The Greatest Show On Earth Presents The 16oz Party Cup Grow Off

Dont pretend to understand the Engineering of superior lighting.
Just stop while you're behind ok.
But I'll dignify you with the answer seeing how you are DawgNutz. And if you look at any photo you can see for yourself. The Cob & Monos are attached to the very same board. These lights come with options, such as reflectors & Lenses, Monos & Cobs. Other details you may need to know to speak are that there are individual drivers for each cob & the monos are on 1. I have 1 center Cob connected & the monos.
Now heres where it gets tricky so pay close attention, when the reflector is spun around reverse to reduce output the rebound light goes back at the cob & into the lamp. Stop drifting son, pay attention. The Monos are in clear housing that therefore absorbs the cob photons & either they appear white when just the cob is on. Or, check this out,I can push a fancy little button & the veg spectrum otherwise known as the monos will come on. But when they do, they are now white looking colors if the cob is on as well. No cobs = "Light Bright" familia?
Caprenda Amigo?

Dude Quit While You Still Have A Thread Of Dignity Left. See Those 2 Screws On The Cob Yes You Know What Their For. Yes Dumbass Their For Removing The Cob From That Tiny Ass Heatsink That Its Mounted To. Any DIY'er Knows You Cant Mount A Cob To A Pc Board It Will Burn Up. So While All Those Words You Typed Might Impress Someone With Your Knowledge. To Someone That Actually Builds Leds Your Words ARE Just Meanless Words That Add Up To Bullshit.
Dude Quit While You Still Have A Thread Of Dignity Left. See Those 2 Screws On The Cob Yes You Know What Their For. Yes Dumbass Their For Removing The Cob From That Tiny Ass Heatsink That Its Mounted To. Any DIY'er Knows You Cant Mount A Cob To A Pc Board It Will Burn Up. So While All Those Words You Typed Might Impress Someone With Your Knowledge. To Someone That Actually Builds Leds Your Words ARE Just Meanless Words That Add Up To Bullshit.
Would you really like me to show you. Was gonna wait till the monos drop down for sidelighting to show everyone the Mono/Cob unit array with copper-core heatsinks but ill do it for you if you apologize? Thats how I engineered my CupComp Light from the get. Hinged with duct tape monos that will angle or drop down for side penetration. Yes, Penetration..
You can build leds all you want. You dont build these. But I guess theres one way to get a look at a companies insides. Pretty innovative there. I'll give you that PUNK.
Cob is wired to the same board the monos are on with solder. Meaning I'm not detaching anything. Plus the cob is glued onto the heatsink through the hole in the board. I wouldnt know where to start & again, why?20190219_204847.jpg 20190219_204901.jpg 20190219_204918.jpg 20190219_204939.jpg 20190219_204958.jpg 20190219_205014.jpg
And Please answer me this ONE Thing: WHY OH WHY WOULD I EVEN REMOVE MY MONOS WHEN THEY ARE ON A SWITCH??????????????
2 If you would: Why would you or anyone else give a fuck anyways? Doesn't make any sense to me at all??? They're on a switch. What, am I trying to make my light more aerodynamic buy reducing weight or something????
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Looks pretty self explanatory now - that one pic you posted @hybridway2 looked very suspect. That's why I suggested you throw up a photo showing what's up.
I'd say your good, just don't expect any apologies from @The Dawg , the burden was on you to show compliance which your did.
Just be glad you didn't get peed on :P
What looked suspect? Suspected of removing monos that have a switch? I still don't get it. Is it for lamp weight ?
I simply have a grow cab with multiple lights on separate switches. I have had both on since germ, am i going to get called out for it?

If its still the same light you've used from the beginning I see no reason to call you out. Switching some of the diodes/strips/COB's off to create a veg spectrum and using less lower is the same like dimming and should be also no reason to call someone out. Many commercial fixtures don't have a dimmer but they use switches. Not as comfortable but for sure no reason to throw you out of the comp.
Just make sure to upload enough pics to show all that and avoid misunderstandings