Official Presidential Harassment Thread


You can't rebut facts, idiot.
Hey at least you have the great spell checker here to rebut the borth certificate issue....nice work dick
Unfortunately....You will never see a full republican rebuttal on this seems the same double standard that permeate the liberal democratic ideology is strong here and allows only internet bullys to express their hate filled post to berate and moderate others ...and are not held to the same standard of rules and conduct expected of others
Shame really....
i don't like trump...or republicans....or democrats....or any organized party that's more concerned with their own agendas than they are with the welfare of the people....republicans are welcome to rebut anything they care to...and, if they present their opinions in a reasonable, polite manner, I, at least, will reply to them in the same manner.....(i cannot speak for anyone else's manners).
if the moderators of the site aren't giving equal time to republicans, that is indeed not fair, and they should stop. censorship has never been an answer to anything. a forum is a place that's open to new ideas and opinions....whether we agree with them or not...
all i ever see though, is people coming on saying shit like "Obama sucks! MAGA!!"....or "Crooked Hillary...trump 2020!"....that's not a rebuttal...that's barely a coherent statement....make a real, thoughtful, reasonable rebuttal, and at least i will read it and respond in kind
Looks like you have most of ms johnsons 4th grade class stragglin in ...must be recess or library hour...bummer..have fun in that sand box...shrubs
Looks like you have most of ms johnsons 4th grade class stragglin in ...must be recess or library hour...bummer..have fun in that sand box...shrubs


You can't even use 5th grade grammar. What on earth makes you think you have the first clue what's really going on when you constantly prove that you're so uneducated that you can't even communicate properly?

You are exhibit A on why Republicans are almost always wrong.

"But where is his borth certificate? All we have seen is his certificate of borth!"

You really can't be too stupid to get Republicans to support you.

Please fast forward to about 1:20 where Melanomia says that the Donald understands that if he decides to run, he understands that investigation of his past is part of it.

Lulz for dayz.
what a dumbass racist whore melania is

but bugeye will convince me she is smart because she can say "anal eez 250" in 5 languages