EXCUSE ME?!..**The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2020 Thread**

Ok here is my opinion , the shine is off of Bernie ...he isn't all that
unique this time, with all the other left leaning candidates and bottom line he is just another OLD OLD white man
If he somehow wins the nomination (which I don't think he will even make top three) Trump will slaughter him. The Obama coalition is not coming out for an old white guy not even Biden IMO

so you mean everyone is embracing his ideas from 2016 and prior?
hillary adopted his platform, but you can't put lipstick on a pig and she lost AS POLLING PREDICTED WITHIN MARGIN OF ERROR.
Let me know when he reverts back to 65 yrs old and runs as an independent and I will vote for him , but if you hope to influence my vote and others of my ilk...pick a new pony
Biden isn't even running, may not run but he consistently polls first among possible candidates and gets almost twice the polling numbers that Bernie gets. Bernie has never gotten out of the teens in polling against a field of Democratic party candidates. If Biden does not run, it's doubtful those Biden voters will pick Bernie. Bernie spent his time in 2017 sowing division, did not build bridges to coalitions that did not vote for him in 2016 and continued to alienate Black voters the south throughout last year. He is good in his role as a Cassandra in the Senate. So, don't say I never said anything good about him.

How Bernie Sanders Could Win The 2020 Democratic Nomination

Sanders enters the 2020 race not as an underdog but as a Democratic Socialist leader of the pack; an early Iowa poll showed him commanding 19 percent of the vote of likely caucus goers, second only to former Vice President Joe Biden. Sanders comes to the race with the high name recognition that many candidates in the crowded field lack, and with a glossy pelt hanging off his political belt: the grassroots movement that propelled him to unexpected heights in 2016.


The article says "could win" but spends most of it's time listing why he won't.

Plus side: Enters this cycle with high name recognition, grassroots movement remains from 2016, a plurality of voters in midwest rust belt states like him, young voters like him, socialist policies are better accepted by Democrats compared to earlier times.

Negatives: Poor image from losing in 2016, voters see him as un-electable in the general election, problems with black voters, problems with women voters, message is not unique in 2020, viewed as too far left by moderates, not well like by older voters, Bernie Bros are odious.
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I don't know why any companies need an enormous tax break, I kind of just figured that's the cost of doing business, you know give and take
Tax incentives are one of the few ways a community can use to entice employers to locate there. It's that or cheap labor. That's why you see all those auto assembly plants in the deep south. If a company is gonna invest a lot of money in your community it needs to have a expectation of return on the investment.
Yea she won the popular vote but lost in the states where bernie was doing best during the primaries. Ahe really did stymie voter turnout. She was a terrible candidate.
So , since she is out and for all practical matters so is Sanders , who do you favor?
Yea she won the popular vote but lost in the states where bernie was doing best during the primaries. Ahe really did stymie voter turnout. She was a terrible candidate.

The electoral college is a relic from the 18th century.

And Bernie couldn't beat her. I voted for him in the primary, he lost by 16 pts. here. Gave up on him that day.

Good candidates get the most votes.

The republicans have won the popular vote only one time in the last 30 years.

The system sucks but we're stuck with it for a while longer. Maybe someday.