Heisenbeans Genetics

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yea, I sent my jp and other GPS cuts to a friend, clearing out a 5x5, but I'll still only be able to fit about 5 in sips at time, trying to score another tent, and have an extra breaker wired in to test more at once!

sadly my 4x8 pays my bills, so I gotta keep that running perpetual! but I'm sure ppl wanna see these crosses and not take 10 dam years! so I'm working on getting more space! I could fit more, but not with sips, and that's how my ladies shine! I don't wanna run these in smart pots, and then winding up looking like garbage! need to make this fucker proud ya know!
Ima drop all 3 packs and do 1 gallon pots with a 2 week veg and look for fire.
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don't need anyone seeing me post and bitching thinking I won, bc I'm opting out to give other ppl chances!

I’ll take em if your not
Well damn tryna catch up on reading had me miss those jet fuels 15 min ago but oh fuckin well I'm on that list baby! Feeling like everyone else on the list giddy af! Thank you so much Heisen it means more then you could ever know!
here man Ima explain why it would be stupid for me, to hunt the phenos in anything else but my sip!

Ima decent grower, but since I've started these sips, I've become and an amazing grower! no comparison!

take these two pics for example! both are the same strain! and exact cuts, from the exact same mother! and givin the same amount of love that i give everything in my garden! also very close to to same time in flower (granted I can't be sure bc ones old, but I did my best for this) now can u tell me which one is in a. sip, and which one is in smart pot!View attachment 4281179 View attachment 4281180

there ain't no dam comparison man. my sips, blow away any of my other grows, takes average Strains and makes them even better! so anything less than running these testers in the best way I know how, is a crime! sadly it will take me longer than some, the results should speak for themselves and make it more than worth it!

What's a sip?
here man Ima explain why it would be stupid for me, to hunt the phenos in anything else but my sip!

Ima decent grower, but since I've started these sips, I've become and an amazing grower! no comparison!

take these two pics for example! both are the same strain! and exact cuts, from the exact same mother! and givin the same amount of love that i give everything in my garden! also very close to to same time in flower (granted I can't be sure bc ones old, but I did my best for this) now can u tell me which one is in a. sip, and which one is in smart pot!View attachment 4281179 View attachment 4281180

there ain't no dam comparison man. my sips, blow away any of my other grows, takes average Strains and makes them even better! so anything less than running these testers in the best way I know how, is a crime! sadly it will take me longer than some, the results should speak for themselves and make it more than worth it!
Sounds similar to hempy buckets where the lower 2" is flooded.
Or you could go with cloth pots + saucers that hold water until the plant sucks it up.

For my next indoor grow I'm going to run 50/50 coco/perlite and keep em in small pots. When they start getting too dry after 24 hrs, I'll add a saucer that barely fits around the pot to hold extra water.
Then I just upgrade the saucers when needed to keep em from drying out.

* It's still necessary to get runoff, so everything will be in elevated 2'x4' drain trays.
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look check this, I'll make it short and sweet bc I post enough shit on here and take up enough dam space as I'm sure most will agree!

yes the sips are nice, but not really why I'm getting the results I am! the sips solve a Major issue all soil growers go through when they first start! when and how to water, most over or under water, hard to find that perfect medium! well the sips not only solve that, but perfect it!

but where the real magic starts to happen, is with the the life!!!
fuck a super soil, or water only recipes, that's not what I do! I do something called probiotics! and it's basically just life and the soil food web, on steroids!

so the top is dominated by a fungus, called mycelium! which grows on top of what is basically cow shit!View attachment 4281189

the bottom is dominated by bacteria, which is what em1 is, it's effective microorganisms! basically life!View attachment 4281190

but most importantly is where it all comes together in the middle! neither the top or bottom is perfect for any plant by them selves, but the middle is a perfect breeding ground, for what I'd assume to be billions of types of microscopic life!

as I've said I don't grow these plants! mother nature does! I make sure they have water and sit back and watch! I couldn't grow this well if I sold my first born, and made a deal with the devil! just no way man!

wasn't as short as I'd hoped! but hey if u wanna learn more, check out my current journal/thread, and hit me up, I love talking about this, and spreading what I've learned! I'd gladly share everything I know, and would love to have some help perfecting it more! but not here, I piss off enough ppl by filling this thread up daily!
Damn dudes got dat good dirt! :)

As a fellow organic grower that's some nice lookin dirt right there lol. You feed the top oats or something?
What is everyone running for a filter. I need a new one ,,Thinking about going with a can filter
They make good shit but pulled all their merch from hydro stores in canada as they are now part of a Monsanto type conglomerate which wants to open box hydro stores in Canada so fuck the people who supported you through prohibition. So I vote with my dollars and will buy elsewhere for my next filters
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