What did you accomplish today?

Let's be fair here. Marriage, vows aside, is essentially a 'contract'
between two people - a give and take if you will - that have agreed to
support each other to their mutual benefit and with mutual respect or, at
the very least, a seamless simulation.

For my part, I work to support you and remain faithful while you spend
your time castigating me in public and on internet forums. Proudly crowing
about your level of intoxication, just how many beers you consumed and
joints you smoked, in addition to the 80 or so pounds of extra ballast
you've gained, is not exactly what I'd call mutual respect. Nor has it
done anything to endear you to the audience that has to endure you
slurring and screeching out your songs during Karaoke. You think I'm a
drag because I'm trying to save you from your ritual of public humiliation
when, in fact, I'm trying to save what's left of your dignity in the
community - the drunk is always the last one to realize just how drunk
they are.

While you may think I'm stupid and oblivious to your criticism of the
person that supports your ability to drink, smoke and fornicate with
anyone and everyone who has some of their schwag to share, I did not get
to where I am by being unobservant.

As to your so-called new 'friends' and leaving me at home next week, is
there any chance you'd commute my sentence to mere divorce and make this a
permanent arrangement before my credit cards are reduced to a pool of
molten plastic?
Let's be fair here. Marriage, vows aside, is essentially a 'contract'
between two people - a give and take if you will - that have agreed to
support each other to their mutual benefit and with mutual respect or, at
the very least, a seamless simulation.

For my part, I work to support you and remain faithful while you spend
your time castigating me in public and on internet forums. Proudly crowing
about your level of intoxication, just how many beers you consumed and
joints you smoked, in addition to the 80 or so pounds of extra ballast
you've gained, is not exactly what I'd call mutual respect. Nor has it
done anything to endear you to the audience that has to endure you
slurring and screeching out your songs during Karaoke. You think I'm a
drag because I'm trying to save you from your ritual of public humiliation
when, in fact, I'm trying to save what's left of your dignity in the
community - the drunk is always the last one to realize just how drunk
they are.

While you may think I'm stupid and oblivious to your criticism of the
person that supports your ability to drink, smoke and fornicate with
anyone and everyone who has some of their schwag to share, I did not get
to where I am by being unobservant.

As to your so-called new 'friends' and leaving me at home next week, is
there any chance you'd commute my sentence to mere divorce and make this a
permanent arrangement before my credit cards are reduced to a pool of
molten plastic?

@4:20p.m. ? :blsmoke:
You and Bear should record the entire conversation during the car ride, then edit for the best stuff. Maybe start a podcast, I would definitely tune in to listen to that...
Sorry haven't been around. It would be a very boring podcast. Bear will sit doing Sudoku puzzles while I drive, mutter and flip off other LA drivers.
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I saved a life. I had been thinking about starting a shelter in the morning and by afternoon I was confronted with a stray in an intersection. I managed to catch him, shelter him and find a home within a 24 hour time span. I was nervous as fuck for various reasons, but it worked out. I had plans this weekend, but this was more important and a trial of wits for certain. I don't think I'll be starting that shelter in the near future, but I made connections that should hopefully be available to me the next time a stray crosses my path.
Roxy (our new puppy) is very smart. With all the rain we have had the back yard is a mud pit so I have been wiping her feet when she comes in. She knows the routine now and will automatically sit on the towel at the back door while I take another to clean her feet. She will also sit and stay when I fill up her food dish. We're still working on the stay part when I am out of site, but that will come with age.
shit man I went bike riding today.

I had a steel schwin god knows what - that's a fixie and flywheel, no shifter, and dual breaks. It was a heavy, punishing ride accelerating but once you got into traffic speed it was a breeze as the weight kept your momentum up and I absolutely loved it. on a good day I'd do 20 or so miles after work, on weekends I'd sometimes do 60-70 miles on it, all of it just riding around the city. Sometimes I'd hit bike paths around lakes and by riverbeds...

fast forward a few years my old bike is at a buddy's house it is practically his now. my dad got a bit too old for his and actually brought his last visit. it is a trek SL1000 aluminum frame/carbon fork bike. It's very light and fast...

so I've been getting back on it but jeeesus.... what a difference ~4 years makes. Granted I live in high altitude now but man I'm dead.

40.64kms, avg speed 18.61km/hr, top speed I achieved today was 55.45km/hr, total ascent 164M total descent 170M....very flat ride today.....but I'm getting back on it, my goal is to average 23km/hr and do a 2 hour ride in the mornings on Sundays.... that is all.....
She must love you a lot. That looks like it came from out of a box.
I suggest you keep her.

A box A BOX......ok yeah the Mac and cheese did come from a box but that what she likes, I have two recipes for Mac that I like but she ain't into it . ( Shuffling feet ) the ahhhhhh cornbread was too, but I added the jalapenos and she likes the jiffy mix but at least she does like my cornbread recipes however I didn't have any buttermilk so.....see my fridge died last monday and I don't have the new one fully stocked up yet.
Now let defend the rest of the meal, the cabbage and butter beans was a bacon grease infusion from the pressure cooker, and the tender loin was a 2&1/2# baked at 425f for 42 1/2 minutes from room temp on a broiler tray for a perfect 160f interior temp, then rapped and rested for 45 minutes. So delicious.......

And you are 100% correct I'm lucky she loves me..... and on a side note I didn't try the Dutch oven, I did once about 25 years ago and it was a bad idea then, her sense of humor hasn't changed..... so no.
I saved a life. I had been thinking about starting a shelter in the morning and by afternoon I was confronted with a stray in an intersection. I managed to catch him, shelter him and find a home within a 24 hour time span. I was nervous as fuck for various reasons, but it worked out. I had plans this weekend, but this was more important and a trial of wits for certain. I don't think I'll be starting that shelter in the near future, but I made connections that should hopefully be available to me the next time a stray crosses my path.

What a coincidence this is..... I was taking my dog for a walk and some asshole stopped in a intersection and stole it, I was distracted by a hooker ..... I have been looking everywhere for the dog and now I'm offering a reward if you have seen it .....