The wolf who cried MAGA

He was just charged with a felony...

In Cook County, filing a false report falls under the disorderly conduct statute.

He faces about the same punishment that he would for getting in a bar fight.

He'll get a fine, probably 2 years probation and have to undergo counseling.

But his career is in all likelihood destroyed, so at least you can celebrate that.
In Cook County, filing a false report falls under the disorderly conduct statute.

He faces about the same punishment that he would for getting in a bar fight.

He'll get a fine, probably 2 years probation and have to undergo counseling.

But his career is in all likelihood destroyed, so at least you can celebrate that.
Careful your hypocrisy is showing.
I support a guy who isn't Hillary Clinton. :cool:
i don't like hillary either...but for fucks sake...can't you see that ANYONE...fucking ANYONE..would have been better than fucking lying, hating, racist, pussygrabbing, xenophobic fucking worthless foul fucking trump? "oh my god, Hillary was cleared of any wrong doing by the government who was investigating her....but i'll still vote for the foulest fucking piece of verminous subhuman filth possible, because i don't trust the government to investigate the woman."... ¿
Bernie would have been better...he would have had a heart attack by now, and w/e was his running mate would be president...doesn't matter if his running mate was a shoe box full of would have been a better president than trump
People get 20 years for murder in Chicago, often half of that is probation (im not even joking). Then account for good time and time cuts for getting a ged and your out in 7-8 years. I will be suprised if he even gets a year of probation.
the legal repercussions are minor, the real "punishment" is going to be the end of his producer will use him, no director will cast him...he's a pariah, and he'll end up selling used cars, wearing a cheap polyester sports coat....too bad, too. gay actors are breaking out, and doing well, two of my favorite characters on tv right now are the gay engineer and doctor couple on "Discovery" very likeable, well written, well acted characters, played by gay actors who do great jobs....which just makes me wonder why Smollet felt the need to do any of this, when the future was looking bright?
I think he most likely thought it would get his name out into the mainstream and possibly boost his career. Nobody ever plans to get caught.

There are rumors that he thought he was going to get written off the show.

Let's face it: none of us had ever heard of him at all before this, had we? I certainly hadn't. So I wouldn't be surprised if it had been discussed. So, he wrote the letter and mailed it in thinking they would all rally around him, feel bad for him, and not write him off the show.

But they actually didn't care about it that much at all. They probably saw it like most anybody else did: a stupid, childish prank. I mean really...who does that other than somebody in a really badly done murder mystery?

When the letter didn't gain him all the sympathy he wanted, he took the next step and hired his personal trainer and his brother to stage the phony assault thinking, "Ha! That will show them! AND I will probably be able to sue them for not taking the letter seriously and hiring me a security detail" and so on.

Unfortunately for Jussie, he's stupid. The whole thing smacked of a remake of "Burn after Reading"...only even more ridiculously over-the-top moronic.
Oh my God he paid them with a check and he self inflicted his wounds. And the police chief just called out the fake news for reporting stuff without the facts.
And the police chief just called out the fake news for reporting stuff without the facts.

No, he didn't. It's you that are reporting fake news.

The news never once reported anything fake at all. They reported what Smollet said, what happened by his description, and what police were telling them at the time. Never once did anybody other than Smollett make anything up.

You people don't even know what fake news is. To you, fake news is anything you don't like. You're just like Trump. Just as ignorant. Quite possibly even more so.