here's what the offspring of those UK Cheese looked like
sorry to clog up your thread, just brings back good memories of that strain, the cheese could grow very well outdoors as well
Wanted to take a look at the color of these plants. Very pleased with them!
Before lights out.
View attachment 4275796
And after lights out.
View attachment 4275797
Color is so even across the canopy.
Less is More!
Starting flower I have raised A&B from 200 – 225 to 350 – 375 ppm. Reduced Cal/Magic from 1+ ml to 0.75 ml and Epsom from 1 gram to 0.5 g/gal. Also reduced, at the stage of the flowering cycle, Rhizotonic from 7.5 ml to < 2 ml/gal. Will not change the rate for Cannazym, 9.75 ml/gal.
Added Boost to the mix at 11 ml/gal, which is about the midpoint of Canna’s recommendation, may increase it after stretch.
I have revised my nutrient regime, mainly just touched it up some. Not just for flowering but overall. I have not been happy with the looks of the plants at mid flower, too much leaf burn and think I was getting some lockout midpoint also. I have adjusted my run times to get more DTW with each drip cycle.
If I remember correctly you water several times a day. I only water twice a day. Do I need to feed MORE each time as I am only feeding twice a day?
I run three cycles during lights on. Just to runoff and low ppm's.
Used the same rates no matter where the plant is growth wise. In veg it's 200 to 250 ppm and in flower it's 300 to 350 ppm. When adding to the rez I add water to what ever is left in the rez then add the nutes to bring it to my desired level.
Here is my last worksheet, I had approx. 3 gallons on solution in the rez at 645 ppm. Added 15 gallon of RO and that gave me a reading of 210 ppm, then began adding each nutrient and supplements to get back to my desired numbers. I add the Epsom separate from the Cali/Magic as Epsom can pull Ca from solution. Then I take a reading and add A&B at 299 ppm, I allow this number to float between 300 and 350. Then the supplements are added. This way my numbers stay within the range I am shooting for. View attachment 4281025
If the plant is using/drinking enough to need an additional water I will add an extra cycle or add more time to each cycle
I hope this makes sense Smoky,
I run three cycles during lights on. Just to runoff and low ppm's.
Used the same rates no matter where the plant is growth wise. In veg it's 200 to 250 ppm and in flower it's 300 to 350 ppm. When adding to the rez I add water to what ever is left in the rez then add the nutes to bring it to my desired level.
Here is my last worksheet, I had approx. 3 gallons on solution in the rez at 645 ppm. Added 15 gallon of RO and that gave me a reading of 210 ppm, then began adding each nutrient and supplements to get back to my desired numbers. I add the Epsom separate from the Cali/Magic as Epsom can pull Ca from solution. Then I take a reading and add A&B at 299 ppm, I allow this number to float between 300 and 350. Then the supplements are added. This way my numbers stay within the range I am shooting for. View attachment 4281025
If the plant is using/drinking enough to need an additional water I will add an extra cycle or add more time to each cycle
I hope this makes sense Smoky,
Got roots.
Made up an 18 gallon rez mix 2/9 and yesterday had about two plus gallons left in the rez so I added Great White and Subculture II to the rez and dumped it all in the last cycle of the day @ 7:45 AM. Then cleaned the rez and added a fresh 18 gallons, the nutes and the supplements. Let that sit for 12 hrs to stabilize, pH'ed it at 4 PM and let that rest and stabilize till the first cycle of the night @ 9:15 PM.
This pic was taken this morning, all of the pots are looking like these two.
View attachment 4283017
Have been running 3 cycles during lights on, 1st - 9:15 PM, 1:15 minutes, 2nd - 2 AM, 1 minute, 3rd - 7:45 AM, 1:30 minutes. Getting at least 30% runoff over all three cycles, last cycle is the largest amount of runoff to flush as much unused salts from the root system.
Going to add a cycle to the mix, 9:15 PM, 12:45 AM, 4:15 AM and 8 AM. This will increase the time 45 seconds to the total cycles. Main thing I want to be sure to get is the runoff needed to prevent salts buildup in the root zone.
Any idea how much each plant is getting per cycle? Please confirm the TOTAL runoff for all three waterings is 30% not 30% each cycle.
What are you using for a timer that adjusts top the second?