The 'humanitarian crisis' in Venezuela... or not

Oh look- another purely personal attack with no relevant comment and indeed no reference to any topic.

I accept your concession.
Just from this thread alone...

Didn't take you long to jump in and shout your ignorance, did it?

Amazing how willing you are to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Trump administration.

What an arrogant bunch of Trump suckers you are, never mind stupid.

That reporter wasn't interested in the truth; he obviously just wanted to write a hit piece.

And he was released, unharmed, all but immediately.The 'free country' of America would be holding him for weeks or months, in direct violation of literally dozens of treaties we've signed and ratified. America has no credibility left on the world stage other than as a bully and it's morons like those posting here in support of yet another illegal intervention that will seal our fate.

So Tty, are you making new friends? Are you organizizing them? Are they going to follow you in a glorious revolution?
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Who is looting who? Should check out Hugo Chevez's daughter. Her net worth is over 4 billion. I wonder where she got the Shekels?
You can't substantiate that, Blaze.

Just STFU already That claim is not relevant to the current crisis. It's also not been reported from reliable sources. You right wingers get it wrong even when you could have made a valid point.
Logic fail. Just because we have Trump doesn't mean what Maduro is doing is OK.

Is aid in the form of food and medicine such a bad thing?

Are you suggesting that propping up Maduro by US purchasing his oil the course of action we should take?
What America has been doing to Venezuela is not okay but somehow you keep trying to justify American imperial war crimes.
What America has been doing to Venezuela is not okay but somehow you keep trying to justify American imperial war crimes.
An oil-rich country with a brutal authoritarian military dictator is destabilizing the region by making conditions so bad in the country that 3 million people have fled into Brazil and Columbia. How is it not in our interests to see Maduro off and Guaido, the legitimate leader of Venezuela hold office legitimate elections are held? Not saying US should invade, just saying work with the Lima Group to pressure Maduro to step down. The Lima Group should take leadership in this, not the US. They support non-military, non-violent measures. I do too.

Chavez was the revolutionary leader, Maduro was his driver and never held elected office before Chavez handed control of the country to him. Chavez appointed Maduro, who has become the kind of authoritarian, fascist leader that often arrives later in the revolutionary cycle.

Maduro has been suppressing newspapers and news media from reporting what is going on. Why would he do that?
An oil-rich country with a brutal authoritarian military dictator is destabilizing the region by making conditions so bad in the country that 3 million people have fled into Brazil and Columbia. How is it not in our interests to see Maduro off and Guaido, the legitimate leader of Venezuela hold office legitimate elections are held? Not saying US should invade, just saying work with the Lima Group to pressure Maduro to step down. The Lima Group should take leadership in this, not the US. They support non-military, non-violent measures. I do too.

Chavez was the revolutionary leader, Maduro was his driver and never held elected office before Chavez handed control of the country to him. Chavez appointed Maduro, who has become the kind of authoritarian, fascist leader that often arrives later in the revolutionary cycle.

Maduro has been suppressing newspapers and news media from reporting what is going on. Why would he do that?
Fake news!

I found an obviously shadey propaganda website that says so!

The "humanitarian crisis" cry by the administration that arms Israel and watches them murder Palestinians is a fucking laugh. How about the humanitarian aid for them?

Further where is the concern?

From that post:

These were the nihilistic masked youth who form the shock troops of the right-wing opposition, and who placed Caracas under siege with violent barricade protests, known as guarimbas, at several points between 2014 and 2017.

If that were true, then why is Maduro preventing reporters from going wherever they want to tell the story?
Maduro needs to go. No question. When enough Venezuelans decide likewise it will happen. Or at least start. Then is the time it's appropriate to intervene.
The "humanitarian crisis" cry by the administration that arms Israel and watches them murder Palestinians is a fucking laugh. How about the humanitarian aid for them?

Further where is the concern?
I have concern about both the Venezuelan refugees and the Palestinians who are practically imprisoned in Gaza.

Agree that Trump doesn't care about anybody. Still, the US is providing medical and food assistance to the Venezuelan refugees and I can't disagree with that even though I disagree with Trump.
Maduro needs to go. No question. When enough Venezuelans decide likewise it will happen. Or at least start. Then is the time it's appropriate to intervene.
I can't argue with your sentiment. I just wonder how. Modern day military police states are difficult to displace by any means and nearly impossible to replace peacefully.

How do you think the people of Venezuela would accomplish this? Can you point out a country where this was accomplished?
I can't argue with your sentiment. I just wonder how. Modern day military police states are difficult to displace by any means and nearly impossible to replace peacefully.

How do you think the people of Venezuela would accomplish this? Can you point out a country where this was accomplished?
The United States. With a lot of help from France at the appropriate time. Arms, money and even ships in support.
Yes, although the colonies were hardly a modern police state.
Frigging British soldiers garrisoned in people's homes? Seizing food supplies? Riding herd on the King's loyal subjects? We rebelled for a lot of reasons. Remember the Boston Massacre? Police state.
Frigging British soldiers garrisoned in people's homes? Seizing food supplies? Riding herd on the King's loyal subjects? We rebelled for a lot of reasons. Remember the Boston Massacre? Police state.
Dude, I have a lot of respect for you. So I'll just say again. The colonies were hardly a modern police state. Something in the past hundred years would do. Would the uprising in Egypt a few years ago be a good example? Or perhaps Tunisia? I think those might be examples of how it can be done.