The wolf who cried MAGA

I teach criminal justice, jackass.I know what the definitions are and via LexusNexus what all the penalties are in any given jurisdiction.

There is no murder charge in the state of Illinois where you walk out in 8 years. None. Nada. Zip. Zero. Nichtig.

But just to hammer things home for that wet, soggy noodle you call a brain, I'll dumb it down to a level a small puppy could comprehend:

I worked with someone who was out on probation after doing 8 years for murder in Chicago, a white man actually who claimed it was self defense.

That's not murder you imbecile. That would be manslaughter. That's how he was out in 8 years. He got into a fight with someone and wound up killing him. That is called manslaughter. There are different degrees of it as well, just like murder.

Jackass. Read more. Post less.
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I teach criminal justice, jackass.I know what the definitions are and via Nexus Lexus what all the penalties are in any given jurisdiction.

There is no murder charge in the state of Illinois where you walk out in 8 years. None. Nada. Zip. Zero. Nichtig.

But just to hammer things home for that wet, soggy noodle you call a brain, I'll dumb it down to a level a small puppy could comprehend:

That's not murder you imbecile. That would be manslaughter. That's how he was out in 8 years. He got into a fight with someone and wound up killing him. That is called manslaughter. There are different degrees of it as well, just like murder.

Jackass. Read more. Post less.
Who so rude? He did read in the Chicago Tribune that first degree murder is 20 years to life in Illinois. If that is wrong, show some class and educate.
Lol, grasping for straws are we.

No, you are.

A non racist would have said "I know a guy who was out on parole for killing someone after only serving 8 years, but he claimed it was self defense."

But you, being the racist you are, pointed out that he was white because you think that makes his story more believable.

No, you are.

A non racist would have said "I know a guy who was out on parole for killing someone after only serving 8 years, but he claimed it was self defense."

But you, being the racist you are, pointed out that he was white because you think that makes his story more believable.

Logic fail. Sorry, just saying. What you offered is not a proof.
No, you are.

A non racist would have said "I know a guy who was out on parole for killing someone after only serving 8 years, but he claimed it was self defense."

But you, being the racist you are, pointed out that he was white because you think that makes his story more believable.


Your totally delusional dude, going by that logic why did you call me a racist when I never even brought up race in the first place? So many childish trolls in here, next.