the same establishment from the democratic side.

You're a prime example of the inauthentic opposition. You live to bash Bernie Sanders and AOC, fraud that you are.
An oil-rich country with a brutal authoritarian military dictator is destabilizing the region by making conditions so bad in the country that 3 million people have fled into Brazil and Columbia. How is it not in our interests to see Maduro off and Guaido, the legitimate leader of Venezuela hold office legitimate elections are held? Not saying US should invade, just saying work with the Lima Group to pressure Maduro to step down. The Lima Group should take leadership in this, not the US. They support non-military, non-violent measures. I do too.

Chavez was the revolutionary leader, Maduro was his driver and never held elected office before Chavez handed control of the country to him. Chavez appointed Maduro, who has become the kind of authoritarian, fascist leader that often arrives later in the revolutionary cycle.

Maduro has been suppressing newspapers and news media from reporting what is going on. Why would he do that?
All lies. But by all means, do try and get a salary while you're repeating the story MSNBC gives you.

You wouldn't know what's going on if someone sat you down and showed you, chapter and verse.
Maduro needs to go. No question. When enough Venezuelans decide likewise it will happen. Or at least start. Then is the time it's appropriate to intervene.
Maduro was elected by exactly the same percentage of eligible voters that Obama was- 31%

He even moved the election up a year, and won.

He invited the opposition to run- instead, they boycotted and bombed polling places.
You are nothing but a clown. You repeat the propaganda fed you by MSNBC, CNN and the rest and then try to pass yourself off as informed, like you "know stuff".

You're a Trumpist, just shilling for the same establishment from the democratic side.

You're a prime example of the inauthentic opposition. You live to bash Bernie Sanders and AOC, fraud that you are.
why did you say i was a right winger for simply stating how many articles russian state media wrote about tulsi gabbard?
Maduro was elected by exactly the same percentage of eligible voters that Obama was- 31%

He even moved the election up a year, and won.

He invited the opposition to run- instead, they boycotted and bombed polling places.
tell us about the 6000 step military protocols you read about on a satire webpage then posted here thinking it was not satire
why did you say i was a right winger for simply stating how many articles russian state media wrote about tulsi gabbard?
Why do you make up silly statements and then challenge people to respond to them?

Why don't you ever have an actual supporting argument for your positions?

Because you're a vacuous shill. You have nothing.
tell us about the 6000 step military protocols you read about on a satire webpage then posted here thinking it was not satire
You tell us about them.

Better yet, tell us anything at all about why your positions have any merit or credibility.

You're a know nothing, vacuous shill completely devoid of substance and deserve to be treated as such.
Why do you make up silly statements and then challenge people to respond to them?

i'm not making it up.

you asked for evidence that tulsi gabbard was a putin puppet. i showed you that russian state media had written over 20 fawning articles about her since she announced.

you then called me a right winger.

i have been asking you to justify your statement ever since. why am i a right winger for pointing out simple, observable facts like that?

they don't exist. but you saw a satirical article saying they did exist then you posted it here in all seriousness without ever fact checking the satire article you read.

we all laughed at you
What does this have to do with Venezuela?

Oh yeah- nothing.