Occasio Cortez, New Green Deal visionary?


Above is a link to the first resolution she put out a couple days ago before switching it out. Please reference p. 6, line 9 for proof that I did not make up the 10 year plan. Also, you just might be a jackass.
I'm glad to learn that you are reading again. Good for you. But you posted an out of date version. The Final draft says 30 years to carbon neutral. Also nothing about coddling freeloaders. I get how dumb people would like to believe she is dumb. Because that's how dumb people roll.

Thanks for trying. Actually it was a poor attempt but thanks for the laugh

And @Fogdog, just think of Tty. Think of one total asshat like Tty that found himself swept into some position of influence by AOC's campaign. The important thing isn't if it was posted, it is that it was taken down rather quickly and the person responsible had their neck shortened a little bit or given a one way train ticket from DC to Brooklyn.
I'm glad to learn that you are reading again. Good for you. But you posted an out of date version. The Final draft says 30 years to carbon neutral. Also nothing about coddling freeloaders. I get how dumb people would like to believe she is dumb. Because that's how dumb people roll.

Thanks for trying. Actually it was a poor attempt but thanks for the laugh

No Jackass, we're still resolving the false accusations you made about me making this shit up. Kind of looks like you lost that point.
And @Fogdog, just think of Tty. Think of one total asshat like Tty that found himself swept into some position of influence by AOC's campaign. The important thing isn't if it was posted, it is that it was taken down rather quickly and the person responsible had their neck shortened a little bit or given a one way train ticket from DC to Brooklyn.
And it was given out to NPR and other news outlets in a different format. So now it looks like she said it or her team is beyond incompetent.
I understand, it takes a big man to apologize when he is wrong. Run along boy.
I have nothing to apologize for. The final draft said nothing like what you said. You lied, whether you were a tool who cited a lie or you knew it all along. Makes no difference. Posting a lie is lying. Claiming that you are stupid doesn't change that fact.
I have nothing to apologize for. The final draft said nothing like what you said. You lied, whether you were a tool who cited a lie or you knew it all along. Makes no difference. Posting a lie is lying. Claiming that you are stupid doesn't change that fact.