Overwater or nitrogen toxicity?


Active Member
I have here a juanita la lacrimosa with some problems.
I have a led cob Light 5000 lumens
I water with plain water in The 5.5-6.5 ph range, no feeding.
IT might be hot soil or overwattering... I'm not sure and tought i should ask.



Well-Known Member

Looks like it needs a repot to me. That'll help fix any lockout or deficiency as well.

Transplant to a bigger pot, with lots of aeration / drainage.

Water Ph5.5 is far too low for soil imo. I'd leave it at 6.5.
To be honest, if you have a quality soil, you shouldn't need to adjust the ph of your water at all.
Ideally, you want your water in that 6.5 - 7.5 range. Which you'll find most water is.

I think a transplant should turn things around.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
i agree they could use a transplant

u cut holes in the bottom of those cups right? also you drop those inside red/blue solo cups to keep light away from the roots? would help


Well-Known Member
Yeah, definitely a transplant. Maybe into 1 or 2 gallon pots, until they recover and get a fair bit larger, before putting them in their final pots.
Make sure you add a lot of drainage to your soil. At a glance yours doesn't look like it has much. I'd add some perlite to your soil when you transplant.
I don't think watering at ph5.5 was helping them either. That likely contributed the wilt, and yellow tops.

Good luck, should recover fine.


Active Member
Thanks a lot. Have you had any experience with juanita la lacrimosa? I know it's The strain with The highest le el of CBD... It's my first encounter with IT.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot. Have you had any experience with juanita la lacrimosa? I know it's The strain with The highest le el of CBD... It's my first encounter with IT.
No, i can't say i have. Hadn't heard of it until now tbh.

Hope it's a nice one though, there's a lot of promise in these cbd strains i reckon.

Have you smoked any yourself?


Well-Known Member
Transplant into a half gallon pot. It’ll be easier to deal with then throwing that little thing into 2 gallons