ya know I'm sure
@Heisenbeans knows we all appreciate what he's doing, but I don't think some ppl really grasp what he doing for our community of Growers!
he's found and paid god knows how much, for cuts of stuff, most of us wouldn't never have a chance to even see in our entire life time! or even dream of!!! much less grow them, then he's breeding them all and mixing them up! and giving them away for free this round, and I'd assume cheaper then most breeders just bc he loves it like we do!
I mean fuck that speaks volumes for the type of man that he is! can anyone name one person or business, doing or even trying to do anything like this! granted most are like me, and couldn't afford to do this in a life time! but like fucking wow!
honestly! I just really wanna buy this fucker a beer! now we all know Heisen isn't everyone's cup of tea, and he can a be a bit of a dick, like us all lol! (I know I am, shit I'm the most blocked person who isn't a troll lol) but I mean shit I'm my entire life (including my time in the service) I can only say I've met a hand full of people that would even be on the same level of being a good person!
@Heisenbeans, from the bottom of my dirty ass black heart, I fucking thank you man, and you have my utter most respect! thank you for giving us the chance to grow these lvl of genetics, that I know dam fucking well 90% of us, would never even have a fucking chance to see in our entire lives! fucking thanks man!