What did you accomplish today?

7:30 this morning rain was coming down at a rate of 2.22 inches an hour, luckily it didn't last too long. It did exceed the capability of my 3" yard drains, patio is all wet. 55 now headed to 58 for a high. I see patches of blue now.
that stuff started last night and will last throughout the day...depending of course....
Pending intercourse?
Glad to see I'm not the only one who likes this day.

Almost everyone I've spoken with has been such a downer on it. I betcha if I asked all their significant others, they would totally want pretty gifts, a nice dinner out and a good old rogerin' to cap off the evening.
Just remember to keep it safe . . . Or you could be changing diapers on the opening day of deer season!
Playing hide the salami, Bow chica wow wow, waxing the kitchen floor, bumpin' uglies, laying pipe, doing the deed...

lol lots of multi word euphemisms not so many single word. If my name was Roger, I'd have a shirt made that says it's Rogerin' time.

Just remember to keep it safe . . . Or you could be changing diapers on the opening day of deer season!

I guess anything is possible, but extremely unlikely.
Leeks - good.
Kale - not so much.

Love the plates though!
I'm going to try my hand at growing leeks this year. I put the roots in water and they are growing already. Grew kale a few winters back and really liked it.

I used to collect all sorts of thrift store dishes. Since I started hiking, I try not to buy them anymore. Still got so many packed up and put away it's not funny. I guess I still have five sets of different apple dishes.