EXCUSE ME?!..**The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2020 Thread**

No, both parties don't support it.

Polls can say anyfuckingthing defending on how a question is phrased.

Try phrasing it like this:
Do you support universal health care if your taxes are going to be raised?

Good Luck though.

similar to 'do you support a tax cut for the wealthy, if you know your taxes are going to be raised and 80% less of a refund?'

good luck though.
Terrible candidates get more votes?
Terrible candidates that also have everything handed to them, and still manage to lose. Seriously, her husband had to get his dick sucked by secretaries and hes been on jeffrey Epstein's Lolita express, all because hillary doeant care to suck his cock. How am I as a voter supposed to vote for such a crone.
Sanders lost to Clinton by 12% margin.
She is hillary, a democratic first wife, hes the longest serving independent. I wonder why he got shafted by superdelegates and the dnc. I wish he ran for prez as an independent back in 2016, that way we wouldn't have these silly arguments, as the voters would decide. And you'll never have me vote for hillary over someone with a shred of principle. Ranked choice voting. Atop allowing 2 parties to strangle our electoral system.
Terrible candidates that also have everything handed to them, and still manage to lose. Seriously, her husband had to get his dick sucked by secretaries and hes been on jeffrey Epstein's Lolita express, all because hillary doeant care to suck his cock. How am I as a voter supposed to vote for such a crone.
So do terrible candidates get more votes and beat bernie easily?
She is hillary, a democratic first wife, hes the longest serving independent. I wonder why he got shafted by superdelegates and the dnc. I wish he ran for prez as an independent back in 2016, that way we wouldn't have these silly arguments, as the voters would decide. And you'll never have me vote for hillary over someone with a shred of principle. Ranked choice voting. Atop allowing 2 parties to strangle our electoral system.

Obama didn't have a problem getting more votes than Hillary.

What was Bernie's problem?
She is hillary, a democratic first wife, hes the longest serving independent. I wonder why he got shafted by superdelegates and the dnc. I wish he ran for prez as an independent back in 2016, that way we wouldn't have these silly arguments, as the voters would decide. And you'll never have me vote for hillary over someone with a shred of principle. Ranked choice voting. Atop allowing 2 parties to strangle our electoral system.

Bernie lost the Democratic Primary by every means possible and by a whopping large margin of voters. Sanders supporters had to craft a "rigged" false conspiracy theory to sustain their delusion that Sanders would have won if he hadn't lost. Also, Bernie is an Independent and should run as one. After all, you Sanders supporters like to quote popularity polls to show Bernie is the most loved politician in the history of the Universe. He should have no difficulty winning the general election for President in 2020 without all those Democrats as baggage.

Ranked choice voting sucks. If you don't like either party, start a new one. I suggest you call it the Cult of Sanders.

Hillary isn't running. Your kind need to accept that and perhaps join the real world.
Actually Hillary got more votes than Obama

Lost based on superdelegates and never cried once (unlike crybaby Bernie)
Still lost the presidency thanks to not appealing in states where bernie Sanders was more popular than her. Democrats should learn to fall in line.
Bernie lost the Democratic Primary by every means possible and by a whopping large margin of voters. Sanders supporters had to craft a "rigged" false conspiracy theory to sustain their delusion that Sanders would have won if he hadn't lost. Also, Bernie is an Independent and should run as one. After all, you Sanders supporters like to quote popularity polls to show Bernie is the most loved politician in the history of the Universe. He should have no difficulty winning the general election for President in 2020 without all those Democrats as baggage.

Ranked choice voting sucks. If you don't like either party, start a new one. I suggest you call it the Cult of Sanders.

Hillary isn't running. Your kind need to accept that and perhaps join the real world.
Democratic party once belonged to the kik and racists, you fucking Neoliberals are a joke, you all lose the plot the moment your biases can be tickled a bit. Clinton wasn't against endless wars and occupations, she was a fucking military hawk with zero experience looking to be commander in chief, bernie had at a minimum, a far more concrete record of anti-intervention when necessary, hillary is a flag waving in the wind and anyone can see that. She changed her damn accent when she was in the company of black people like she was trying to shuck and jive, 'oh naw tjat ima in tha south I gotta take out mah hot sawce frum muh purse!', "remember kids to ;pokemon-Go! To the polls!" Oh hillary, we love how well you were constructed, like my favorite Ikea table set.

and now 2/3rds of people that follow Trump on twitter also follow David Duke.
I think if bernie Sanders, who decided to run on universal health care, and free college back in '15-16, could change the democratic platform for the 2020 elections as he has, it shows he really is a thought leader. many democrats see Medicare for all or an equivelant that extends beyond Obamacare as an important litmus test, most democrats and republicans believe we should have a higher tax rate on people earning over a certain income. Nothing he describes is an insane far left platform, outside of the USA.