Occasio Cortez, New Green Deal visionary?

The bill makes no distinction between unviable or healthy
This bill will be challenged and it will go to the supreme court of a
conservative justices majority
And then you may even see roe v wade overturned
If you wanna poke that bear with a stick....you will be cutting off your nose to spite your face...this seems to be the way demos operate
You know theres another big mouth bully that tries to berate people and calls them names etc....president donald trump
Think about that uncletrump
Her body, her choice.

What is it that gives men the idea they have a say in that?
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The bill makes no distinction between unviable or healthy
This bill will be challenged and it will go to the supreme court of a
conservative justices majority
And then you may even see roe v wade overturned
If you wanna poke that bear with a stick....you will be cutting off your nose to spite your face...this seems to be the way demos operate
You know theres another big mouth bully that tries to berate people and calls them names etc....president donald trump
Think about that uncletrump
Republicans can kiss the womens vote goodbye forever ...this flies in the face of women rights, especially precarious in the age of #metoo
Why would Michele want to get down in the mud with Trump or take on fixing the mess he made ...she has a great life sans Trump like most of us did before he came along
Because Trump is deranged and has a huuuge nuclear button and a tiny mushroom dick, bad combo for humanity. No other dem is close to her voter appeal, I hope for my children’s futures sake that she runs, we need rid of this orange moron.
The bill makes no distinction between unviable or healthy
This bill will be challenged and it will go to the supreme court of a
conservative justices majority
And then you may even see roe v wade overturned
If you wanna poke that bear with a stick....you will be cutting off your nose to spite your face...this seems to be the way demos operate
You know theres another big mouth bully that tries to berate people and calls them names etc....president donald trump
Think about that uncletrump
I thought I was uncle burka? Fucking bigot

There is no such thing as killing perfectly healthy kids. You made that up because you’re desperate for a distraction from your failure to build the wall or denuclearize North Korea or keep the economy running
Because Trump is deranged and has a huuuge nuclear button and a tiny mushroom dick, bad combo for humanity. No other dem is close to her voter appeal, I hope for my children’s futures sake that she runs, we need rid of this orange moron.
I can see the campain buttons already..I Like Mike
Your prolly right Michael Obama prolly has a much bigger unit than Trumps...
So smaller buttons and bigger cock... sounds like a win win for the demos
Name the other member of her family that ever claimed on a form they were Native American.

I'll save you some time: NONE OF THEM EVER DID.

Elizabeth Warren is the only member of her entire family that ever, EVER claimed that. Nobody else ever did.

Nobody even knows who in fact ever told her the stories, only that they were told.

Dude. Stop. Seriously. You're making a worse compulsive idiot out of yourself over this made up bullshit than she did.

I can see that you live with some form of racism in your life by the stance you are taking in this argument, anybody who latches on to what someone claims to be part of racially with this much exertion is subconsciously telling others that they have some form of racism that they believe in. For it to make this much of a difference to you and your "vote" is very telling, but you don't even realize it, and others can see what you don't see, and when we try to have a conversation about why you feel a certain way about about the situation you don't know how to contain yourself except with shallow insults and flimsy facts of your own blind indoctrination, again I realize I'm arguing with a high model citizen who's most prestigious favorite band is soundgarden, oh the heights of your intellect they do abound. (You have as of yet failed to respond with any articulation.)

Did you have a pre-disposed disposition towards me beforehand? I think you did, remember I don't swallow hook line and sinker what the scientific world tells me (Lies), I don't believe in evolution, which seems to be the belief system you are basing your facts on, yet when someone presents and argument that is too much for you to compute because of your brainwashing you respond irrelevantly and without care, I'm here to remind you that evolution is nothing but a Theory, but you seem to adhere to the basics of it without a second guess, I don't believe the lies they speak about us all originating from Africa and Asia (ancient bones found in Greece, older than any African bones) just in the same way I don't believe we went to the Moon or Mars for instance, that's for people who don't know any better and haven't educated themselves enough about (NASA deception, snake tongue) the truth as to why we all exist here on this Earth, that's right I believe in Creation and I believe in God. Belief in God is more the ability to know, than the ability to think itself.(I believe in science but only 50/50)

And I realize that most of you here don't really believe in God, will that make us enemies? if so wouldn't we be simply proving that we have the ability to disagree with another philosophy, as it does not make one more or less intelligent to choose one side or the other, it simply signifies that we have different understandings of the world around us, the argument itself shouldn't separate us from sharing intelligence from one another based on our beliefs or facts that we adhere to in our lives.

I'm just messing with you about the sound garden thing btw, I like to show a little character is all. Got any jokes for me? I'll accept your criticism as long as its not intentionally deceitful and antagonizing.

I'm not here to win this argument with you, I'm actually for heightened intelligence as a whole, if you can prove something to me please do, if I am wrong then let me know exactly what is wrongful and I will do what I can to work on it, I'm not really here for enemies, or to make any by simply trading thoughts.

I can see that you live with some form of racism in your life by the stance you are taking in this argument, anybody who latches on to what someone claims to be part of racially with this much exertion is subconsciously telling others that they have some form of racism that they believe in. For it to make this much of a difference to you and your "vote" is very telling, but you don't even realize it, and others can see what you don't see, and when we try to have a conversation about why you feel a certain way about about the situation you don't know how to contain yourself except with shallow insults and flimsy facts of your own blind indoctrination, again I realize I'm arguing with a high model citizen who's most prestigious favorite band is soundgarden, oh the heights of your intellect they do abound. (You have as of yet failed to respond with any articulation.)

Did you have a pre-disposed disposition towards me beforehand? I think you did, remember I don't swallow hook line and sinker what the scientific world tells me (Lies), I don't believe in evolution, which seems to be the belief system you are basing your facts on, yet when someone presents and argument that is too much for you to compute because of your brainwashing you respond irrelevantly and without care, I'm here to remind you that evolution is nothing but a Theory, but you seem to adhere to the basics of it without a second guess, I don't believe the lies they speak about us all originating from Africa and Asia (ancient bones found in Greece, older than any African bones) just in the same way I don't believe we went to the Moon or Mars for instance, that's for people who don't know any better and haven't educated themselves enough about (NASA deception, snake tongue) the truth as to why we all exist here on this Earth, that's right I believe in Creation and I believe in God. Belief in God is more the ability to know, than the ability to think itself.(I believe in science but only 50/50)

And I realize that most of you here don't really believe in God, will that make us enemies? if so wouldn't we be simply proving that we have the ability to disagree with another philosophy, as it does not make one more or less intelligent to choose one side or the other, it simply signifies that we have different understandings of the world around us, the argument itself shouldn't separate us from sharing intelligence from one another based on our beliefs or facts that we adhere to in our lives.

I'm just messing with you about the sound garden thing btw, I like to show a little character is all. Got any jokes for me? I'll accept your criticism as long as its not intentionally deceitful and antagonizing.

I'm not here to win this argument with you, I'm actually for heightened intelligence as a whole, if you can prove something to me please do, if I am wrong then let me know exactly what is wrongful and I will do what I can to work on it, I'm not really here for enemies, or to make any by simply trading thoughts.

but nice blast on taco bell.
but sound garden is one word. they are decent but no alice in chains IMO
When you get pregnant, then the decision will be yours to make.
Not rule of law but If thats what your looking for...then stop asking men to become financially responsible for any descision you make...cant have it both ways
Not rule of law but If thats what your looking for...then stop asking men to become financially responsible for any descision you make...cant have it both ways
we understand you're an unemployable deadbeat in addition to being a bigot. eat shit.

hey, what did you mean by "uncle burka"? you fucking worthless bigot