The wolf who cried MAGA

Astounding you aren't even bright enough to recognize where your argument derailed LOL
Stay blissful lil man
Dude I have friends from all races. One of my best friends is Chinese. You judged me over one statement about murder in Chicago which had nothing to do with race in the first place.
Dude I have friends from all races. One of my best friends is Chinese. You judged me over one statement about murder in Chicago which had nothing to do with race in the first place. Yes, im still scratching my head wondering what really triggered you.
Yeah Chicago dog whistle there
Not triggered buddy ... I'm chill as can be
Yeah Chicago dog whistle there
Not triggered buddy ... I'm chill as can be
I was trying to imply that he will not do time. Chicago has way more to worry about than this case. Trumpers want him to go to prison and im just shitting on their wet dream. Im betting he gets a year of probation if that. That is all I was really getting at.
I was trying to imply that he will not do time. Chicago has way more to worry about than this case. Trumpers want him to go to prison and im just shitting on their wet dream. Im betting he gets a year of probation if that. That is all I was really getting at.
If he mailed the letter to himself he is open to federal prosecution for mail fraud, potentially 5-10 years jail time. Will be interesting to see if they pursue. I'm guessing this would not normally be pursued by postal inspectors, but given the political nature of the staged attack, who knows. Seems odd he could face stiffer penalties for mail fraud than a fake hate crime.
I was trying to imply that he will not do time.

I've already stated he'll probably get 2 years probation, have to undergo counseling and probably get community service.

He does risk 1 to 3 years in prison, and based on his previous episode of lying to police they just might make him do some time, but i doubt it.

Jussie is obviously mentally distressed. Now that his career is essentially shot, jail might just send him over the edge to suicide.

I'm not too sure Chicago PD is going to want that on their conscience.
Yeah Chicago dog whistle there
Not triggered buddy ... I'm chill as can be
He lives near Chicago like I live near Portland. It's his city as Portland is mine. If he said he lived in Kansas but cited crime in Chicago, you'd have a point.

That bit about inferring judges allowing lighter sentences "because jails are full" is specious and politically charged though. "Gun toting violent criminals are let out too soon" is a claim made by the police in Chicago. From Google searches, it's mostly talked up by Fox. From what I've read, across this nation, people who commit non-violent crimes do sometimes get let out early due to overcrowding but not violent criminals, not from what I've seen reported. So, yeah, highly sketchy, that claim of violent offenders being let out early as a matter of policy.

That said, Smollett apparently did commit a non-violent felony and as Taco and Gorrilla both say he probably will not serve time in prison. Funny how people can agree but continue to snarl at each other.
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If he mailed the letter to himself he is open to federal prosecution for mail fraud, potentially 5-10 years jail time. Will be interesting to see if they pursue. I'm guessing this would not normally be pursued by postal inspectors, but given the political nature of the staged attack, who knows. Seems odd he could face stiffer penalties for mail fraud than a fake hate crime.
make hay while the sun shines, makebate Nazi boi.
He lives near Chicago like I live near Portland. It's his city as Portland is mine. If he said he lived in Kansas but cited crime in Chicago, you'd have a point.

That bit about inferring judges allowing lighter sentences "because jails are full" is specious and politically charged though. "Gun toting violent criminals are let out too soon" is a claim made by the police in Chicago. From Google searches, it's mostly talked up by Fox. From what I've read, across this nation, people who commit non-violent crimes do sometimes get let out early due to overcrowding but not violent criminals, not from what I've seen reported. So, yeah, highly sketchy, that claim of violent offenders being let out early as a matter of policy.

That said, Smollett apparently did commit a non-violent felony and as Taco and Gorrilla both say he probably will not serve time in prison. Funny how people can agree but continue to snarl at each other.
I sounds like they may go for a race crime = stiffer penalties and maybe deservedly so
I sounds like they may go for a race crime = stiffer penalties and maybe deservedly so

They're definitely pissed and I don't blame them. I'm just thinking cooler heads will see the end game and make it quietly go away.

If they throw the book at him and he flips out and kills himself, he gets all that original sympathy back and Chicago PD becomes the bad guy.
They're definitely pissed and I don't blame them. I'm just thinking cooler heads will see the end game and make it quietly go away.

If they throw the book at him and he flips out and kills himself, he gets all that original sympathy back and Chicago PD becomes the bad guy.
Nah, Smollet is the only one responsible for his past and future actions. Chicago PD just trying to do their job.
Nah, Smollet is the only one responsible for his past and future actions. Chicago PD just trying to do their job.
Nah, Smollet is the only one responsible for his past and future actions. Chicago PD just trying to do their job.

Chicago pd is corrupt. We need to investigate them and put them in prison for setting Jussie up all trump-Russia style
I detest "whattaboutisms", but you trumpers have selectively short's a stupid stunt to try an pull off no matter what side of the fence you're on...

"Thanks to an unattended Twitter widget, a website intended to promote the work of 50 young Republican volunteers became an unwitting showcase for the mockery of one group member Friday, when it emerged that the volunteer faked a macabre attack on herself and tried to pin it on a nonexistent Obama supporter and mugger.

Ashley Todd, a 20-year-old college student and McCain volunteer, admitted on Friday that she made up a widely reported story about being mugged by a so-called big black guy at an ATM in Pittsburgh. She falsely told police this week that her assailant became enraged after seeing a John McCain bumper sticker on her car, and proceeded to scratch a backwards "B" — for "Barack" — on her face. It now appears the mark was self-inflicted, and police say it's expected to heal completely.