Green's Wedding Cake, sip, probiotics

I'm almost finished building my first 30g sip, and I'm using 2 wicks, but I'm starting to wonder how in the hell I'm going to move it from veg to flower!

I hurt a lot and have some problems, so thus 30g full of soil, and the rez full, plus 2 full sized plants! I don't know how I'm going to move it! the wife gave me an idea about putting it on wheels! so now I've been scratching my head lol

still more work but here's where I'm at...CM190219-220453001.jpg
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I'm actually not getting rid of them anymore bc of this, I really want to try the smoke from this run and then decide! I've been busting ass all night trying to make as many new sips as I can!

I'm almost finished building my first 30g sip, and I'm using 2 wicks, but I'm starting to wonder how in the hell I'm going to move it from veg to flower!

I hurt a lot and have some problems, so thus 30g full of soil, and the rez full, plus 2 full sized plants! I don't know how I'm going to move it! the wife gave me an idea about putting it on wheels! so now I've been scratching my head lol

still more work but here's where I'm at...View attachment 4285804
Yeah just take some plywood and mount 4 casters, one on each corner. Then just roll it around.
Haha you started getting high the year I was born! So what didn't you like about the blumats? Anybody running salts through them? I'm wondering what clogging effects it would have on them.

To be fair, maybe I didn't give them a good enough chance. Just couldn't get them dialed in well enough, constantly having to adjust. Plugged up a few times on me also. Took a short trip when I thought they were tuned in decent, and came back to pissed off ladies. lol
Also didn't care for the way that the outer part of the container was always dry. Felt like my living soil was only "living" in a small area the shape of a upside down funnel.
I think these would work ok if I was willing to spend more time with them.
A lot of people really like them, so it's probably just me.

Aaahhh... 1976... Good year. Introduced to weed. The bicentennial.
Matter of fact; I still have some bicentennial beer cans sitting around somewhere. lol
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To be fair, maybe I didn't give them a good enough chance. Just couldn't get them dialed in well enough, constantly having to adjust. Plugged up a few times on me also. Took a short trip when I thought they were tuned in decent, and came back to pissed off ladies. lol
Also didn't care for the way that the outer part of the container was always dry. Felt like my living soil was only "living" in a small area the shape of a upside down funnel.
I think these would work ok if I was willing to spend more time with them.
A lot of people really like them, so it's probably just me.

Aaahhh... 1976... Good year. Introduced to weed. The bicentennial.
Matter of fact; I still have some bicentennial beer cans sitting around somewhere. lol
your comment is actually the only bad one I've ever heard about them! I've never used them, but a lot of ppl speak very highly about them!

and yeah 76, let me think, ah that's right, I was swimming around in my pops nut sack...great year lol. I'm the youngin, compared to you guys smoking down in the 70's lol, but dam it must have been a great time to be alive! 60's and 70's I'd give anything to have been able to experience those decades!
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your comment is actually the only bad one I've ever heard about them! I've never used them, but a lot of ppl speak very highly about them!

and yeah 76, let me think, ah that's right, I was swimming around in my pops nut sack...great year lol. I'm the youngin, compared to you guys smoking down in the 70's lol, but dam it must have been a great time to be alive! 60's and 70's I'd give anything to have been able to experience those decades!

same... I relive a lot of it through music.
alight I need some opinions!

first should I do 2 or three ladies in the new sip??? 2 would cut my veg time in half, 3 well I wouldn't even have to veg really lol, just let her take 2 weeks to get acclimated, and pop her into flower! but I'm worried 3 may be too much for this 30g!

second opinion I need, which ladies should get the honor? I have all my Strains ready to go! gg4, wc, 2X jp, and even 2X cnc, but the cnc hasn't been tried yet! could turn out to not be a keeper! but all are big enough and ready to go in today, if I wanted!

and that's basically how it all works! nothing else to it! helps to start off with a good living soil, but from what I've found, bc of the amount of life that this things breeds! the life will correct any and everything on its own! it's kind of amazing! I had no idea when starting to experiment with these, that the life would take over like it has! but it's hard to believe without seeing it for yourself! even tho my soil has gotten way off, from all the years of adding stuff and never getting it tested, somehow these sips have corrected everything on their own! it really is impressive!!

as I've said many time before, I don't grow these ladies mother nature does, only thing I do is make sure they have water! I honestly think if 20 years from now if I was still growing and I had never discovered this, I don't think my garden would have ever looked this beautiful!

over the last few months I've Been working on building as many of these as I can! I plan to only run these from here on out!
Profound shit bro. Really. Thanks for sharing. Interest peaked. I'm familiar with this method and always was curious about gro kashi and that Korean stuff. I have em1 too and love it but need to culture it to expand its volume. Do you do that where you feed it molasses and ferment it?
Great pics and journaling ! !
Oh yes I skipped that part of your thread I see it now sorry for the redundant question. Gonna study through the pages. I was just so excited I commented right when I started only a few posts from your first. I just found this today from your post in GPS thread about your jelly pie.
your all good man, if you have any questions just ask, but just about 99% of what I know, has been laid out here! most info is in the first 2 or 3 pages!
alight I need some opinions!

