Your savior has arrived

Christian Fascists. Because it's okay for THEM to be murderously intolerant.

Your word in capitols makes your label more correct?

Whats with all the opinionated labeled group attacks? Individuals are responsible for everything. People are individuals until they choose not to be.

The answer has been mostly medicated (unmedicated) poorly diagnosed and treated bi polar and borderline personality disorder white guys who warned people they were going to do it.

I think there should be an amber alert like warning put out that the now quiet teachers and psychologists and cops and such can use.

And i think all you politics hobbiests have gone off the deep end. All sides of ya.
Evangelical leaders in the United States and Orthodox hierarchs in Russia have accused the Western liberal establishment of being secular, antireligious, and committed to undermining traditional religious and moral values. In recent years, Barack Obama’s comments about “bitter” people “who cling to guns or religion” and Hillary Clinton’s dismissal of the “deplorables” backing Trump have added fuel to the flames. Sexual and gender politics have generated the most heat, but “traditional values” have also included patriotism, respect for the military, and the celebration of historic religious national identities, as in “Christian America” or “Holy Russia.”

Got to love the way they keep women subservient.
Have a blessed day.

Domestic battery surges in Russia after decriminalisation

Would Jesus be proud?
Your word in capitols makes your label more correct?

Whats with all the opinionated labeled group attacks? Individuals are responsible for everything. People are individuals until they choose not to be.

The answer has been mostly medicated (unmedicated) poorly diagnosed and treated bi polar and borderline personality disorder white guys who warned people they were going to do it.

I think there should be an amber alert like warning put out that the now quiet teachers and psychologists and cops and such can use.

And i think all you politics hobbiests have gone off the deep end. All sides of ya.
The fact remains that over 80% of all politically motivated violence- aka terrorism- is perpetrated by white right wing Christians.
The fact remains that over 80% of all politically motivated violence- aka terrorism- is perpetrated by white right wing Christians.

I wasnt claiming ignorance.

In america that is true. Do you think when the population flips and whites are in the minority another race will perpetrate the violence?

Like in non white countries where the humans keep killing each other.
The fact remains that over 80% of all politically motivated violence- aka terrorism- is perpetrated by white right wing Christians.

Your ass isn't a good source for statistics.

Of 263 incidents of domestic terrorism between 2010 and the end of 2017, a third — 92 — were committed by right-wing attackers, according to The Post’s analysis. Another third were committed by attackers whose motives were either unknown or not clearly political.

I wasnt claiming ignorance.

In america that is true. Do you think when the population flips and whites are in the minority another race will perpetrate the violence?

Like in non white countries where the humans keep killing each other.
I was discussing America specifically and I made no assertions about other countries as local political situations differ, obviously.
You support censorship in your own forum.

They have been over reacting lately. They don't even realize anymore what it is they're deleting. I got hit the other day, so it's not like they're selective in who they hit. I think they recruited a new moderator that hasn't made himself known yet that is running around fucking up huge and rollitup is having to come back and try to explain it all.

Either that, or rollitup has lost his fucking mind.

It's one or the other, but point is it's not just you. You can stop crying like you're a victim or something. It happens to all of us.
Did you see the screenshot of my most recent banning? I still havent used any inapropriate language.

You called someone an idiot. That's a personal attack and against the forum rules.

I called someone a "moronic individual" and the same thing happened.

You can stop crying now. It's not just you, little boy.
You are in denial.

No, you are delusional.

One example does not a trend make.

And there are no people "all over" agreeing with you on anything.

We've all asked for over a year for you to show proof of anybody agreeing with your idiotic delusions.

You never once have.

Because nobody does.

Back to crying, little boy. It's all you're good at.