first should I do 2 or three ladies in the new sip??? 2 would cut my veg time in half, 3 well I wouldn't even have to veg really lol, just let her take 2 weeks to get acclimated, and pop her into flower! but I'm worried 3 may be too much for this 30g!

second opinion I need, which ladies should get the honor? I have all my Strains ready to go! gg4, wc, 2X jp, and even 2X cnc, but the cnc hasn't been tried yet! could turn out to not be a keeper! but all are big enough and ready to go in today, if I wanted!

View attachment 4286088

I think you would be fine with three, as far as soil or nutrients go.
But, space or closeness would be the issue.

3 females, that close together... never a good situation!
I see it every day at work. lol

But seriously, I think both would work. Like you said, with 3 you'd have to go 12/12 from the rip.
So yea...I vote for two, like a month or so veg.

Nice job on your build.
That cheese cloth or material is just to keep media out of the res. I take it.?
Lol yeah 3's a crowd at my work too seriously theres a few offices with 3 to 4 women in there, fuck that shit. I'm in n outta there fast as possible, and I'm the maintenance guy so they call me for everything.
So I vote 2, wedding cake or jelly pie since that one looked so amazing you're gonna wish you had more in about 3 months lol
I think you would be fine with three, as far as soil or nutrients go.
But, space or closeness would be the issue.

3 females, that close together... never a good situation!
I see it every day at work. lol

But seriously, I think both would work. Like you said, with 3 you'd have to go 12/12 from the rip.
So yea...I vote for two, like a month or so veg.

Nice job on your build.
That cheese cloth or material is just to keep media out of the res. I take it.?
yes, it's only there bc the net pots i use have huge slots and holes! it's made to hold the big hydro balls! lol u know what I Mean! but yes that it's only purpose! I'd rather not have it, bc of water roots, but that's why I drilled soo many holes into the bottom!

Ill let u guys in on a Lil Secret! Ive only figured out one good way to empty of clean out the rez...

move the entire thing to the tub, tilt the sip learning down towards the Lil tube of the side that shows water lvl(the wife's shampoo or conditioner Bottle works Great, just don't get caught. place it under one side of the sip) turn the measuring tube so it's going down and not up! then just run water through your normal filling tube for a few min, by the time it fills up, it will wash out alot of dirt, through the over fill hole, and the measurement tube! it won't hurt the lady, as long as your careful! and it's only needed if you screw up and somehow get a ton of soil into your rez! but remember to drain it mostly out, then fill with em1 and water when your done!

now with that said, there no reason to clean your rez other than getting the soil out! em1 is like your swiss army knife for this method! this bitch feeds, Cleans, keeps the life happy, add more life! it's literally everything to this system! without it, I don't think it will work half as good! if at all!
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Lol yeah 3's a crowd at my work too seriously theres a few offices with 3 to 4 women in there, fuck that shit. I'm in n outta there fast as possible, and I'm the maintenance guy so they call me for everything.
So I vote 2, wedding cake or jelly pie since that one looked so amazing you're gonna wish you had more in about 3 months lol
thing is tho, I've already got this wedding cake, that's waiting on her scrog, I mean technically, I could make her wait a min, till the other 2 catch up, and make all 3 cover my 5x5, but that's gunna hold up my tester tent!

I'm leaning towards glue again, but I also have heard how good this cake is, I have a small one in flower now, sadly not in a sip, and she had a rough life! lol I'll get pics in a few hours

here the pic of the cake in veg, took it 2 minutes ago lol!CM190220-140300001.jpg
Lol yeah 3's a crowd at my work too seriously theres a few offices with 3 to 4 women in there, fuck that shit. I'm in n outta there fast as possible, and I'm the maintenance guy so they call me for everything.
So I vote 2, wedding cake or jelly pie since that one looked so amazing you're gonna wish you had more in about 3 months lol
yea now I'm leaning towards doing 2 cakes lmfao, dam this is a hard choice!!!
I'm all about taste. If that cake taste as good as its name implies, I'm there!
idk, u tell me, what's it's taste like through the pic lol!

crazy thing, I thought this thing was gunna die, it was my best attempt to grow her in a smart pot! I obviously failed, but even still she bis gorgeous! just wait until the sip is flowering! so yeah I've made up my mind! lol running 2 wedding cakes in the new sip!! CM190220-155321006.jpg CM190220-155528016.jpg CM190220-155400010.jpg CM190220-155341007.jpg CM190220-155145001.jpg